Used to dealing with anonymous Sith businessmen who wanted to scope out their enemies, Scarlett was more than a bit surprised when for the first time in months, she was contacted by a concerned vigilante about some criminal organization that had been causing trouble around the wealthy-ish planet of Neimoidia. The paycheck wasn't as good as it would have been had it come from another shady tycoon, but a Neimoidian mafia? It was easy money and looked good on her profile. She saw no downside. She was now crouching behind a starship in an abandoned hangar bay as she eavesdropped on a conversation that, while using various code words and vague references, clearly concerned activity of an illicit nature. Her datapad was recording the exchange for later analysation and sale - hm, she thought, would anybody else pay for the information? The governments of any other planets they had people in, most likely, although selling intel to established governments would likely cause a drop in customers, making her no longer a freelance spy and investigator but rather a special services agent, and that was boring.
Absent-mindedly fixing her hair as she thought it through, a sudden chime from her datapad alerted her to a new message - not now! Hurriedly silencing the device, Scarlett looked up again to see three tall, thug-like men staring her down.
"Hi guys," she said, her tone friendly. "Sorry, am I interrupting something? I'm just...hiding, see - boyfriend's been drinking, and - hey!"
Scarlett woke up with her wrists bound together behind a chair, a hood being lifted from her head as she came to her senses. Well, this was embarrassing - she had been caught on perhaps two occasions before, and they never ended well, but even worse, they bruised her ego like nothing else. Still, perhaps she could flip the situation over and come out with more intel.Low, incomprehensible conversation went on in the background as Scarlett tried to look around, the dim lights and dazed sensation significantly affecting her capacity for sight. Somewhere behind her, Scarlett heard a door open, followed by footsteps - somebody was entering. The head of the organization? Oh, this would be fun.
[member="Herr Vanderhing"]