Cecily Demici
Princess of Naboo

It was noon on Onderon and the Senate's daily orders had been recessed for a two hour lunch period during which Senators would caucus, meet with their constituents and of course enjoy a light meal to carry them through the nightly orders. Cecily would, unfortunately be spending her entire time meeting with various diplomats and politicians to shore up a new rights bill she was preparing to push through the Senate. She was meeting some unexpected resistance from a small number of powerful corporations.
On today's agenda, Cecily had managed to arrange a meeting with representatives from those corporations and small coalition of Senators pledging to support her bill.
"Now, we know why they agreed to this meeting," her tone was severe as she stormed down the wide ornate hallways of the Senate, her attendants following closely behind, "they intend to intimidate us, throw around their weight, in the hopes that the delicate little flower of Onderon will wilt. Well, we shall see."
Many of the Senators had exited the building altogether at this point. All except a few who would already be waiting for Cecily in one of the small chambers reserved for committee and caucus meetings. Even the Senate Guard had thinned out its number by now, trailing behind her colleagues as they paraded about the city.
"Apologies, Senators, I-" she threw open the door to the chamber where the other Senators should already be convened, but what her eyes fell on struck terror in her heart. A handful of Senators sat in the middle of the room, hands bound, facing the walls of the room in a small circle... and one chair was empty.
"Your grace," a hissing voice said from behind the door and monstrous hulk of a man advanced on her. Her handmaidens were quick to react, but their presence was prepared for as they were quickly disabled by a group of smelly beings of varied species.
Meanwhile the hulk of a man easily grappled with Cecily, spinning her around and gripping her tightly by the wrists as he shoved her into the final chair and busied himself tying her up. A gag was shoved, rather unceremoniously, into her mouth and all she could do was watch as her attendants were knocked unconscious and piled in the corner. 'A tarc, a human male and female, a rodian, and a duro' she made quick notes in her head of her attackers.
As she sat helplessly, glaring around at them she noticed movement in the corner of her eye... one of her attendants was moving. She had been bludgeoned on the head and was bleeding from a cut above her eye and she was reaching for her communicator. She only managed a few quick finger movements before CRACK. A tarc crushed her arm under his weight and Cecily winced as the bones broke. "Naughty naughty," the tarc hissed over her screams before she fell unconscious.
Cecily prayed beyond hope that a message had been conveyed to someone... anyone, that their lives were in danger.
@[member="Aliannah Sophia Filia"] @[member="Solan Charr"] @[member="Dallen Thayne"] @[member="Ciara Jevnaker"]