Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trouble in the Archives

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Sabetha Tag"]

Great thread!

[member="Matsu Ike"]

Just in case you don't get the tag on your alt, I could use some help from [member="Cathbodua"] if you have time to jump into the thread.

Or another Silver Sage/Jedi Healer if they'd care to join. We've got a "Jedi Down" situation in the archives at the moment.
I'm glad this worked for folks! I wanted to explore more of Sabetha as a padawan and her history, but with a backdrop of what else happens at the Jedi Temple, rather than as a private thread. So this is working out perfectly :) Thanks for joining!

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Sabetha Tag"]

I've gotten caught up in college work, but I'll try and get a post in there tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.

And posted!

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