Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trouble in Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa, Landing Pad 317

A public transport landed down on the pad, then the hatch opened up, and the passengers made their way out, all going their own way. Within the passengers was Daerid, and as she stepped out of the transport she stood in awe of her surroundings. The way the buildings floated, their various designs, it truly was a sight to see. But that's not to say it was a perfect place. There were intimidating people all around. A little ways off Daerid saw a group of aliens that were definitely looking for trouble. ​'I will avoid them for sure.'​ There was another group that was beating up a lone alien. ​'Perhaps this wasn't the best place to visit.'

Daerid was in a commerce district. There were vendors showing off their wares, trying to scam an unsuspecting customer to buy their possibly worthless items for more than they should ever be sold. There was an alien that was manning a vendor selling some kind of food that didn't even look edible. And did someone else just snatch something from that vendor? ​'I should turn that guy in.' ​Then the food vendor said something in a different language to another vendor that was most definitely vulgar. ​'On second thought, I can let it pass.'

​Daerid didn't want to stay out in the open longer than she had to, so she followed a crowd that she hoped was going somewhere a little more suitable for a lonely girl. She followed them all the way to a cantina, and not knowing any better, she headed in after them. Inside the cantina might have been worse than the outside. There were shady individuals everywhere. Some of the patrons were gathered around one table participating in what must have been a poker match. There were several people clad in full body armor. Several droids were scattered around the building, whether they were service or personal. The bartenders weren't any better than the patrons. Then there was the smell. It smelled of alcohol and spacers that held off bathing for a bit too long. In the corner was an all-alien band playing music that was too cheery for a place like this.

Daerid went to a table in the back, making sure to avoid physical eye contact with anyone. Of course, with the force she could see people looking at her, and that made her uneasy. She definitely didn't belong in there and she knew that. 'Maybe no one will mess with me because of how out of place I am.'​ When she sat down at the table, she turned her head to the entrance, but with the force she continued looking around at the patrons. There was a lone human man that kept glancing at her. He must have been in his mid-30s. She didn't like the way he looked at her, so she would continue watching him. And if he tried to do anything threatening, she would only be able to hope that there was someone in the cantina that would stop him.

[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Brook would have just landed her ship [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]The Princess Angel [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]in the space port in Nar Shaddaa, she had been on the run from bounty hunters for weeks. She had no clue what she had done, she had seen herself on the holonet. But it didnt seem like her, she had been shown busting into a prison and waltzing out with one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy. She had released the most dangerous psycho’s that Coruscant ha to offer and then they had video of her and the man busting into a store and walking out with the fur coat that she was wearing today as well as a cigarette holder that all screamed high class. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The last few days seemed like a dream. She had known what she was doing but she had no control, it seemed like a dream. She felt terrible about it but knew now was not the time to go and try to make things right. She couldnt go to prison. She would not take the coat off as she stepped off into the space port. She would make her way to the cantina. People would swerve right and left to avoid her and would cast long suspicious glances her way as if to tell her she knew something. She would step inside and everyone would stop and the cantina would grow very quiet. She would make her way to the very back and take a seat weeping in self pity[/SIZE]

[member="Daerid Tellamare"]
Daerid continued to watch the man who occasionally looked at her, until she sensed a new, strange individual enter the cantina. She turned her attention to the girl who looked to be quite wealthy. 'What's a girl like her doing in a place like this all alone?' There was now two lone girls in the cantina, and that was definitely not a common occurrence; Some of the patrons were looking back and forth at the two girls, probably wondering just why they were there. Something Daerid noticed was that the man from earlier was no longer glancing at her, but now he was looking at the new girl. Something in his eyes told Daerid that he was not a good person.

As activity picked back up in the cantina, Daerid stood up from her seat and made her way over to the girl. 'Is she crying?' Daerid took a seat across the smaller girl, and leaned in to whisper; "You've got a lot of eyes on you. I don't think you are safe alone right now so I am going to sit here with you. We don't have to talk if you don't want to." Daerid stayed leaning forward for a minute, then leaned back into her seat. She kept her head to the girl, but with the force she looked around the cantina. Most people were no longer looking, but there was a few who glanced over, including the man who was previously looking at Daerid.

[member="Brooklyn Justice"]
As the woman sat across from her her eyes were filled with tears. The tears would slowly make their way down her cheeks. She was overwhelmed from seeing herself on the holonet. It looked like her and sounded like her but she knew it couldn't be for she would never have done the things she saw. She would look up at the woman and she would try for a smile but get nothing "Th-thank you. I am Brook and you?" She asked crying like crazy still.

[member="Daerid Tellamare"]
Daerid leaned in closer as the girl spoke to her. She listened to the girl introduce herself while still crying. "I'm Daerid." She wasn't whispering anymore, but she was talking at a volume that would only allow Brook to hear her. "We aren't safe here. We should leave before anyone tries anything. I suggest we get out of this district and go somewhere-" Daerid suddenly stopped speaking because the man from earlier got up and started to slowly make his way to the two girls. "Someone's coming. He's armed. If you want to get out of here without any trouble, I suggest we leave now." Daerid was absolutely certain the man was heading towards them, and it was only a matter of time until he arrived.

[member="Brooklyn Justice"]

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