Just beyond the reaches of the Core Worlds and the defences of peace-seeking factions, were dangerous tribes of warring criminals. Hundreds of smaller groups battling for supremacy in the depths of wild space, all but wiped out as a silence stretches over the edge of the known galaxy.
The Bryn'adûl held a type grasp over the hyperlanes outside their borders, using primitive interdictors to catch unassuming travellers and cargo-ships. Raiding their supplies and killing all who remained. Some escaped, or so they thought. This survival was permitted, if only to spread the news of their might.
One such attack was underway, however it had been a trap. A small detachment of retired republic soldiers and mercenaries had been hired by a company the Bryn'adûl had been stealing from for some time - their group was the Emboldened Brothers, a band of good intended soldiers with no were to place their faith.
The old interdictors numbered three, two of which had been destroyed in the battle as the Emboldened Brothers brought two corvettes supported by a frigate. A storm of fighters continued to battle in the wreckage as fire usurped the hulls of many a ship.
Unaware of what was coming, the Emboldened Brothers carried on with their attack - fighting the Bryn'adûl in droves. They assumed their communications scrambler had activated in time, but they were gravely mistaken.
Amongst the confusion, the remaining interdictor continued to pull ships into its gravitational web.
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