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Approved Starship Triumph Class A-602 Compact Battle Cruiser

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Manufacturer: Republic Fleet Systems, Byblos Drive Yards, the Galactic Alliance
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: Very High
Width: Average
Height: Very Large
Size: Humongous


Triumph Class A-602 Compact Battle Cruiser
  • All Standard Features
  • Very High Armament Classification
  • High Hanger Space
  • Mass-Produced Vessel
  • High Defense Classification
  • Many Advanced Systems
  • Thick Armored Plating
  • Very Low Manueverability Rating
  • Very Low Speed Rating
  • High Maintenance due to Advanced Features
  • Vulnerable Connection between Ship and Engine Units

The Triumph Class A-602 was a collaborative effort between Republic Fleet Systems and Byblos Drive Yards, both subsidiaries of the Trade Federation, in the year 902 ABY. This new model was designed to replace the aging Triumph Class A-601 Main Battlecruiser, which had been in service with the Galactic Alliance Navy for quite some time but was now deemed obsolete after the invasion of Coruscant.

In order to cut costs, the Senate Finance Committee recommended downsizing the warship and increasing its production rate. This decision was met with approval, leading to the production of the A-602 across the galaxy. The new design aimed to maintain the efficiency and power of its predecessor while incorporating modern technologies and advancements in weaponry.

The Triumph Class A-601, with a length of approximately 3,500 Meters, boasts a formidable array of state-of-the-art weaponry, including missile launchers and even the newest invention in the GX-R1 Hybrid Cannon, which gives it both physical firepower and energy firepower on the battlefield, although it uses up a large amount of energy. The enhanced shielding allows it to stand up to both Imperial Star Destroyers and bigger vessels currently deployed by the Dark Empire.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Replace an Older Submission for the Galactic Alliance
Permissions: Gat Tambor Permissions

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: No
Material: Quadanium, Durasteel, and Impervium, Faraday Cage Components, Electronic Components Computing Components
Armaments: Dual 700HTL Heavy Turbolaser Emplacement
Triple 240TT HTL Light Turbolaser Emplacement
Heavy Quad 70TT HTL Needlenose Turbolaser Emplacement
GX-R1 Hybrid Ordinance Cannon
Heavy Gun Batteries
Long Gun Batteries
Missile Launchers
Borstel NK-7 ion cannons
Tractor Beam Arrays
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Very Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: None
Kinetic Resist: None
Radiation Resist: None
Minimum Crew: 800
Optimal Crew: 850
Cargo Capacity: None
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