Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trouble in Electric Lady Land (open)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The war torn capital and ruined government of Arcadia N-30 had seen a lot in it's days after the fall of the horde. The once peaceful and monetary driven society had been crushed under the boot of the horde and now it was a perfect place for illegal doings and activities, such as human trafficking for example. To say the least the planet had fallen on hard times and had seen better days, the war torn capital was only now in the final stages of recovering from the beating. The government itself was corrupt taking many bribes from shady organizations to help rebuild their fallen city, this would make local authorities turn a blind eye to the illegal activities such as the underground slave trade and black market.

And in that unchecked criminal environment one man rose to the top in the slave trade. Hugo Estrada was a very brutal man who stopped at nothing to achieve his goals, whether it be gunning down his criminal rivals in the streets or openly moving slaves to other planets in wild space. He was a man in his late thirties with salt and pepper hair and a three thousand dollar suit that matched his darker skin tone, to say the least the man was a scumbag in every sense of the word. But this scumbag had shown up on the radar of both Republic field Patricia Susan Garter and the leader of rebellion [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]. He was their target tonight and they were entering phase one of their mission. Acquire Hugo and make him talk, this would be a very difficult task as the man had kept a company of some very mean hitters. The goal was to get him talking and find out where he kept his slaves and free them, afterwards Patricia could be inclined to turn a blind eye to what Gen would do to him. This was Wild Space after all. So with their little project set the two freedom fighters set about their plans to fight for what was right.

LOCATION: Electric Lady Land Casino
TIME: 2100 hours
Objective: Get Hugo Estrada
Musical Score

A playhutt bunny with long flowing blonde hair wore a tight red corset with fishnet leggings that gripped her slender legs, her breast pushed up in the outfit to show off her generous bust. Atop her head were the famous ears the girls were famous for wearing, her little tail swished back and forth with her posterior with every step that she took. The outfit looked amazing on her and she knew it, in her right hand she held a tray with various expensive microbrew beers and cocktails. All around her lights flashed and machines went off as people won or lost fortunes, it was all background noise for the woman though. With a rhythm in her step her heels clicked with each step on the marble floor, the blonde bunny stepped through a haze of sweet smelling cigar smoke and into a private room where a high stakes game of poker was going on.

Smiling she looked around the room and eyed every last detail. A man in a white suit sat at the poker table he twirled a poker chip through his fingers tanned fingers. Around him were other high profile VIPs, some of them looked to be crime lords and others politicians. Each had a cigar in their mouths and a drink in their hands, they chatted about various bad deeds and played their game.

The blonde bunny approached them and smiled brightly eying the man in the white suit for a split second to confirm. Beginning to set down their drinks she giggled and turned to see the gentlemen's company. Eight thugs that looked built beyond built, all of which were toting a sub machine gun under their expensive black overcoats. She gave them a sexy little smile and before she took off to leave a firm hand pat her on the ass.

"Hey baby I got a tip for you." A deep yet firm Latin accent said to the bunny.

The cocktail waitress then turned around and gave the white suited man a happy smile, "Let me give it to you babe." The man said and chuckled afterwards. Taking out a few credits the man stuck the credits between the woman's bust taking a generous feel while in there. The woman giggled and and nodded before walking off.

Headed back with the tray in hand the woman tossed it to the side and walked into a side closet to see another woman dressed in the same manner as she but with a different color scheme, closing the door behind her the blonde rolled her eyes and was quite grossed out.

"Mother @&$?ers! I swear they see some T and A and they immediately assume I'm some kind of slut that will bang them at the first sight of credits! I mean honestly it's like dude I get you think you have a giant moose knuckle and I should %#$& you but god dammit I'm a lady mother #£&$er and maybe I want to be wined and dined before you get up in the holy of holies. They got @&$& straight twisted." Patricia Susan Garter Republic field agent let out another frustrated sigh then grabbed the credits between her breasts.

"FOUR @&$#ING CREDITS!?" She spat out.

"I let you feel me up for four god damn credits?!" The woman tossed the money to the floor then looked to her partner. It was time to give her the intel.

"There's five high profile VIPs in the room real scumbags, Estrada is confirmed to be there I saw him myself. There are ten hitters total, two on the door and eight inside the room. The place can't be bigger then fifteen meters so it will be tight." Looking down at the various rifles and weapons Patricia knew the weapons were prepped and ready for use, she then looked back up at her friend [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] and asked one more question.

"How do you want to handle this?"
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Solan yawned as he looked around the casino, sitting next to some no name character that he had never met before but was having a nice long drink with. He wasn't ignorant to what the man was and nor did he plan to simply leave without seeing if he could have some fun with the man before some form of authorities showed up to ruin the fun. It would be a good time to be had, his hand already tightening around the fabric of his pants at the thoughts of kicking this guy's gut in. Only, there was someone even more interesting, of course the playhutt bunnies were a distraction, an annoyingly so one at that, but his eyes were caught on the private room of someone he had no knowledge of but had a good feeling would become interesting soon.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member=Geneviève Lasedri]

Jack had been invited by a friend to go hang out at the Electric Lady Land casino, they were going to go out on a short leave from the Republic to go party. Jacl made friends with some of the group, even growing close with a few of them, though not enough to qualify as friend yet. There was one man that Jack didn't really like and that was Hugo Estrada, but he pretended to at least, for his friend. So when Jack's friend came down with a bad cold and couldn't make it, he was hesitant on going. But it was the Electric Lady Casino, so of course he did.

Him and the rest of the group were in a private room, talking about the state of the Republic in a joking manner. Some of the guys flirted heavily with the girls, and as much as he would have loved too, tried not to seem like he objectified them. He still looked at them of course, how could he not. they we're extraordinarily attractive. Then again so were the waiters and dealers, looking attractive in their formal suits. He took a drink and got back into the conversation.
Frakkit. Gen had already gone through a little bit of a crazy initiation thing in a lingerie store once--a little awkward for her, considering she never paid much attention to designer underwear--but now she was a bunny in a casino? She did not care how good of a cover it was for the two of them. This was just stupid. What the heck was this thing? She had doubts that she was wearing it quite right.

And it was not like Lasedri had the body for this sort of thing, either. Her figure was rather mediocre and her sharp tongue was not fitting for the typical flirty filth she was currently playing. The only bonus to this getup was the naturally open spaces in her white corset that could be filled with a few trinkets; perhaps deadly gadgets. The hair extensions were a consistent nuisance, but bearable enough. It was the ears that infernally irritated her.

Geneviève was busy cursing and trying to readjust the head embellishments when that whiny little blonde finally returned. The stolid, raven-haired woman was well aware of the sorts of things that were prevalent in seedy establishments like this one, but she could not help raising an eyebrow at the things Garter was ranting about. She was serious? She actually was playing along with that junk? No, that was not going to happen with her. It would be a mistake if anyone tried to mess with this 'Playhutt Girl'.

"Oh, shut the frak up. You're the one who pushed this strategy." Yeah, Gen was still not on the best of terms with Patricia--as if anyone was easily on her good side.

The freedom fighter capped a special syringe containing potent sedatives and stuffed it up top. These 'outfits' should have pockets. "Well, his bodyguards aren't going to leave the room, no matter what you try to do, wench." The unwilling bunny scowled, returning to the task of repairing her ear placement. "So we have to make him leave instead. Throttle his drinks and get him to visit the bathroom for a good puke." Of course, Gen also had some work she could perform on the weaker-minded out there. There were monstrous things she could do to the more ignorant souls when it came to her rare Force utilization.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Jack Rand"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Patricia stood there with her hand on her hip and a look on her face that read, are you for real queen? Her plans to her general attitude both sucked, though Patricia would be a bit nicer telling her how much her plan sucked ass. Those were professional body guards in there at every angle watching their employer like a hawk. They could drug another round and walk in there with them but the guards would know something was up since a moment ago he was fine and now that he had a new beer he was puking. Patricia would be sure to let her down easy.

"queen! Don't you be hating on my plan, I didn't see you come up with any plans on the way over here! So let's stick with the one who is actually licensed to take down baddies." Or not, she could definitely not put her down easy.

"Drugs aren't an option, those guys in there were pros. They'll see drugs coming a mile away and they probably have plan set for it as well. What we need to is go in with concealed weapons, grab the boss and get out the back where the speeder is waiting." Patrica laughed a bit as she watched her friend straighten the ears. She really did not know a thing about being sexy and comfy with your body. She giggled again and decided to help her.

She stepped closer and fixed her ears setting then straight and making sure they bent a little towards the middle. She have gen a sweet smile snd spoke

"Gen you look great, just relax and feel sexy and pretend tin have fun. And who knows you just might have some accidentally." She fixed her ears and began to hide her Czerka pistol in her back with two extra clips of ammo. Following after she grabbed a new tray and taped another pistol underneath it. Grabbing her sheathed tazer blade she shoved it between her breatst and did her hair up with the mother of pearl chopsticks.

"I will take a peek outside." Walking back to the door she peeked out and saw someone she knew. It was that one geek from the train, the one she had handcuffed.

"Holy crap the dude from the train is here." She smiled and quietly screamed from the closet to @Solen Charr

"Train guy! Train guy! Over here!" She waved to him called for him to come into the closet to join them.


The crime lord in the white suit puffed on his cigar and took a gulp of his beer. Looking over to his right he spotted [member="Jack Rand"] playing poker with him. He didn't know this guy and so he vocalized it.

"Hey, hermano. Who the fuck are you?" He asked in a commanding tone. He knew everyone at that table except him. And it irked him slightly

"Do I know you hermano? You here to talk business or pleasure?" He asked again his voice becoming more tense. A body guard stepped up from the right.

"What's your name?" The guard placed his hand on the sub machine gun and hopefully the man had the guile to work his way out of it
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Jack Rand"]

Solan looked up from his drink as he heard the words, listening as the words hit him. "Train guy?" He smiled to himself and turned his eyes to look at her. Well well well, it seemed that things are sure interesting for him tonight and he found his smile wider as he stood slowly and made sure no one was watching him as he made his way to the closet. His hand would move to open the room up and then close it before a wide smile came to his face and he spoke in a lowered voice upon seeing Genevieve too. "Well, im not exactly complaining but why was i called into a closet with you two? I must say this looks very suspicious considering where we are after all."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Patricia looked at Solan with a straight face with a line set in her face, if it could equate to an emote it would be this one :|. Patricia sized the man up and down and spoke.

"Well Gen and I were just getting off our second jobs as playhutt bunny cocktail waitresses when we got into an argument on who could make out the best. So we came into the closet with all these guns and decided to make out. But without a judge we couldn't decide." Patricia kept that line in her face and kept talking

"So then we saw you and say Hey who better to judge a makeout contest than that virgin, I bet he watches holonet videos of chicks kissing all the time. And then to top it all off we were going to pay you with these guns and a nasty sex filled threesome." She said in a genuine voice before saying aloud

"What the %£&$ do you think we are doing here?! Guns, wild space, slavers, put two and two together here Virgin." She said to the man only half joking around

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jack"] Rand

Jack had somehow managed to garner the attention of one of the men he had been playing poker with, they were playing together. He was a bit shocked by the man's aggressiveness. "Who me, I honestly don't know why I'm here, but it's definitely pleasing." Jack gave a chuckle and a charming smile to the man in his guard. "Every Republic man needs a good break, I'm sure you know what I mean."

The cards came and Jack got a ten and a thirteen, great lucky number thirteen. He stared and gave a wink at the dealer, one that wasn't hitting on him, but just hopped to get him on his good side. Jack gave a smile to everyone at the table. he said hit and took another sip from his glass. He faced the other man. "I'm Jack Rand, pleased to meet you..." Jack trailed off in a way that asked the man for his name.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

(Sorry got busy)

"Virgin? Well then, as for your whole who looks better..." He glanced between Gen and Patricia. "Gen does, sorry." He grinned and tilted his head to the side before speaking, the smile still on his face though his worlds completely devoid of any amusement or glee. "As for your slaver buddy, i do believe that his hands need to be severed and his head put in front of a judge, then again if i had been alone his head would be rolling but i have a feeling that you two want to bring him in." Solan's eyes seemed to brighten a bit as he leaned against the closed door and smiled a bit wider. "After though, i say we all get drinks, never got to get you you two something for the whole Train incident."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"]

Patricia would face palm right about this moment, if it wasn't going to screw up her makeup. Hey, you try spending thirty minutes putting on layers of product; it's not easy. So the woman simply punched the bridge of her nose and sighed in frustration. She then resisted the urge to punch solan in the face, this however was proving to be much more difficult than the urge to facepalm. She took another deep breath and looked up at the man. The tiny five foot two agent reached down and handed Solan a black case.

"There's a Czerka sniper rifle in there with a suppressor and sixteen rounds of Bang slugs. Go make yourself useful and set up in the alley way on the other side of the private room over there. Do that or come with us when we hit the room." Looking back to [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] she still wanted her input.

[member="Jack Rand"]
The man gave jack a literal death glare when he said the word Republic, I'm a soft and threading voice he spoke to the man.

"Republic, do you know what we do to republic dogs here? We cut their cahones off and feed them it. We cut them up into little pieces and make sure they are never found again. We don't like republic boys in our backyard." The man kept his glare on Jack making his point deadly serious

The sound of a goon cocking back his machine gun rang out in the room and then things went deathly quiet. Hugo then began to laugh along with all the other men at the table.

"Nah hermano we are just messing with you. Bring my new friend a drink!" The man said snapping his fingers to get Jack a drink
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Now now, i think you know how i prefer to work." He grinned as his saber entered his hand in a moment and he held out the briefcase. "After all, i prefer to see the face of the person i kill, much more personal that way and i can remember and honor them afterwards." He sent the saber back up into his sleeve and hid it. "Though, getting in is going to be a bit harder this way... question, how often do you guys get drunkards that randomly stumble into the private rooms?"

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Jack leaned back a bit from the aggressiveness of the man, he wasn't here for a fight and he certainly did not want to die on his well-earned break from the Navy. But then the man started laughing and Jack laughed along nervously with the rest of the people at the table before the man offered him a drink. Then when the server came Jack gave him a subtle wink, and took the glass from hip and took a few sips. "So then friend what is your name?" Jack leaned back into the chair he was on as the dealer began to pass out the cards to the players.
Gen continued to scowl as Patricia tried to 'put her in her place' while shifting her bunny ears into the right position. If that was not annoying enough to her, she was in for a strange surprise. t just so happened Mister [member="Solan Charr"] was present yet again. "You're kidding me..." she muttered in disbelief. This was the second time they had coincidentally met, following that awkward meeting in a Coruscant back alley. At this point, she was not sure if she was being followed or if he was secretly a Republic agent of some sort.

Lasedri remained silent as the two of them did all the talking. Garter still had her obnoxious mouth, and Solan was still that odd guy who had a knack for flattering while making everything weird at the same time. The Chandrilan raised an eyebrow as he appraised both women, and raised it even higher when he stated who had 'won'. Really? What did he see in her? Because she had looked in the mirror not too long ago when forced to apply this awful makeup, and she did not see much of an attractive personality looking back at herself. The ears made everything even worse, too.

"Well, it's about frakkin' time we got the guns out," Geneviève commented as the weapons case was exchanged. She wanted this party over with and that Estrada guy's head on a plate.

Her irritation eased--if only for the briefest of moments--when Solan inquired about drunks in private lounges. "We get them sometimes, but usually they're carrying a violin." Hint, hint.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Jack Rand"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Jack Rand"]


Hugo chuckled at Jack and took a sip of his beer, and with a devilish grin he spoke.

"Hugo Estrada, criminal sleaze bag." He said with another chuckle with his thick Latin accent dripping off his words. He eyed jack in a very strange manner. He was curios about him, he was not saying everything he should of. There was something off about what he was doing exactly in wild space. Visiting a planet that had been leveled by the horde.

"So hermano. Tell me what exactly you do in the republic. Surly you have other places to be than here in wild space." He said still grinning at jack. He wanted to know more about this man.


Patricia audibly groaned at the new "teams" lack of coordination, Gen was on her full blown power trip, and solan was being an idiot talking about honoring or sabers or some stupid crap like that. The woman had had it with everyone's bull crap and it was time to take charge of the situation. *%£$ it they didn't need a plan. Literally shoving the bag with the sniper in it into Solan's arms she turned around and picked up a scrubber and handed the weapon to Gen.

"Solan! Carry the +€&$ing rifle on your back! Gen, take the shot gun and cover our back. I will take point and move towards the room, I will take point and we will hit them hard before they knew what happened. Standard smash and grab, civiloans aren't an issue since we are in a private wing. So shut up take the guns and let's move." Placing her two pistols behind her back she grabbed her Czerka assault rifle and chambered a round.

"You asshats ready?"

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Jack looked at the man beside him with a charming look in his eye, he didn't like criminals. Hell normally Jack would have arrested this man on sight, but today was his one break day for the entire month and he wasn't going to waste it. "I'm a lieutenant on this nice ship, man I love her." Jack chewed on the inside of his cheek as the remembered the ship, but then he regained his focus. "Sorry friend, I got distracted now where was I? Oh yes the ship, anyways I'm on short leave and I thought I could use a break I'm sure you know what I'm talking about right my friend." Jack raised both of his eyebrows for a short time as he asked the question.

The hand got played and Jack got a straight, but some huttspawn (Literally a teenage Hutt) had managed a royal flush. Jack excused himself from the table to go for a breath of fresh air and a drink, so he went to go look for a waitress. Jack made his way towards the only door of the room.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"Such a killjoy." He took the briefcase though still would unlikely use the rifle inside there. Why might you ask, because he had no idea how to use a sniper rifle anywhere near sufficiently. So instead while they attacked the front door he would go through the back wall of the private room, yelling oh ya as he burst through it... deja vu. He shook his head and smiled before giving them both a quick bow. "Consider their backsides covered... Hmm maybe i should rephrase that." Before saying another word he smiled at the both of them and spun on his heels, looking at the door as he moved out of it and headed straight for the back of the alley.

It would take him a few minutes, where he would cover the back door with his saber now in hand, yawning. All he needed now was for Gen and Patricia to start their raid while he sat out back, waiting for someone to run, for mister Estrada to think he had an escape route. He was really hoping the slaver did try to run his way, then he could show this man the pain that he had shown others. The thought of teaching that man the pain he taught others already started sparking arcs of lightning and fire to erupt in his hand, alternating between force lightning and pyrokinesis. His two trademarks at this point.
"Shut the frak up and let's go," Geneviève muttered as she inserted a power cell into the Scrubber. It was about time the real show started, although she was a little miffed to have to perform their bloody operation in this... outfit. She needed more covering. "Damn your bunnies."

And, as usual, her possible stalker decided to get all cocky and fancy pants with his lightsaber, carving through barriers for the drop instead of just going with a proven method of killing anything in sight. Lasedri sighed, wondering if he still was much of a goody-two-shoes these days. He had somewhat altered their 'plan' on the train last time, which led to them being confronted by Little Miss Republic Agent I-Have-A-Hormonal-Imbalance.

Time to actually do things the right way this time, however. No matter what Patricia or Solan did, Gen would get the job done someway.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Jack Rand"], [member="Solan Charr"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Jack Rand"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

"Oh my god you two are the biggest @&$?ing drama queens to work with this side of the god damn galaxy!!" Patricia slapped the magazine into her Czerka assault rifle and chambered the round, the two of them were just incredibly dense and Gen was the worse of the two. At least Solan was an idiot, she could work with lovably stupid, but Gen was just a Royal queen. Though she was still her friend that she would gladly fight with any time of the week.

"I need new friends." She said to herself in a annoyed tone of voice.

She then swung open the door to step out keeping the assault rifle shouldered and in a raised position. The grenade launcher beneath it added some extra weight but the little five foot two agent could hack it. Moving like a professional solider even in high heels she aimed down the RCO and leveled the optic on the first guard on the right. A man stepped out [member="Jack Rand"] and went to get some air, he wasn't Hugo so he wasn't of great importance. The agent spoke on her comm unit to Gen behind her to call out targets in a professional manner.

"I see two up front, push the right and set up a kill zone by the door, fight up and breach and clear. Engaging." The woman gave her tactical advice to Gen then pulled the trigger

The barrel of the assault rifle light up when she popped out of cover, the guard on the right of the door barely had time to notice before Patricia put a basic slug in his chest. A red stain splashed against the white wall behind him and he slumped down dead, quickly reengaging she shifted to the left and aimed at goon number two on the left. He had drawn his sub machine blaster and started to bark off a few rounds of accurate burst fire. Patricia ducked down and let the rounds pass over her. Lifting up again she fired and hit the man twice in the chest and once in the head sending him toppling over.

"MOVE!!" Patricia yelled out to her comrade and that's when the fun broke out.


The man left and Hugo simply chuckled and said to one of his men in a low and serious tone.

"Kill him, handle it now. Make it quiet." One of his guards nodded and before they could comply the sounds of gun fire broke out in the casino. A few cries of pain rang out and the two guards out front were dead.

"Mother karking republic!!" The man said slamming his fists on the table. One of the well trained thugs shielded him and the rest sprung into action. The eight men in the room cocked and primed their weapons and moved with a purpose. Two men hugged each side of the door and began to fire rounds at Patricia and Gen, another two stepped out shortly after and attempted to make their way to cover to secure a perimeter to get the man out of there.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

He raised a brow as he heard the gunfire start inside, looking at the back door and waiting for someone to try and get out of there. Of course Solan wouldn't move from his position unless he needed too, though just in case he smiled and took a check on his control, sparking intentionally a flame in his hand before slowly letting it grow larger, testing how far he could push it as he looked at a window and smiled. In a few more moments he sent the flames through, letting the fire hit who and what it wanted, making sure he aimed for the private room only though.
Gen sighed through gritted teeth, not comfortable fighting without her trenchcoat. It just did not feel right this way.

She swept up behind Short Stuff and made haste for the right side of the hallway, dual-purpose gun pressed firmly against her shoulder and aimed at the doorway as she crept ahead. The Republic agent had made quick work of the first two, but they knew there were more just waiting around the corner. "No frakkin' pockets!" she groaned, wishing for a grenade or a little place to actually hide a blade. All she had been able to stuff... somewhere... was an extra power cell for her gun and a capped syringe of sedative. And Patricia thought she was the thick one.

Geneviève fired a couple three-round bursts of clearance fire at the doorway, keeping whoever was inside from coming right out and killing her while she was vulnerable in an inescapable section of the hallway. Eventually, she came to a side doorway just a few meters down from the VIP lounge and set up shop there, taking a knelt position and firing around the corner.

She peered through her 'Force eyes' and detected a few more men inside the lounge. One of them was right next to her, only separated by the wall between them. She stepped back and pumped her scattershot into the wall before letting loose another rapidfire blast from the rifle segment of the Scrubber. There was a cry of pain, and then silence as the man dropped to the floor and rolled about like a dog. "How long you expecting me to hold up here?" she called over the comm device, making sure to back away from the hole she had just created.

[member="Jack Rand"], [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], [member="Solan Charr"]

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