The Eye of the Storm

Jonyna's last time training with her adoptive daughter was far too long ago. With her tasks as the new Sentinel of Harmony, her training of Aris, her miserly attempts at maintaining a social life, and a two front war keeping her attention, Rayia had been left to her own devices.
Jonyna intended to fix that today.
The trials of a padawan were not unknown to her, but her own had been highly unorthodox, even by the measures of the NJO. Still, to say she hadn't been keeping track of her padawan's progress would be a lie. The Trial of Courage had been made during the Enclave invasion. While that felt like almost forever ago, it had been the first leap in Rayia's training that led them to where they were. The Trial of Skill, had been recent. She had watched Rayia hold her own against Domina Prime, a feat she had struggled with up until recently. The Trial of the Flesh, a constant struggle for Rayia. Rayia's beast form had haunted her for ages.
That was the plan for today.
Finally allow her Padawan, her daughter, the rest she had earned.
Make it so the girl could control her beast, and find peace with it, as she would the Force.
As such, she had led them both into the new temple, into a seemingly pointless, empty stone room.
Lidom Nu'pall.
Jonyna had helped restore this room herself, designed to allow a jedi total isolation from distractions. Only the sound of the unending rain on the roof, and the sound of one's own thoughts.
And of course, the sound of her master.
"I want you to focus, okay Rayia? Focus on nothing by the sound of the rain..."
It was a simply command, but it was a starting point. Focus...