Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trouble in Little Onderon


It was noon on Onderon and the Senate's daily orders had been recessed for a two hour lunch period during which Senators would caucus, meet with their constituents and of course enjoy a light meal to carry them through the nightly orders. Cecily would, unfortunately be spending her entire time meeting with various diplomats and politicians to shore up a new rights bill she was preparing to push through the Senate. She was meeting some unexpected resistance from a small number of powerful corporations.

On today's agenda, Cecily had managed to arrange a meeting with representatives from those corporations and small coalition of Senators pledging to support her bill.

"Now, we know why they agreed to this meeting," her tone was severe as she stormed down the wide ornate hallways of the Senate, her attendants following closely behind, "they intend to intimidate us, throw around their weight, in the hopes that the delicate little flower of Onderon will wilt. Well, we shall see."

Many of the Senators had exited the building altogether at this point. All except a few who would already be waiting for Cecily in one of the small chambers reserved for committee and caucus meetings. Even the Senate Guard had thinned out its number by now, trailing behind her colleagues as they paraded about the city.

"Apologies, Senators, I-" she threw open the door to the chamber where the other Senators should already be convened, but what her eyes fell on struck terror in her heart. A handful of Senators sat in the middle of the room, hands bound, facing the walls of the room in a small circle... and one chair was empty.

"Your grace," a hissing voice said from behind the door and monstrous hulk of a man advanced on her. Her handmaidens were quick to react, but their presence was prepared for as they were quickly disabled by a group of smelly beings of varied species.

Meanwhile the hulk of a man easily grappled with Cecily, spinning her around and gripping her tightly by the wrists as he shoved her into the final chair and busied himself tying her up. A gag was shoved, rather unceremoniously, into her mouth and all she could do was watch as her attendants were knocked unconscious and piled in the corner. 'A tarc, a human male and female, a rodian, and a duro' she made quick notes in her head of her attackers.

As she sat helplessly, glaring around at them she noticed movement in the corner of her eye... one of her attendants was moving. She had been bludgeoned on the head and was bleeding from a cut above her eye and she was reaching for her communicator. She only managed a few quick finger movements before CRACK. A tarc crushed her arm under his weight and Cecily winced as the bones broke. "Naughty naughty," the tarc hissed over her screams before she fell unconscious.

Cecily prayed beyond hope that a message had been conveyed to someone... anyone, that their lives were in danger.

@[member="Aliannah Sophia Filia"] @[member="Solan Charr"] @[member="Dallen Thayne"] @[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
[member="Cecily de Demici"]

Solan was leaning back in the chair he normally resided in when he was moving through the hacked cameras of the senate building, looking for dirt on any of them to pass onto the Minister or even mess with those people over. He never actually blackmailed someone and always turned over the information he found to the ones caught or if important to the intelligence commitee but sometimes he really wondered about the security of the Senate. It had been months since he set up his backroom doors into the security systems with Eve's help, and now he was looking at the cameras as ig not a single thing was found on his backroom doors. It was almost amu- And what was this.

He keyed up a camera he almost missed, looking at the scene with a bit of surprise at the sight. He went about counting and writing down specifics of what he saw as he was going to have some fun with dealing with these men but the amount that were there he could not handle on his own. Glancing over the cameras again he looked for anyone left in the building that would be able to help deal with these men in a manner that would not end in the deaths of those poor senators. Then again there would be less stiffs in the Republic, but they were people and you cant just let murder happen.
She had just finished her shower, one that was much needed after her latest training session with her Master, and quickly got dressed. Normally after every training session she would make time to sit and meditate on the day's events, looking where to improve on her lesser skills. However, her meditation would need to wait, since the rumbling in her stomach reached out to her; begging her to seek nourishment. She patted her belly and chuckled to herself. The training her Master had put her through must have been more vigorous than normal.

"Okay, okay. Food first then meditation."

As she walked through the corridors of the Temple, she noticed that it was less active than usual. Then again around this time she was lost in a meditation trance and not strolling toward the cafeteria. She had grown to enjoy the food, maybe even loved it. It had been a long time since she had indulged herself with good food. Prior to her return to the Jedi Order, she had lived like a pauper; eating what scraps she could swindle out of others or what left-overs she could steal from cantinas. Thankfully those days were behind her.

Now sitting comfortably alone at a table in the corner, she eyed the food on her tray. The various fruits and veggies had became her norm. She had, against the cries of her stomach, put herself on a strict diet. Fruits and vegetables Sunday through Thursday, only spoiling herself with meat Friday and Saturday. Again her stomach rumbled.

"Okay, okay. You're hungry. I get it."

She picked up a purple fruit and was just about to take a bite when her comlink on her wrist chirped. She eyed the fruit first then the small device. Electing to ignore the chirp she moved to take a bite when the thing chirped a second time; louder than the first. She looked at her stomach and mentally apologized to it while she returned the fruit to the tray.

"This is Padawan Jevnaker," she said after pushing the button on the side. What could be so important that she needed to be paged twice?

[member="Cecily de Demici"] / [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Cecily de Demici"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Aliannah Sophia Filia"]

"And just what sort of qualifications get people into the Senate Guard nowadays? They're supposed to be on par with any elite unit on the frontlines, how can they miss thugs infiltrating the senate building? Captain Jarrel if our expectations are all just a sham I might just elect to hound the Supreme Commander until they get the politicians to put the 44th in charge of Onderon's and the Senate's security." Commander Dallen Thayne of the Republic Defense Forces was not a happy man as of late. The war wasn't exactly going favorably for the Republic Military and Jedi Order, the last thing they needed on top of the stress of the One Sith just outside their borders was a hostage situation. However, that was exactly what it seems they had to deal with right now, and the Officer wasn't sure who needed to be sent back to the Academy for this slip up.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence sir, but the Senate Guard are a tough bunch. Former commando I knew from my time in the 4th Fleet got pulled into their ranks and I owe him my life. I don't feel they're slacking, something has to be up. My only question is why we're being called in Commander." That was something Thayne himself was also wondering as they strode quickly down the hall towards the Senate Building's security control center. Certainly the 44th was an elite company and a few squads were in attendance with Dallen as escort since he was pushing for added funding to his infantry units assigned to his Task Force, but the Senate Guard shouldn't need any help to handle a few kidnappers. . . . .but then the kidnappers should never have found entrance into the building to begin with.

Or got so far as to take several senators as hostages.

Stepping into the command room with the Captain of the 44th in tow, Dallen looked to the officer on duty who nodded him to the person in charge it seemed. "Commander Thayne and Captain Jarrel reporting as ordered Sir." Perhaps he felt like he ought to be in charge, but by jurisdiction this matter was in the hands of the Senate Guard. "Timely, that's appreciated. We appreciate the support Commander. I am Commander Shei, I apologize for calling your unit in, but the matter is a tad urgent. We have senators taken as hostages, that much you know. However, from what we can see. . . .they don't look like the types who can pull this off. They're thugs, most likely hired muscle. We've dispatched a number of squads to ensure the safety of the remaining Senators within the building as well as secure the major entrances and the surrounding rooftops. We've also put Onderon's law enforcement on alert, they're being discrete about keeping an eye on the spaceport and other avenues of escape we can't cover ourselves."

Everything was being responded to with appropriate speed and delicacy, which left Dallen wondering. "Seems like you have everything in hand Commander Shei, what need would you have for the 44th?" The man in the blue armor gave the man in glasses a stern look, one met by the glare of light flashing off the latter's spectacles. "I want as many capable hands as possible is all right now. So far they haven't made any demands which is the concerning part, and we're still looking into how they broke in and exploring what it is they're after. So far from what we can determine is that someone might be patched through our own security systems. . . .our analysts are saying fluctuations caused by this intruder in the system may have been the gap in our camera system that let the thugs through. It could be their boss behind all this. We're considering how best to deal with them and fix the system to keep them out from now on. . . . .first though we want to hear what their demands will be if they have any. Until then I'm playing damage control and keeping the situation as contained as possible."

A good plan for now Dallen would agree. Messing with the hacked feed right away might cause problems in negotiations or tip their hand. The moment things were clear though Dallen was going to insist to all hell that they reset the system, purge all files, sweep the backups, make sure people who have authorization actually are supposed to have it, and then setup the security system to update its own algorithms on a weekly basis to change out the codes and firewalls in place to prevent a second break in of their system.

Intelligence was going to get an earful after this.


Everything had happened too fast. The men had hurried in, had taken them along and had then tied them up on chairs. It was a really bad situation the Senators were in, with most likely no weapons with them and no way of getting out. During her time as a representative of Lunar Meadow, she had never had to deal with anything like that.

She could not do much else than to wiggle a little bit to come to the conclusion that they can't escape only moments later. She sighed and looked at the others. What a miserable moment, she thought to herself.

Senator Demici, one of the closest senators to Aliannah, had been fighting so much for this chance to press her bill through, but now with such a hostage crisis going on...

Aliannah felt really uneasy and hoped somebody would be able to rescue them.

[ [member="Cecily de Demici"] | [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Dallen Thayne"] ]

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