Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Treck, The Sith Warrior


White Wolves Gunner
NAME : Treck Molankr
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 125 lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Loyal to Republic
+Hand to hand/Blaster Combat
-Decreased Speed
-Quick to think
-Jumps to conclusions
+/- Brave
+/- Combat Rage

APPEARANCE : Treck appears to be the normal Epicanthix, Tall, Slim, . He was a force user, a force user of the dark side.

Treck grew up on the planet of Naboo, he was born a trouble maker. But just because you were a trouble maker didn't mean you were a Sith. Treck grew up around good people. Rebels, Commanders, the occasional Storm Trooper. Treck had excelled in combat, just because he was a trouble maker. But there was one group of people he had never met. The Force Users. He had occasional pin pricks. He didn't know what these were, he thought it had something to do with his nerves, he didn't know it had anything to do with the force. He grew up with this pinprick. Soon to be turned to the One Sith. And then, he was persuaded to join the light side.

Cabur-Class Patrol Ship, taken from when he was an Assassin Initiate




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