Worst Jedi
She'd been bouncing around the galaxy for weeks now, from planet to planet moon to moon following the trail of breadcrumbs. It had been an education of sorts, the journey taking her to places she'd never imagined she might visit, a backstreet dive, a merchant's rickety lean-to stall in the corner of a city. However, complain as she might, Asaraa couldn't say that it had all been bad, tracking down the family of an engineer who had left another clue for her, helping them find closure, sitting in a back of a Cantina on a backwater planet listening to an old spacer regale the bar with his stories.
It had been quite an adventure so far, although maybe one that had been a little tough on her wallet. Jedi didn't exactly get paid a whole lot to start off with but her master had always talked about this, about one of his ancestor's, Meetra Surik, and his desire to track down her tomb, a pilgrimage to her resting place. It had always been something for the future, a joke between Master and Padawan. After his death though...she had almost forgotten about it till she came across one of their old data cubes. It had started this whole journey off, a way for her to find her own closure, to say goodbye to the man.
That spacer in the bar had sent her here, on the trail of a merchant who had stumbled across a datapad that had mentioned a Jedi General from the Mandalorian wars. It might have been nothing, another wild goose chase but she'd never know if she didn't try. So here she was, Ashira's Light...she'd heard about the space station before but never had a chance to visit it, one more mark off her bucket list.
"Ok...he said he's got a stall in the market so...no time like the present."
A rueful smile tugged at the corner of her lips, she'd started talking to herself now, she must be either really bored, or the loneliness was getting to her. Still, sooner done sooner she could figure out what her next step should be. Straightening her back the young woman slung her bag over her shoulder and slipped into the crowd, she had a merchant to find.
[member="Shamira Karuto"]
It had been quite an adventure so far, although maybe one that had been a little tough on her wallet. Jedi didn't exactly get paid a whole lot to start off with but her master had always talked about this, about one of his ancestor's, Meetra Surik, and his desire to track down her tomb, a pilgrimage to her resting place. It had always been something for the future, a joke between Master and Padawan. After his death though...she had almost forgotten about it till she came across one of their old data cubes. It had started this whole journey off, a way for her to find her own closure, to say goodbye to the man.
That spacer in the bar had sent her here, on the trail of a merchant who had stumbled across a datapad that had mentioned a Jedi General from the Mandalorian wars. It might have been nothing, another wild goose chase but she'd never know if she didn't try. So here she was, Ashira's Light...she'd heard about the space station before but never had a chance to visit it, one more mark off her bucket list.
"Ok...he said he's got a stall in the market so...no time like the present."
A rueful smile tugged at the corner of her lips, she'd started talking to herself now, she must be either really bored, or the loneliness was getting to her. Still, sooner done sooner she could figure out what her next step should be. Straightening her back the young woman slung her bag over her shoulder and slipped into the crowd, she had a merchant to find.
[member="Shamira Karuto"]