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Approved Species Traynuthh

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Intending to create a new species of people, mostly for my character, however, I do wish to find a way to at least start a minor faction and get some bi-racial planetary drama going, and run some small scaled things on their planet, using this species and another that I have that will be developed at a later date. Consider this my great return to the site.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]​Image Credit[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]:[/SIZE] tira-owl
  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/A[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Links[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: A Jedi Master here[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Name[/SIZE]: [SIZE=9pt]Traynuthh[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Designation[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Sentient[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Origins[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Talasea[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Lifespan[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: A force sensitive Traynuthh can live to be around 800-850. An non-force sensitive would last to live at least 200 years, with some lucky living to be 400 in certain tribes and ethnicities.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Estimated Population[/SIZE]: [SIZE=9pt]Planetary - Around 600-800 Million.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: The tall species of the Traynuthhs are near-humans that are slender, and have fine details along their skin that appear pretty smooth. They appear to be almost human-looking, but a few notable differences is that their eye colors can vary, with them even glowing when light comes to them, almost like cats. They sometimes have marking on their face or their bodies that usually resemble dots and stripes, each differing depending on what tribe they belong to. They do not have wings.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Breathes[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Type-I[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Height of Adults[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 1.9cm[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Length of Adults[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/A[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Skin color[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Fair, Light Tan, Dark Tan[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Hair color[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Brown, Black[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Distinctions[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Traynuthh females are far larger in number than Traynuthh males. In the case of the size differences, females tend to be much taller than males, although they aren’t exactly muscular in frame, and comparatively adapt to the cool, moist, forested island world. There isn’t such thing however, as a tall male Traynuthh, but it is rare.[/SIZE]
​[SIZE=9pt]They are well known for their horns, and every single tribe has a different type of horn type. Some curl around their heads like rams, while others stick upwards. Extremely rare cases of Traynuthhs born without horns are usually never seen, and are sometimes conceptualized as myths or legends by regular people, though this doesn’t usually come around as true, as they would usually be confused as humans, rather than regular Traynuthhs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]All Traynuthhs regardless of gender have smooth skin due to the moisture and cool environment of the world, though are predominantly warm blooded due to their human roots within.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In some tribes of the Traynuthhs, males do not exist at all, and instead, have a third gender known as a “Yorhakii”, which are born with female parts but male genitalia, similar to Hermaphrodites. Though having a female voice, and body parts, features and skin textures as one, and looks very similar, if not, almost the same as a female, they act exactly like a human male would. Like their female counterparts, they have feminine breasts that grow, but to a certain point, making it impossible for them to be larger than a female's. In addition, yorhakiis have four horns instead of two. To foreigners, they are perceived as females regardless, and they themselves use feminine pronouns.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Races[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Timutali - Horns that curve around all the way until they loop, showing the points. Tend to be lighter skinned, and live in the north. Has no Yorhakiis.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Asmeral - Horns that go straight up. Tend to be more tanner and live at the equator. Has Yorhakiis.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Naemara - Horns that go up, but bends midway, not curving. Light skinned, and is the most common type of Traynuthh. Has Yorhakiis.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Haneri - Rare Traynuthhs that have horns that point forward, and curve away. Dark tanned, and are sparsely populated in the equator.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]- Numali - Extremely rare Traynuthhs that are said to have small horns that barely even show, as if they were a newborn. Light skinned, and are located hardly anywhere, but are said to live in the north in isolated communities like hermits.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Force Sensitivity[/SIZE]: [SIZE=9pt]Standard[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Slow Aging - Traynuthhs has a slower aging process. This is namely prominent among the Force-Sensitive Traynuthhs, who can live to be up to 850 years. Traynuthhs will grow to become an adult at around the age of 35, in which they will cease aging. They will usually show signs of aging again once they reach the mid points of their lives, which is usually 150, where they will show signs of middle age, and eventually be considered elderly by 170. As for Force-Sensitives, once they hit 150, they will remain looking this way until they hit 760, inwhich they will begin to age normally as if they were a 60 year old human, and eventually grow old into an elderly person.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Social and Diplomatic - Traynuthhs, after many years of oppression and minority treatment, became mostly a diplomatic race, willing to use diplomacy and the use of intelligence rather than use it on militaristic aspects. They are very good with diplomacy, and are quite willing to keep themselves out of a conflict half of the times. Though, if conflict does persist, negotiations are always a first step for them. Though it usually works, they do stick together in a war, even if they were against eachother, they would team up to take down a bigger threat.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Fertility Issues - Since Trayn’uuths live longer lifespans than most other near-human species, they tend to have a harder time reproducing. They are usually less fertile than other races when it comes to breeding, and sometimes, it can be hard to produce multiple children at once, usually keeping the population slow growing, and describes why the population is not as large as it should be.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Slimmer Bones - Trayn'uthhs aren't a strong species of humanoid, and usually are quite slim. Although there are strong Trayn'uthhs out there, a male or Yorhakii are not usually fit for combat as one would probably expect them to be. Even though they can, don’t expect them to be strong brawny warriors.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Diet[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Omnivore. Shows they can eat basically anything native to Talesea, and have similar diets to humans. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Communication[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: The Trayn'uthhs use their vocal cord to communicate much like other Humanoids. Therefore, they do sound just like you and me when communicating, the use of their lips for basic communication, barter, information, etc. Though, there are some who do a series of clicks in their languages, but this is rare, and are usually experienced by the Tayhutuns, whom are the more impoverished ones. They speak their native language, Trayu'nuuhic and also speak Galactic Standard Basic. They also adopted the Camavarian Language used by the Camavarian species that inhabited the planet while they were still slaves of theirs, but it's considered a language of "art and literature and culture", and is not widely spoken as a normal language.[/SIZE]
The Traynuthh standard language or “Devakoth”. The language derives from the Naemara people, the most common and numerous of the Traynuthhs. It is considered a stereotype to many people, mostly Camavarians that the Traynuthhs use the apostrophe way too many times in their words, and click their tongues, with many derogatory words using it many times as they can to make the word sound as if they are speaking Devakoth. This is due to the Traynuthhs using the apostrophe in most of their writing styles and vocabulary, though it’s not as common contrary to that belief. Other languages of the race vary, with some clicking their tongues, and some clicking internally. Their language resembles real world Algonquin and Iroquoisian languages (namely Devakoth) mixed together with a few Bantu Languages and a sprinkle of Native Amazonian languages. While the Camavarian language resembles Vulgar and Medieval Latin, mostly Carpathian.
  • [SIZE=9pt]Technology level[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Due to their position in the Galaxy, Galactic Standard technology is utilized by the more major city Trayn’uthhs. Though, the ones outside of urban areas tend to be more tribalistic, and usually utilize whatever weapons are introduced to them, usually combining spears with blasters, or bows with scopes on them. They also mix in old leftover ancient structures and technology in their array of things.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Religion/Beliefs[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Different tribes of the Trayn'uthhs worship different idols. The Naemara believe in the Goddesses, Morobe and Etorobe, which is the name of their native stars, which they see as a married couple. Other peoples such as the Asmerals believe in the Island Goddess, Makahra and Timutali believe in the Forest Goddess Tamurak. Those who live among the Camavarian peoples adopt their religion, which is the Pantheon of Five. Kaha trees are seen as sacred, and are never chopped down, and buildings usually stay far from them, or surround them, and protect them for precautions of an accident trying to burn one down, and in many settlements or tribes of the Traynuthhs, even the large cities, show this behaviour, some being fenced off to be prevented to be vandalized, while a few are guarded for tourists who wish to feel or climb it. It would explain how entire forests of Kaha Trees are almost never inhabbited, save for a few shrines around the forests.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]General behavior[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Traditionally, and culturally, Traynuthhs are tribal and live among the many cold forests of the planet. Though, nowadays, Traynuthhs live in larger cities tend to abandon their roots and adopt more of the Galactic Basic culture that surrounds the large modern cities, many do not abandon their traditional roots, and live among the natural lives of the forests. They tend to be an avid fan of smoking a native plant known as the Nasu plant, a type of leaf that grows on certain trees on the planet. They also tend to be extremely spiritual people, and believe that the planet is alive, and believe that every time they must take away from the planet, they give back by building glorious structures. They are strong believers in not wasting nor burning down things indiscrimitivly that could be potentially useful for another purpose. As such, many villages in Traynuthh culture utilize wood and stone as construction materials, but also find ways to reinforce it and even a few villages and tribes utilize Galactic Standard technology with traditional. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The calendar of the Traynuthh cycles follow the Morobe suns brightness and positions. The calendar utilizes a 9 month cycle, with three extra months every two years of a complete cycle. Although officially, the planet cycles in a 13 month cycle. In major cities, Traynuthhs officially use the superior and more accurate Galactic Standard Calendar for the Morobe system. Some use the old Camavarian Calendar when living in their cities.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Different tribes hold different festivals, with too many to count. Although the most common festivals would be the Festival of Nature, which celebrates and honours the planet that they live on, through dancing, food, drinking juices and nectar made from fruits and vegetables that grow on the trees, and finishing off with smoking leafs from the sacred Kaha Trees. During this festival, alcohol is prohibited, as well as smoking anything that is not from Talasea itself, as well as food from off world, as it is seen as “sacrilegious”. Urbanized major city Traynuthhs celebrate Galactic Standard holidays, and Camavarian Holidays.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Records of the Traynuthh race are extremely unclear, as many are told through oral tradition, and existed before any sort of record keeping was in place. According to records in Courscant, and various libraries around the core, the Traynuthhs would start off as a race known as the Raksans, a horned type of bipedal humanoid that were similar to Iktotchi, but had hair, and smaller foreheads, and less rougher skin, being a bit more moist due to the planet’s weather. [/SIZE]It may be possible that Raksans are related to the Iktotchi, but evidence of this remains rather faulty, due to the lack of remains of Raksans around Talasea to research, or incomplete remains to study. [SIZE=9pt]They lived together with another race known as the Camavarian people, a vampiric near-human race that were pale, and lived off of blood reaving, which would later evolve to feed off of animals as a way to “civilize”. These two races were said to not get along with each other, and would fight constant battles for superiority over the planet. Several times, it was said that the Raksans would go into near extinction thanks to the Camavarian, but this is not really well known, due to the lack of evidence through archaeological digs. Records say that the Traynuthhs were living in the forests more with the earliest known example of an ancient palisade tribe located near Point Nasukiri existed little more than 160,000 Years before the Battle of Yavin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The first contact with Humans and Traynuthhs happened during the years when the Humans started to set up a colony on the planet. The Humans would establish trade links and diplomacy with the many Camavarian factions that were around on the planet prior to the introduction of Galactic Standard Technology by the later Republic. Raksans would also establish trade and ties with the humans, often exchanging goods and services to the more advanced humans. Sometimes, some tribes would become hostile to these strange aliens if they tread far into their territory, but most of the time, the natives were very curious about the various technologies, some even starting families with the human colonists. Banthas and rycrits would be introduced to the Traynuthhs, and tribes would use them as cattle for hearing food, or helping with agriculture. It was said at this time, humans would boost the Traynuthh’s agricultural revolution by many years. Overtime, the Raksan population would develop into the near-human species of the Traynuthhs, with traces of Raksans either becoming lower in numbers and extinct all together due to mass interbreeding of the two races.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The establishment of the Galactic Republic in 25,000BBY would see many Colony worlds come together, rather than trying to break away by powerful governors. Talasea would become a member of the Galactic Republic at around this time. The Republic would make efforts to help bring the Traynuthh, Human and Camavarian peoples closer together, but the conflicts that persisted on the planet, namely between the Traynuthhs and Camavarians had caused this effort to be rather difficult to contain. During the First Incursion of Talasea, the Republic would attempt to send a peacekeeping force to maintain the two peoples. At the same time, the Talasean Camavarian Factions would slowly start the process of coming together, even though many of them are still largely at war. The main Human Settlement of Talasea, became a Republic Base, in efforts to help defend the planet from foreign invasions, as well as helping to bring forth a sense of unity.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Treaty of Linatis would agree that Talasea will be represented by one Traynuthh, one Camavarian, one Human and a central figure that would rotate every ten years. Although this treaty was acceptable to the Traynuthhs, it did not help their case of being treated as second class citizens by Camavarians, and sympathetic Humans of the Camavarian cause.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Many Traynuthh mercenaries and trained soldiers would go and serve the Jedi and the Republic during the major Galactic conflicts such as the [/SIZE]Alsakan conflicts[SIZE=9pt], the Republic wars with the [/SIZE]Sith[SIZE=9pt] and [/SIZE]Eternal[SIZE=9pt] Empires, and various others. During the Ruusan Reformation, Traynuthhs would become more overshadowed by Camavarians as Planetary Security Forces, and would face discrimination of not joining the ranks despite it being in the laws that anyone may on their planet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The [/SIZE]Clone Wars[SIZE=9pt] saw Talasea come to become a vital spot in the Republic’s cause, as it lay on a very important trade connection between the [/SIZE]Inner Rim[SIZE=9pt] and the [/SIZE]Core Planets[SIZE=9pt]. This period of the Traynuthh history would be very important, as a few of their race bore a few prominent Jedi that would emerge and help served the Republic. The Camavarian and Traynuthh conflict was at an all time high, and the human population of the planet had dwindled drastically due to these constant conflicts. This massive conflict that would unfold would make Talasea enter a massive civil war that would encompass the entire planet. At this time, many Traynuthhs would find themselves either in tribes outlying the massive growing Camavarian Planetary Empire, utilizing Galactic Standard Technology, with even less representation in the Galactic Senate, as the treaty was only valid for 24,000 years, and would expire during the Ruusan Reformation period. As a result, a vast majority of the representation went to the Camavarians, with only the Clone Wars with only 1 representative of the Traynuthhs in the Galactic Senate speaking for her people and the human colonists, while the rest were Camavarian. The planetary Queen, Queen Chandra, though young, wished for peace between the Camavarians and Traynuthhs, being one of the most progressive of their race’s leaders. Many Traynuthhs supported the motions of a possible establishment of equality on Talaesa, while there was others who opposed, and wishes for the end of the Camavarian rule of the planet entirely, even with having them moved off world or even purged. The division had created different types of Traynuthhs, those siding with the Queen’s word, and is willing to co-operate under a united body, which this organization would be called the Talasean Unification Cause, composing of Traynuthhs, Camavarians and Humans that still lived on the planet. Other groups would form that would be against these motions, and some even wishing to pledge loyalty to the [/SIZE]Separatist[SIZE=9pt] alliance in efforts to help drive them off world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Behind their backs, their Queen’s advisor, Ravette would be conspiring against the Planetary Queen and her efforts to bring any sort of peace, due to a plot by the [/SIZE]Separatist[SIZE=9pt] leader, [/SIZE]Count Dooku[SIZE=9pt], to divide and conquer the planet for their own cause. The Queen would eventually be dethroned, and declared missing, and the planet would plunge into a massive civil war, costing many casualties of all three races of the planet. The Talasean Unification Cause would be the faction that would become primarily supported by the Republic, against the now disposed and [/SIZE]Separatist[SIZE=9pt] Aligned Camavarian Planetary Empire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Although the Republic was successful in defeating the Planetary Empire bringing it under Republic Military rule until the previous dethroned Queen was able to take the throne back, the formation of the Galactic Empire saw Talasea once again having the Traynuthhs face yet another tyrannical oppression, this time, by Human rule. [/SIZE]Harboring[SIZE=9pt] a fugitive Jedi, Darth Vader would come to the planet, slaughtering many of the Traynuthhs, and the remainder of the Human Colonists that would be on the planet, causing many of the Traynuthhs to retreat into the forests, and many couples with the humans to be wiped out to extinction, and the death of the unidentified Jedi. During this slaughter, Camavarians would join in, to help rid of a loose end that had bothered the former Planetary Empire for many years. Queen Chandara would flee once more to be with the Traynuthhs. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Talasea would remain under Empire rule, with many Traynuthhs, especially those of the now destroyed Talasean Unification Cause, turning to militancy, and sympathizing with the greater Alliance to Restore the Republic, and many of them joined them, even having many of them go off world to fight in the Battle of Endor. Traynuthhs would help end the Galactic Empire, becoming free from their new oppressors, though things did not really improved at all, though they were not as tense as it was before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In 3ABY, Rogue Squadron would arrive on Talasea to base on their planet as a staging ground against their final push on Coruscant, which many Traynuthhs welcomed with open arms, with even a few of their own coming back on-world for the first time since the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. The old Planetary Governors Seat of the former Human Colonists that had settled on one of Talasean’s islands so many years ago was used as it’s main base, however, this was short lived, as it was destroyed completely as a trap for the Imperials who were sent to infiltrate the base. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In 7ABY, a small battle would occur against the Warlord Zsinji, which still had ground on the planet. Traynuthhs and Camavarians would assist the Rebels against the last remnants of the Empire on their planet sympathetic to the cause, and carried out skirmishes onworld against Imperial Stormtroopers and Imperial Loyal Camavarian strongholds. This would be the last time that Talasea would see relevancy in the spotlight, and the Traynuthhs would attempt to rebuild their vastly destroyed planet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]An important event in Traynuthh history did happened however, as in 370ABY, they had made a final treaty with eachother to atlast give Traynuthhs more civil rights, and representations, bringing closer the two races within the planet. Although many tribes still remained outside of the city walls, and racism still remained prevalent, the two sides had begun to see eye to eye, and much of their punitive conflicts had ceased. This had especially became much more of reality, as the Gulag Plague had spread to Talasea in the 400ABYs, and killed a huge chunk of the population, reducing their numbers, and the invasion of a Kwa Princess, which had ravaged the Galaxy in large. Together, the two would come to further terms that Talasea belongs to both races, and that they both should become more of a co-operative society to maintain their survival.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The four hundred year Darkness had cut off the Traynuthhs massively from the rest of the galaxy, as contact was lost with the alliance. Not much is known what happened to both them and the Camavarians relations nor anything during this period, as many documentation does not exist covering it, even in libraries and even among oral tradition, and much was made up through legends and stories that may or may not be true.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]By 835ABY all the way of the present, the Traynuthh numbers had significantly reduced, with many remaining on their planet, and others scattered throughout the galaxy living off world, as adventurers, or on some rare cases, Jedi or Sith. As of the present, they live a peaceful life together with the Camavarians, and though occupied a few times by the major factions and new races entering their mixes, still left their mark locally on the planet.[/SIZE]
  • Strengths/Weaknesses: You mention force energy as something they feed off of but then I notice you mention force and non force sensitives. If they as a species feed off of force energy they are either all force sensitive or none of them are, there's no middle ground here.
  • Population: Species that are so long lived have severely low populations due to how long it takes for them to reach mature breeding age. Please reduce the population significantly, at minimum over half.

"In addition, why not some love from your favourite horned humanoid creature friends? Everyone needs friends, and they're cute and happy. So why not? And no, they are not after your crotch. Jesus christ."

Please edit out the commentary from the intent.

List of changes (there are many)

- Intent updated a bit.
- Template updated to the new Template style.
- Traynuthhs no longer have a ' in the name
- Traynuthh Age reduced to only 200-400 for non Force-Sensitives, with Force-Sensitives being able to live longer to 850 years.
- Language of the Traynuthhs changed to having various names.
- Changed the world they share with the inhabbitents. Valucians are now known as Camavarians.
- No longer exclusively Force Sensitives. Force Vore is no more, and they are essentially normal near-humans becoming Standard.
- Population reduced to 600-800 Million. They are Planetary with a scattered galactic population.
- Strengths and Weaknesses changed.
- Changed the exclusivity of only females in the race. Now males exist, but Females now only larger in quantity and are better described in how they dominate.
- Third Gender now recognized as a "hermaphrodite", rather than a weird complex description. Yorhakiis are now just their language name for them. Description about their body type remains largely unchanged.
- "Races" are now 5.
- Hairs reduced to now only Black and Brown.
- Horns now made more various depending on the Race.
- Added 2 new skin tones that are acceptable.
- The "Alteria" religion is removed, and now every Traynuthh has their own distinct religion depending on what tribe or culture they are apart of. Kaha trees are utilized in the religion, and all references to force sucking has been removed.
- Behaviour largely changed.
- Technology is now "Galactic Basic" rather than "Republic Technology" due to it being very vague. Tech is now no longer around the planet, but major cities of the planet.
- Culture merged with "Behaviour" due to new format.
- Entirley new History which includes:
- Prehistory being now largely unexplained, rather than just spawning in 70,023BBY.
- Republic join date adjusted in consistency of the other Colonies Planets joining the Republic.
- Republic joining content greatly extended in detail for the race.
- Involvement in the Clone Wars greatly expanded upon.
- Backstory with the now called Camavarians changed and is much more detailed. Soon, the Camavarians will get their own race page.
- Wolf People (Bagaros) no longer exist and are replaced by the Humans who colonized Talasea instead in Legends. Changes reflect to the Humans on the planet.
- Gulag Plague casualties adjusted.
- The Darkness years mentioned.
- The Kwa Princess content changed to better reflect, as I had read the lore about her a bit more in detail.
- Post Legends Comics content extended a bit.

Coffeeccubus said:

Yorhakii Trayn'uthh

(Tira-Owl of DeviantART for source)


Female Trayn'uthh
(Artist: sangrde of Deviantart))

Name: Trayn'uthh (Commonly referred to as the Succubus as many Humans think of them as such due to their similar appearance to one. Never refers to themselves as this, and actually finds it kind of insulting and a racist/derogatory word.) or Talaseans due to them being the dominant species on the planet as a whole.
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Talasea
Language: Trayn'uthhic (Sounds similar to Latin and Greek put together), Galactic Standard Basic, Valucian
Average height of adults: Some can grow up to 6'4, but the average height is 5'10-5'11, making them a tall species.
Skin color: Light Peach (Caucasian)
Hair colors:
Breathes: Type I
Excessive Energy - Due to their abilities to feed off of force energy keeps them alive, it's hinted that they hold allot more energy than others. They are able to run a bit more longer than other species, namely humans, by about five minutes more of energy before getting tired. In addition, they are more quicker responding and can do many other things that would consume energy fast. Energy time is three times as slower than a human for a Trayn'uthhi.
Slow Aging - Trayn'uthhi has a slower aging process, some living up to a maximum of 800 years old. They usually show lack of aging within their skin and hair until the age of 700, where they will begin to show the normal progress of it. Once they do age their hair turns white, and their eyes grow grey, loosing their natural colour. By the time of 790, they show the normal process of how a human ages, but the aging process accelerates quickly. Some may live to be 820, but this is a rare case.
Social and Diplomatic - Trayn'uthhi, after many years of oppression and minority treatment, became mostly a diplomatic race, willing to use diplomacy and the use of intelligence rather than use it on militaristic aspects. They are very good with diplomacy, and are quite willing to keep themselves out of a conflict half of the times. Though, if conflict does persist, negotiations are always a first step for them. Though it usually works, they do stick together in a war, even if they were against eachother, they would team up to take down a bigger threat.
Reliance on Force Energy - Without Force Energy, a Trayn'uthhi would become very weak, and basically powerless. Trayn'uthhis would be able to have less of an impact, and would be as weak as a non-force sensitive being, This will only happen if they do not have force energy for about a month. Weaknesses slowly begin to develop by the weeks. If a Trayn'uthhi is not fed by 2 months, they will die of starvation. Food nor Drink helps replenish this, and they will require a force sensitive to feed on.
Slimmer Bones - Trayn'uthhis aren't a strong species of humanoid, and usually are quite slim. Although their large breasts and hips and thick legs suggest they are atleast strong, they are actually pretty soft, and usually, their muscle is softer than it looks. Some are quite slim, and can't lift a great sword. Even if they are tall too, this doesn't seem to matter.
Flightless - Trayn'uthhis have wings, but are unable to fly. This is due to a genetics thing where after a period of time in their history, they stopped flying and begun to walk instead. The wings are only there as a leftover trait, much like the Human's tail bones. The wings are not used at all, except for flapping. Though they can still use their wings, they cannot fly, for a change in their bones prevented them from doing so. Despite this, they can still feel their wings as apart of their body as an organ. Some get their wings surgically removed, but hte process has been described as painful and absolutely tearfilling as if a leg, their genitalia or arm was ripped out.
Distinctions: Trayn'uthhi are distinct from others by their horns, namely the fact they shape differently depending on where they are from. Every Trayn'uthhi is born with simialr but different curved horns. Depending on who they were born to, some will have different horns from others. They also have different coloured wings, with the more common colours being purple/black, red/black, purple, red and black.

Trayn'uthhi Males do not exist, but, the Trayn'uthhi has a third gender, which are known as "Yorhakiis", which are born with female parts but male genitalia. Though having a female voice, and body parts, features and skin textuers as one, and looks very similar, if not, almost the same as a female, they act exactly like a human male would. They usually show forms of discrimination towards females due to them growing a bit taller than females and are usually more able for labour and work. However, this has greatly reduced over the years, and now, Yorhakiis and Females see eachothers, for the most part, as equals. Young Yorhakiis are known as Toras. They have smaller breasts than a female, due to the fact they do not produce milk, and can't grow curves past a C cup.

Eyes usually vary in colour, but usually co-respond with hair too. Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green and Brown are the most common colours.
Average Lifespan: 800 years old
- Arii (Has mostly the cyan hairs)
- Tayhtun (Has mostly the purple hairs)
- Juri (Has mostly the red hairs)
- Filrium (Most common type of Trayn'uthhi. Has mostly the brown hairs.)
- Tutaki (Has mostly the black hairs)
Estimated Population: The estimated count of Trayn'uthhi are around over 800,000 Million, mostly living on their homeworld, but some scattered throughout the galaxy, most commonly found in Serenno or some areas in the Republic as well as Sith Territory, namely Coruscant. Their numbers were cut due to the Gulag Plague.
Diet: Their primary diet is Force Energy, which comes from Force Sensitive users. They consume this as a primary form of meal. As for anything physically they eat, they usually are carnivorous, and will go for various types of meats, but never anything humanoid. They eat animal meat such as Beef, Lamb, Pork, etc. They mostly wash it down with wine. They seem to also favour animal blood, but not to the extent where they will always drink it. It's suggested the way the Trayn'utthi eat Force Energy is through use of the mind by a simple glare with a certain function in their brain that will turn their eyes a glowy blue that will slowly absorb the force energy. In addition, they can consume force energy through meat. It's not really known how they manage to do this, but it's a phenomenal process that involves use of the mind.
Communication: The Trayn'uthhi use their vocal cord to communicate much like other Humanoids. Therefore, they do sound just like you and me when communicating, the use of their lips for basic communication, barter, information, etc. Though, there are some who do a series of clicks in their languages, but this is rare, and are usually experienced by the Tayhutuns, whom are the more impoverished ones. They speak their native language, Trayu'nuuhic and also speak Galactic Standard Basic. They also adopted the former Valucian Language used by the Valucian species that inhabited the planet while they were still slaves of theirs, but it's considered a language of "art and literature and culture", and is not widely spoken as a normal language.
Culture: Trayn'uthhi culture resembles namely around medieval culture with a twist on science. Though they do build buildings that look remotely medieval, they tend to mix in scientific looking work that would be considered "hethenic" in the design choice. They mix it together with other technology they gain from across the galaxy to make a fusion style of architecture. Giant Cathedrals dedicated to their God are also present.

Their God, named Alteria, has a symbol that resembles the Satanic symbol, except, unlike what Satanism is, they worship similarly to Christianity, which they all sit in a pew, and recite over holy literature. However, these days when more and more people come to their planet, namely tourists, religion is becoming less and less important in the daily life of a Trayn'uthhi. This is quite worrying to many conservative Trayn'uthhi Alterians, as they feel that many Trayn'uthhi are becoming more and more hethenic by believing the Force surrounds them rather than Alteria. Even if the Force was proven to be real, many conservatives believe this to be a git from Alteria themselves. Their God has no defined gender, and is usually referred to as "They", although there is a widely accepted description portraying them as female.

Trayn'uthhi celebrates several holidays. Previously, the divided nations of the planet celebrated their independence days and national days, but once the planet was united, Talasea Day is widely celebrated. They celebrate Republic Day ever since joining the Republic back years prior to the Clone Wars. They also celebrated Empire Day, but again, celebrated Republic Day. Today, they still do. They widely regard the Republic as one of the more important aspects of their culture, as they have bought in new technology and help advanced the planet. Talaseans however, are beginning to slowly integrate Republican culture into their daily lives as time goes on due to how much easier it makes their lives in general, though most do preserve the old ways.
Technology level: Trayn'uthhi are at around the level of the Republic due to them controlling their plant of Talasea. However, outside of majour cities, they tend to use old medieval-esque technology, mixed with whatever was left over from Republic technology.
General behavior: Trayn'uthhi usually depend, but the vast majority of them are seemingly friendly towards outsiders. Sometimes, when they do catch their prey, they act a bit overly friendly towards their targets, usually trying to ease them before consuming their Force Energy. Politicians and government officials and authority figures are more serious than regular civilians, and are usually more stern.
History: A Hundred Thousand Years Before the Battle of Yavin, various of nomadic tribes roamed the planet of Talasea. Republic Records indicate the modern Trayn'utthi appeared around 70,023BBY. In 40,000BBY, the planet was majorly ruled by a race know as the Valucians, a vampire-like race that existed around the planet, and was the dominant force of the planet. For a long time, the Valucians ruled over a large chunk of the planet with an iron fist, and demanded minorities to pay blood tithes to them. The attack on the Wolfmen in c35,000BBY had caused one of the largest wars on the planet .The Trayn'utthi fought valiantly under their Valucian masters until they won against the Wolfmen. Once they have done so, the Wolfmen were intergrated into the Valucian Empire, and the Grand Queen placed them under the caste of the Valucians.

Approximately 500BBY, the Bargaros (name for the Wolfmen) gained their freedom from the Valucian caste system, moving them up to equals to a Valucian. This was due to pressure by the Galactic Republic to have the planet change their laws or face intervention. The mediators were namely Jedi whom came to the planet on behalf of the Jedi Council. Eventually, the two begun a long period of co-existence, even interbreeds of the two. Despite this new change, the Trayn'utthi were largely ignored as apart of the treaty, and were now basically second class citizens forgotten by the Valucians. The Republic largely ignored this, however, this did brought the attention of the Jedi Council at around the time of the Clone Wars. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anikan Skywalker were sent to Talasea to help the Trayn'utthi attempt to negotiate with the Valucians to have them gain equal status. Though some negotiations did succeed with the Trayn'utthis given rights to vote in regional elections for Mayors and Govenors, Trayn'utthi were still oppressed to the extent. After the rise of the Empire, the Trayn'utthi were given even more oppression, as the Valucians begun to abuse their power.

However, this mostly came to falter once a fugitive Jedi was present on the planet. When he was there, Darth Vader arrived and begun to wipe out a huge number of the Valucians as punishment in addition to Humans whom colonized the planet. The entire human population that colonized the planet however, was killed off. Many Valucians went to hiding until the fall of the Empire, which they then re-emerged, but many of their numbers reduced, and a weakened state gave opportunities for future mayhams.

Around 300ABY, the first real step of Trayn'utthi rebellion has begun. Though minor rebellions did happened during the fall of the Galactic Empire, this marked the first and true rebellion of the Trayn'utthi. They declared that the Valucians were a tyrannical monarchist loving slaver race that had to be bought down. This eventually lead to a large and brutal war within the planet, with over millions dying. With the Trayn'utthi winning against their Valucian masters, the Valucians immediately called peace and negotiations, granting the Trayn'utthi all equalities of a Valucian and a Bargarosian.

Despite the long peace, the Gulag Plague has spread onto their home planet, and killed over billions. As such, many Trayn'utthi took advantage of this, especially when the plague begun to die down, and manhunt the remaining Valucians, since it hit them the most. As much as over 95% of Valucians died from the plague, and over 40% of the Trayn'utthi population died. The plague bought the Bargarosians to extinction, as well as the halflings. The final Valucian was killed in 430ABY, bringing an end to the era of the Valucian Empire. The Trayn'utthi became the sole dominate intelligent species of their planet.

Years later, the Kwa Princess has invaded the Galaxy, and killed over billions of people. The Trayn'utthi especially has been killed due to her, but there were also, many whom joined her. They were deemed as traitors to the Trayn'utthi people, and when the Kwa Princess invaded Talasea, as many as over a million of Talaseans died, as well as Republican soldiers sent to defend it. This would eventually drive many Trayn'utthi to death as many fought against her. After she left, the Trayn'utthi rebuilt their planet slowly. Their race was always force sensitive due to them feeding on force energy but more natural born force sensitives started to appear.
Notable Player-Characters: None.
Intent: I want to actually see some sort of different use of the Succubus, other than sex. To be honest, I was always interested in the Succubi and always felt they deserve to be used better and stuff. As a result, I've created this species. In addition, make Talasea alive again. I understand Talasea was a former human colony and such, but no one lives on Talasea at this moment. So what I did, is I altered that a bit. In addition, I know you're all picky about canon planets being chose, but Talasea was suggested to me, and I really did not wanted to write a whole planet up... that takes a long time... But yes.

This race might be pretty interesting to some people, considering the fact they're not like normal "Succubus", and they are sorta different from them. It gives a refresh for the species as a whole in my opinion. After all, it gives opportunity to add in some pretty interesting Force Users, and a pretty good large base of Non-Force users, because let's face it, everyone wants to be a Jedi, but why not have a non-force user Succubus that uses a blaster rifle and feeds off of them Jedi and Sith? Pretty cool if you ask me. Hopefully, it's not too much trouble for me to actually use that planet... I beg of you, please let me use Talasea... I really don't want to create a whole new planet...

Additional Notes: The format is acting a little funky for me. I had tried to edit it many times, but it keeps acting weird. So please forgive me if it looks a bit odd.

[member="John Locke"]

Greetings! I can see right away that you've put a lot of effort into this submission to bring it up to the current template. Thank you! You did a lot of good work. There are just a few things to go over.

1.) Image Credit: I believe these links got broken somehow or they're a little outdated. Neither work and actually go to a Deviant Art "Error" page. Please update these so that they link correctly.

2.) Name: Tray'nuthh: If you went through the trouble to remove the apostrophe from the name in the title and the rest of the sub you may want to remove it from here too.

3.) Origins: Talasea: Please link the Canon Planet.

4.) OOC Commentary: This isn't a requirement but it's not really needed for the purposes of the submission.

For Example: "Average Height of Adults: 1.9cm (I can’t do metric well so 6 foot in Imperial)" - 1.9cm is perfectly fine - You were exactly right.
Another Example: "​Image Credit: tira-owl (Ignore the wings for they don’t have em). Unfortunately, I have no image for males, so one will have to either imagine what a male looks like based on description, or art it up." - It's also perfectly fine that you don't have art for the male version. Some people don't have art at all. It would be best to put the note about wings in the description and then describe the males if needed.

5.) Under Physical Information: "They have smaller breasts than a female, due to the fact they do not produce milk, and can't grow curves past a C cup."
I would re-phrase this, or, remove it. Try to avoid "earth-like/our reality" references in trying to describe things. (Ex. C cup)

6.) Lifespan:

Under - Average Lifespan It States: A force sensitive Traynuthh can live to be around 800-850.
Under - Strengths Slow Aging It States: - Traynuthhs has a slower aging process. This is namely prominent among the Force-Sensitive Traynuthhs, who can live to be 800 years old.

Please make sure that the lifespans depicted match throughout the submission.

7.) Communication: There's a lot of discussion lower in the sub about language, and even references it by name (“Devakoth”) but it does not appear in this section. You might want to check the area under "General Behavior" and ensure that the important bits about "Communication" are listed where it should be.

8.) Lastly...Please sweep through submission and ensure that canon notable figures, places, groups, etc are linked to their corresponding wookie article. (Ex. Warlord Zsinj, Count Dooku, etc...)

Please tag me when done and I'll check back in. If you need any help or have any questions - Also, feel free to tag. Thanks for working with me!

Nice work! I swept through again and it seems that you got everything. There's nothing else I can say but enjoy!

Thank you for working with me and double thanks for your patience.

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