Verdict Hook
New Member
OOC: (SO I am New, and I just want to start Role Playing, So I am starting this Thread, feel free to join, I promise it will be very fun!
Wetyin's Colony
"Wetyin's Colony was a planet located within the Wetyin's Colony system of the Gordian Reach in the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy. A dry agriworld, it was settled by colonists from Setor around 10 BBY and was later largely abandoned."
-"While the colony was originally known for being a "new-world settler" (meaning the colonists went there to try and begin a new civilization) The details of Wetyin's Colony was a mystery. However, after the obiliteration of the Outer Rim Planets by the Gulag Virus, The remnants of the Empire sent entire fleets back to the planet, many of which never returned. One night in Naar Shaada, there was an old Empire Colonel, who was stabbed in an alley way, There he made a recording, of his last words. The video recording was discovered by Smugglers, and uploaded to a Smuggler network inside the Republic."
"Great Treasure awaits those who desire it, in Wetyin's Colony. It was a secret reserve of the anceint Galactic Empire, left over from when the Empire took over the Banking clan. Wealth awaits, but beware the powers the planet contains, no one, has made it out alive." -End Transmission-
*IT IS HERE.... That Verdict Hook, A Mandalorian Soldier, ordered to investigate this matter, sits in a Cantina in a Neutral Space station in the fringe, looking for warriors like himself, that would be willing to put there lives on the line, for the greatest amount of wealth imaginable.*
**Verdict Sits at bar, drinking from the Cantina, he is dressed in normal clothes, a ciggarette hanging from his lips, he scans the Cantina, looking for some passing warrior, or Bounty Hunter, someone who he thinks would accept the challenge.**
Wetyin's Colony
"Wetyin's Colony was a planet located within the Wetyin's Colony system of the Gordian Reach in the Outer Rim Territories region of the galaxy. A dry agriworld, it was settled by colonists from Setor around 10 BBY and was later largely abandoned."
-"While the colony was originally known for being a "new-world settler" (meaning the colonists went there to try and begin a new civilization) The details of Wetyin's Colony was a mystery. However, after the obiliteration of the Outer Rim Planets by the Gulag Virus, The remnants of the Empire sent entire fleets back to the planet, many of which never returned. One night in Naar Shaada, there was an old Empire Colonel, who was stabbed in an alley way, There he made a recording, of his last words. The video recording was discovered by Smugglers, and uploaded to a Smuggler network inside the Republic."
"Great Treasure awaits those who desire it, in Wetyin's Colony. It was a secret reserve of the anceint Galactic Empire, left over from when the Empire took over the Banking clan. Wealth awaits, but beware the powers the planet contains, no one, has made it out alive." -End Transmission-
*IT IS HERE.... That Verdict Hook, A Mandalorian Soldier, ordered to investigate this matter, sits in a Cantina in a Neutral Space station in the fringe, looking for warriors like himself, that would be willing to put there lives on the line, for the greatest amount of wealth imaginable.*
**Verdict Sits at bar, drinking from the Cantina, he is dressed in normal clothes, a ciggarette hanging from his lips, he scans the Cantina, looking for some passing warrior, or Bounty Hunter, someone who he thinks would accept the challenge.**