Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trouble? What's That?

Mos Eisley, Tatooine - Late evening

Coryth actually had willingly come to the planet of the twin suns. The Force had called her to the miserable little dustball of death once more. Perhaps this was tempting fate, but none the less she could not ignore the call of the Force. Sitting in front of her was a Reactor Core, which most people of the galaxy swore up and down should only be available via prescription, but the tiny redhead found it to be the most delicious drink in existence. In fact, she was on her third for the evening.

Sighing she wondered idly if the vision she had of this bar, this evening had been accurate. For she had the distinct impression that she was to meet someone here, but she'd never seen who it was. So all she could do was follow the vision to this place and wait for the Force to reveal things further to her.

[member="Bettannes Mrikkuw"] (And any and all that would like to tag along for the ride)

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Next to Coryth was the intrepid Firemane soldier who took it upon herself to try and keep a certain red head out of trouble. It was much like trying to get a sun to stop being hot or a black hole to stop having gravity. Probably why Hevana had... well lets just say a few weapons hidden away on her person. Unlike Coryth who remarkably still appeared sober, Hevana had made it through a whole half a beer and was a fair bit inebriated. Not that this state was all that unfamiliar to her.

"You knows, I think iths stoopid to come back to this stoopid planet," she slurred while giving Coryth a stern look.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]


Morality Policeman :)
Everyone knows redheads are easy money. It is incredibly difficult to lose track of that orange or crimson mane that a few humans sport, and this was quite the crimson mane. The trick was convincing Ms. Crimson that she could make her disappear.

The cathar slinked up to the imbibing woman--taking care not to sit between her and the one who looked like she had already passed her limit. "Oh, look at that. You're pretty brave to be taking this one on," she commented, intending to butter up her target. Bettannes curled her shrimpy tail up as she welcomed herself to the adjacent stool. "I think you might be just the person who can handle an all-expenses-paid affair on beautiful Jabiim." The hopeful con slowly procured a vibrant brochure from a pouch at her waist and slid it across the counter by the tips of her nails. Yes, lovely Jabiim...

Actually, all those extraordinary images were taken on Atrisia. Go figure.

[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Hevana Martin"]

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Jack had often found himself in Cantina's when he was outside of work, his ship had little in the way of supplies so Jack "graciously" decided to jump ship before any of his crewmates would have to suffer that same terrible fate. He walked into the cantina and took in the easy life form the regulars, then he saw a group of females sitting in a table. There were two redheads, one who was obviously inebriated and a Cathar which Jack had only seem a few times before.

Jack walked over to them after grabbing a drink and introduced himself. "Hello, ladies are you enjoying your evening." He gave a playful smile to the Cathar as she seemed the least drunk out of all of them.

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
The inebriated Hevana turned and smiled at the cathar as her eyes looked the woman up and down. "I'm sure we'd love to go, but only if you joins us for the fun," she said with a wink that left no question about what kind of "fun" she was hinting at. Hevana was anything but subtle.

The mood changed dramatically as the man drew close. Terror gripped the soldier's heart as he spoke, and Hevana did not handle fear well even when she was sober. When she was inebriated that control went out the window and she fell back to the only ways she knew how to deal with her fear: anger, bravado, and violence. In a blur of motion her arm swung up from her side, a vibroblade now present in it and pointed directly at his throat.

"There ain't anything you got that we want so you best be shoving off," Hevana said in a deadly tone.

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Bettannes Mrikkuw"] [member="Jack Rand"]
"Talk to the Force, it wasn't exactly my choice." She said to Hevana softly. If Coryth had gotten her way she would be any place but here. "It shows me Tatooine, so here I am.You just had to tag along for the ride. I was just stepping out for a drink, that's all....." Like anything with Cory was ever as simple as just a drink. Nope, the woman was a grade A trouble magnet.

Coryth glanced to the Cathar approaching on her left. Lifting a brow, she just smiled. "You know ... Reactor Cores have to be my favorite drink..." It wasn't the first time the tiny redheaded Jedi had been drinking them, and actually knew her limit hovered around five and a half. For all of her ninety-nine pounds, this might have been a remarkable limit. For those who knew her, not so much.

While she wasn't exactly watching for signs of deception, there was just something about the woman. "No, no ... Jabiim isn't where it's at. It's Kaeshana. I mean have you seen the sights there? It's just fantastic, I'm telling you, if you haven't been you need to go." She'd gotten rather attached to Kaeshana these days after all.

She turned to the guy last, "I'm great, couldn't be better, aside from the whole stuck on this dustball, but aside from that it's great." Then glanced once more to Hevana, seeing the knife in hand Coryth gave a nudge with the force in Hevana's hand. A hint to put in away now, before Coryth solved the situation her way. "Play nice... I imagine he won't bite, much." Unless he wanted to, but that was a completely different story and Coryth wasn't about to assume such things.

[member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Bettannes Mrikkuw"]

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Bettannes Mrikkuw"]

Jack was a bit shocked when the first girl got a bit aggressive towards him, but then he regained his composure when the red head gave him a warm welcome. He gave her as charming a smile as he could muster and gave the woman a retort. "I only bite if you ask." He gave her a playful wink before paying attention to the entire group again.


Morality Policeman :)
Of course, of all the patrons in the cantina, she had to choose the one who was apparently associated with the paranoid drunk--with knives. No way was Bettannes intervening in this turn of events, though. No, she had her own hide to save, after all these years of amounting to nothing--and now she was on the verge of becoming a scratch of something. This had apparently been a bad call, however.

Thankfully, the redhead dammed the potential energy that might prove catastrophic from the crazy woman. To think she had just hit on the cathar! Yeah, uh... No thanks, sweetheart. The man with unfortunate timing seemed to take things in stride, at least. He was still alive for now.

"Kashaena's pretty good, too. I can get you deal for that one..." She slowly began to creep backwards, wanting nothing to do with this wacky scene. It was interesting how the conversation had switched to violent topics in such a short span. Bettanes had just gotten here. And biting? Well... that was one thing she may have been guilty of... once or twice... "And biting is culturally acceptable there, I believe. You just have to know who's game."

[member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Jack Rand"]

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Hevana had started to put her blade away at Coryth's request when the guy made her comment. Apparently he was not quick to grasp flirting with them was not exactly the safest course at the moment with a clearly unhappy (and thoroughly terrified) woman holding a knife. Something close to a growl escaped as she brought the blade back up.

"If you try and bite anyone here I swear I'll find out how many teeth you have by yanking them out one by one."

Not an idle threat given her strength. Still, it was a wonder anything questioned why she had no male friends. Hevana could not be blamed entirely though, she was a victim of her own irrational fears. Which, unfortunately, did not help when it came to ruining first impressions. Such as in this case.

[member="Bettannes Mrikkuw"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Bettannes Mrikkuw"] [member="Jack Rand"]

This place, how long had it been? Two maybe three years since Rexus had come to this particular dive bar. The last time he had shown his face here he had been part of planning a job to steal a massive capital ship for the Atrisians. This was of course before he had found the light and joined the Ession reformation to become a Jedi knight, those were darker days the man didn't like to talk about. But the force had willed him here to this bar once more, and it had better of had a damn good reason for doing so. The man was on holiday with his girlfriend and had snuck out while she had been sleeping in their hotel room not far away. But regardless of whether the force was yanking his metaphorical chain he had arrived here to see what the fuss was about.

"Why can't it ever just be a straight answer. Am I asking for too much?" He said putting his arms in the sky and talking to no one in particular.

After his moment he walked through the threshold of the bar and scanned the room with his dreads only partially obscuring his vision. So by the looks of it things it was your average hell hole of a bar on Tatooine. There were a few biff playing a repetitive and frankly boring song, a group of less than nefarious individuals puffing on a hooka in the corner and random folk scattered about drinking themselves to death.

"Way to go force, you never steer me wrong." He said again sarcastically and to no one in particular.

But then his gaze met the bar and there was something off. Well besides the D bag who was trying to chat up a few women who did NOT belong in this bar. They looked to have all their teeth, dress well, and generally not be something a moisture farmer would spend his hard earned credits on at the end of the month. So Rex raised his left hand and extended his senses through the force. The backlash that hit him immediately caused his hand to flinch back and it felt like he had used it as a pillow during a nap. Tingles flared up his hand and they didn't hurt, the aura the little red head emitted wasn't necessarily a paragon of light and hope. But she was a decent person, Rex got that much from her. But above all she had power. This was why he was called here, to talk to her? Perhaps, but he would take it slow. It looked like her friend who was clearly a lesbian had issues with anyone with a Johnson even talking to her friend.

So Rex casually made his way up to the bar. He wore a plain black t shirt and jeans. And plastered on his shirt was a picture of the infamous Darth Vader dressed in a suit and bow tie, and in white letter bellow it read

"Classy as Sith"

He ordered a tropical drink and beach to sip at it only occasionally looking over to glance at the posse of crazies.
Trixter sat in the dark corner watching over the bar. He studied everyone who entered. He examined every detail. What they were wearing, the material it was made of, analyzing their facial expressions and movement of their bodies to find out why they were there.

Of all places Tatooine, of all places a bar on Tatooine. The lowest of the low? Maybe. Or maybe something more that the basic mind couldn't understand. Trixter chuckled silently to himself. "Good thing I don't have a basic mind," he laughed in his head.

Watching he saw a man flirting with some young ladies. He never was a fan of relationships, nor was a fan or watching them unfold. Though he did enjoy manipulating and controlling, and using people for his gain.

He knew one thing, there was another force user, perhaps more than one, here. He could feel it. Though he was still new to his connectivity to the force he could sense the presnence of other users. He felt it coming from that group. Taking a drink he stood and casually walked over to them. Sitting down next to one of the ladies. He smiled wide.

"Hi there," he simply greeted. "I'm Jason, and you are...?"

[member="Hevana Martin"]


Hopeless romantic, pure heart, determined will
A call of the force was sent from outside from the bar. From a desert plain surrounded by mountains it wasn't too far from the cantina but was [member="Rexus Drath"] and [member="Coryth Elaris"] strong enough to sense it? "I seek training in the ways of the force" I called out...

(Respond to the post: lonely self training in tatooine if your able to sense it and wish to respond to my call. Who knows eventually i may give up and stumble into another cantina...but not for a while.)

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