Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trigg (name subject to change)


(I have a pic, just no way to post it on here)

NAME: Trigg

FACTION: Not aligned

RANK: Bounty hunter/mechanic/underground fighter


AGE: 24

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 290 lbs

EYES: Green

HAIR: purple fur

SKIN: Grey and purple



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Impressive strength, height, and agility. But is impulsive, and quick to anger.

APPEARANCE: muscular, wears a black shirt, black arm bands on each arm, shoulder armor on right arm, mechanic goggles, mechanic jumpsuit tied around his waist. And occasionally a pair of custom boots when in forign environments. And a wrist gauntlet on his left arm, and black fingerless gloves, and a stolen first order laser ax, and a blaster

Growing up, Trigg heard about stories of Garazeb Orellios, ghost squad during the galactic civil war, and was inspired to want to explore the galaxy, but was captured by the First Order, but was able to escape. In his time on the run, he grew a fondness for fighting, and started engaging in underground matches for money, alongside collecting small bounties.

SHIP: A repaired U-wing he found in a junk yard.

KILLS: couple of small bounties

BOUNTIES COLLECTED: couple of small bounties


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