Triter Zone
The Littlest Space Pirate
- Triter Zone -

Name - Triter Zone.Faction - Empire of the Line.
Rank - Trierarch.
Species - Amaran.
Age - 24.
Sex - Male.
Height - 1.3 standard meters.
Weight - N/A.
Eyes - Dark brown.
Fur - Sandy colored, with white and brown markings.
Force Sensitive - No.
Strengths -
Drive - Triter Zone is determined to prove himself to be every bit the equal of his late mentor, and has both the skill and the tenacity to do so.
Tactical Inspiration - Triter was brought up among pirates, and was taught his trade by perhaps the greatest single buccaneer to fly under the blazing claw since the days of the Old Republic. The young Amaran has learned a great deal, and has a keen mind himself, making him a dangerous foe to those who underestimate his abilities.
Innocuous - An advantage inherent in belonging to a small race; when necessary, Triter can drop from the notice of most beings, disappearing in a crowd, blending in with his surroundings, or just hiding in a place no one would bother to look.
Dexterity - Triter is small, but quick and nimble, and can put these advantages to use against larger beings quite competently. His agility and diminutive stature also make him hard to hit in a close-in fight.
Technical Skill - Triter has a talent for mechanical design, with an eye for simplicity and the ability to create devices and modifications which are reliable as well as effective.
Short Changed - Being a little fellow, and an Amaran to boot, very few beings take Triter's claims very seriously. Triter constantly finds he has to prove himself to beings dismissive of him, due to his stature and heritage. Who ever heard of an Amaran pirate?
Physically Weak - Being as small as he is, Triter's raw strength and constitution leave much to be desired. He is good at dodging and being light on his feet, but it only takes one or two good connected blows to put him out; he also can't hit very hard, and has to rely more on weapons and clever tactics than punches or kicks. He also can't lift heavy objects that the average Human wouldn't struggle with.
Intimidated - Though Triter attempts to live up to the reputation he wants, he is still a young man trying to fill the shoes of a mentor he idolized. He often feels intimidated or indecisive, something which can show through when he is under stress.
Triter is a diminutive Amaran male, standing a little over a meter in height with sandy colored fur and brown markings, with light colored fur from his front torso up to the underside of his muzzle. He has dark brown eyes as well, and a slender build even for his species.
For clothing, Triter favors and old-fashioned gray padded flight suit and a green Pasmin-made thermal cape, which he can wrap around himself like a cloak; he wears no boots or other proper footwear, standing digitigrade as he does, only wrapping his feet in protective bandages.
Triter wears a silver ring on the middle finger of his right hand, decorated with the emblem of the Ossein Pirates.
Equipment -
Triter Zone usually carries a number of items on his person, useful equipment and weapons. They include the following:
- 1x grappling spike launcher.
- 1x wrist link with built-in chronometer.
- 1x multipurpose hydrospanner with various attachments.
- 1x inciter.
- 1x fire blade.
- 1x VV9 Buccaneer antique pulse-wave blaster pistol.
Triter flies a prototype starfighter of his own design, an RGR-42 Scrimshaw, the last remaining example of a type intended for mass production by the Ossein Pirates.
- Biography -
The tale of Triter Zone is an unusual one, and in being told, cannot begin with him. Instead, we must go back, decades ago, to the rise and fall of one of the great brigands of Galactic history, in this era or any other.
Krayd Hasperre was a Tionese male from the planet Argai, the last and greatest in a long lineage of spacers dating back to the very earliest days of the Tion Cluster. Born of this stock, it was only natural that Krayd would be destined to pursue greatness; in his veins flowed the blood of Xer and Xim, and in the chaos that was the Galaxy, it seemed that men such as him were fated once more to stand tall.
Krayd left Argai to pursue his heritage, eventually signing on with the defense fleet of an out-of-the-way planet in the Back Spiral. Young and idealistic, he proved to be one of the better motivated and ambitious recruits, most of whom were low-rent mercenaries or formerly unemployed farmers. Krayd quickly advanced up the ranks, eventually rising to command one of the fleet's few proper capital ships, an antique Praetorian-class frigate which patrolled the system's outer reaches.
The Argaian's first taste of real combat came when a major shipping corporation, the monolithic Blackrow Hyperlines, came to the system and set up an unregistered freight terminal in orbit over Krayd's adopted world. Notorious for their strong-arm tactics and disregard for local laws, Blackrow snubbed all protest by the planetary government, bringing in their own private fleet to keep the authorities at bay, blockading the world and redirecting all commercial traffic to and from the planet through their station, charging exorbitant landing fees to the independent captains who served the planet's import and export markets.
The dispute came to a head when the government, small but stubborn, attempted to break through the blockade and land customs officials on the terminal, backed up by the defense fleet and marines.
Krayd was not part of the initial assault, but was called back to the planet when it went disastrously wrong; the tiny fleet of outdated ships had fought valiantly, but had been utterly crushed by the more powerful Blackrow forces. The Blackrow ships, bloodthirsty mercenaries who were paid based on the damage they caused, had pursued some of the survivors back into the planetary atmosphere, herding their prey over urban centers and wreaking untold death and destruction upon those caught below. Krayd, seeing this, rallied the few stragglers he could find, taking command and leading a counterattack on the corporate forces.
Surprisingly, Krayd initially met with success, his outgunned and outnumbered forces directed by inspired tactics and a resolve born of seeing their home ravaged by a contemptible enemy. Ultimately, though, they were too few and too late; the planetary government capitulated during the fight, broadcasting a general order that all defense forces should cease combat operations and surrender. This transmission had just begun to repeat when it was cut off; an enemy ship had bombarded the planetary capital into molten slag.
Devastated, Krayd nevertheless had the presence of mind to order a retreat. The ships under his command attempted to break out of the planetary gravity well and escape to hyperspace, but of the five who tried, only Krayd's ship, the Dawnscar, managed to jump out of the system.
In the aftermath of the battle, the Argaian changed; his idealism had vanished, replaced by a cold, hard-bitten fire which seemed able to drive him past the limitations of normal men. Krayd swore revenge and, gathering a crew of similarly wronged individuals, began to raid the shipping of Blackrow and other, similar corporations, bleeding them dry in a series of increasingly daring attacks. In time, Krayd came to be the admiral of an expansive pirate armada, the Ossein Fleet, which roamed the Tion Cluster and parts of the surrounding sector, inspiring both fear and admiration from the people. Krayd's renown eventually grew to rival that of the region's ancient pirate chieftains, and he was hailed by many as the "Second Coming of Xer," destined to once again bring conquest and a new golden age to the people of Tion.
It is here that Triter's story begins, in the shadow of this man.
"I might have killed you, pup; but the Galaxy has few enough beings with your fire to afford losing one."
_Krayd Hasperre.
Triter Zone was the youngest in a family of Amaran livestock merchants who had settled on the planet Pasmin, at that point a back-rocket world with few opportunities. Being aliens, Triter's family were not looked well on by many of Pasmin's largely Human inhabitants, the Tionese being known for their deep-seated xenophobia; life was difficult in this regard, but the Zones made a decent living all the same.
That was, until one fateful day.
During the grip of a financial recession on Pasmin, extremist political elements began to gain power, leading to a series of anti-alien riots by parts of the Human population. The Zone family ranch was targeted by a roving gang, who raked the main buildings with blaster fire from their swoop bikes and left them ablaze; Triter was the only member of his family to survive, only 7 standard years old at the time, and now orphaned.
Without family or resources of any kind, Triter made his way to the planet's capital city, where he spent the next three years living on the street. Once bright-eyed and innocent, Triter became as hard-bitten and desperate as any of his fellow urchins, begging or stealing every scrap he could get just to survive.
It was during this period of Triter's life that he first became aware of Krayd Hasperre. He first saw the legendary pirate's face on a holoposter; admittedly, he saw the face only after his eye caught the number with half a dozen zeroes below it, advertising a corporate bounty on Hasperre, dead or alive.
Triter cared little for Hasperre's reputation at the time; he was hungry and cold, and that many credits could solve all of his problems, maybe for good. He resolved to claim the bounty, and got his chance on a chilly, windy day, when Krayd Hasperre's ship landed in the hills outside the capital city.
Krayd had come to Pasmin to answer a challenge; according to rumors, a gunslinger calling himself Zone had called Hasperre out, and the pirate had come to see what all the fuss was about personally. What he found, upon landing at the location the supposedly fearsome gunman had advertised, was a 10-year-old Amaran kid.
Triter, for his part, had not actually expected his ploy to work. Having started the rumor himself, he had not even seriously expected it to leave Pasmin, much less be passed along to Krayd himself, and certainly not that the pirate would take the challenge seriously. And yet, here he was, staring down the young vulpine as Triter took aim with a stolen blaster pistol. In his current situation, he fully expected to die, but killing Hasperre was the street urchin's only chance at escaping his poverty; if he died, no-one would miss him, but if he lived...
The result of the duel was fairly predictable, at any rate. Krayd Hasperre was hardly an inexperienced duelist, and Triter never even had a chance to fire. The would-be bounty hunter was taken down by a blaster shot set on stun, and Hasperre was the victor.
But he did not abandon his fallen foe.
When Triter awoke from the stun blast, he found himself aboard Hasperre's ship, with the pirate captain himself standing over his bed. Hasperre congratulated Triter on his bravery in facing him alone, even if it had been foolish; he admired the little Amaran's spirit, and offered him a place among his crew.
Triter, humiliated but swayed by the prospect of three square meals a day and a warm bunk, accepted.
In his years of service with the crew of Hasperre's ship, Triter was taken under the pirate's wing, the infamous brigand educating the Amaran street urchin in the ways of piracy, tactics and creative thinking, as well as academics, including the history of the Tionese and their faded glory. To the young male, Krayd became as much a surrogate father as a mentor, restoring some of the former urchin's lost youth. Though initially dismissed by much of the crew, the young Amaran quickly proved himself an able spacer and apparently worthy of Hasperre's attention; he became the ship's mascot and Hasperre's de facto second mate.
"Don't argue! Someone has to keep these low-lifes together; I'll meet you later on."
_Krayd Hasperre.
Triter, sadly, was not to benefit from a complete education under Hasperre. The pirate admiral's reign came to an abrupt end on the eve of a major raid; Hasperre's assembled forces were ambushed by a mercenary fleet almost twice their number, hired by an alliance of the corporations the Ossein Fleet had frequently targeted. Though Krayd's marauders fought viciously, the mercenary armada eventually broke the back of the Ossein, forcing Hasperre to declare a general retreat. The pirate's flagship was last seen leading a small squadron into the thick of the enemy, buying time for the remnants of his forces to withdraw and jump to hyperspace.Triter, ordered off the ship by Krayd himself, survived the battle in a starfighter, retreating with the rest of the fleet's survivors to a prearranged rally point. Faithfully waiting for Hasperre's return, Triter was brought aboard the pirate ship Despondent, from which he was forced to watch the slow disintegration of the Ossein Fleet; as Hasperre's absence dragged on from days to weeks, the assembled survivors began to give up, ships drifting away in ones and twos, splintering the gang and spelling the end of Hasperre's organization. To Triter, it was like losing another family; he had spent the last eight years among the Ossein, and their leader had been like a father to him.
For the second time in his life, he had been cast out...
"Triter... you don't have to go alone, y'know."
_Ivika Cedris.
Aboard the Despondent, the ship's captain and the young Amaran took effective command of the fleet's remnants, holding it together until encouragement and the empty threat of force - Despondent's weapons had been seriously damaged during the battle - could do no more.
Triter, during this period, was in a bad way; already rattled by the defeat, he had refused to accept the death of his mentor, and deeply ashamed of his inability to carry out Admiral Hasperre's final command; keep the fleet together until he rejoined them. Despondent's captain, a female Sephi named Ivika Cedris who was about Triter's age, was similarly weakened; the Ossein Fleet had been her home as well, and she could only watch in frustration as even her own crew left her, leaving Triter and herself alone aboard the Despondent, in command of a rapidly dwindling fleet.
In the weeks that followed, the two worked to hold onto their command, supporting one-another and those loyal to them, until at last, it was only the two of them.
Eventually, Triter and Ivika were forced to abandon the half-crippled Despondent, unable to maintain the vessel any longer by themselves. In the end, even Ivika eventually admitted defeat, bidding goodbye to Triter and setting out on her own.
Triter struck out in his starfighter, hoping to find a new future among the distant stars. Never really accepting the end of the gang, he admits that he is probably the only one left.
But on his bones, he swears he will not be the last.
"You wouldn't think it of me. I don't have pirate's blood in my veins; my parents weren't even spacers. But I feel it. I was born to do this. I am an Ossein Pirate, and I will fight until only my bones remain!"
_Triter Zone.
Raised by the street and educated by pirates, Triter Zone is highly unusual for a member of his species. He identifies as more Tionese than Amaran, steeped in their culture and history, though tragically seldom accepted by the xenophobic tendencies of most of the region's people. It has been six years since the destruction of the Ossein Fleet, and since that time, Triter has roamed the Galaxy, earning a living as a pirate, a smuggler, a mercenary, or whatever else to get by. Of late, he as entertained the notion of reforming the Ossein Fleet, and trying to carry on Admiral Hasperre's legacy; but where to start?
Threads -
Starting Line.
Kills - N/A.
Bounties - N/A.