RC 212

Terrarium 16.
Near the Core Worlds
It was a quaint little station that had slipped the map. Over the years she had been lost, thought sunk by Pirates or even drifted far away off the edges of the map. Word had it that it had survived the Dark Harvest event and held clues in her belly as to the origin of the viral goo that had befallen so many worlds.
A single grid coordinate in space has made it's way into your hands. Freelancers and Salvager’s flock to the station, aiming to claim her good as their own.
What will you do?
There was too many stars to count, and Ellie couldn't begin to fathom counting them all. In fact she'd given up long ago. Between jobs as her normal courier self she was down on her luck. But that was about to change, and fast. Her main concern had been moving packages and goods from point a to point b. Now it was salvaging whatever made this station such a staple gossip among the local starports."R79, set the stabilizers in full. Keep us low burn."
There was a lot about space she didn't know, but what she did know was how to navigate it. And well.
"No keep the burn low, we need to save fuel."
Within moments she flipped her switch, reverting to real-space in a flash. Greeted by the magnificent sight of a sprawling station. But there was something amiss, something odd.
"Scanning now."
"One Sith Patrol. Greattttttt."