Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private True Gold Fears No Fire

ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ



TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Avius and Aric, the twin moons of Illyria, cast their ghostly light over the jagged peaks, bathing the Spyre in a pale, ethereal glow. The fortress stood proudly amidst the crags, its towers and turrets clawing at the night sky like skeletal fingers. It was a place of shadow and stone, unyielding except to those with the strength to dare claim it. Leven had retaken the Spyre from abandonment, much like she had with so many things in her life—pulling them out from the void and bending them to her will.

The interior of the Spyre was a reflection of its mistress: austere yet strangely alluring. The corridors, lined with ancient tapestries and dark wood paneling, twisted and turned, designed to confound any unwelcome visitor. Only Leven walked them with ease, her steps confident and light as she led the way deeper into her domain. There was a coolness to the air here, a crispness that felt sharp against the skin—a reminder of the isolation this place offered, perched high above the mines below.

Leven was acutely aware of the presence behind her, the silent footsteps of her guest following in her wake. The young Sith had come willingly enough, drawn by curiosity, perhaps, or ambition. But Leven could sense the tension in the air, the unspoken questions and cautious thoughts that lingered just out of reach. She didn't mind.

As they entered the great hall, Leven's lips curled into a subtle smile. The room was vast, with high vaulted ceilings lost in shadow, and the scent of burning wood mingled with the faint aroma of spices and roasting meats. A long table dominated the center, laden with an array of dishes—exotic fruits, rich stews, and freshly baked bread that still steamed in the cool air. Servants moved quietly around the room, their expressions calm, their movements precise. There was no need for words; they knew their duties well. Each one of them was a pawn in her game, their wills subtly bent to her own through the latent powers of her species—a choir of obedience.

Leven moved to her seat at the head of the table, gesturing with a slight inclination of her head toward the chair beside her. She slid into her own seat with a grace that was almost feline, her eyes never leaving her guest as she settled in. The flickering candlelight played across her features, casting shadows that danced with a life of their own. Ever since her Xobos' departure Leven had made sure to take good care of her former Master's province. In fact, Garde Noir was now richer than ever - and so the Jester of course was quite lenient in her expenses, even if her tastes offer differed much from the norm.

"This place has a certain charm, don't you think?" Leven mused aloud, her voice soft but carrying easily in the stillness of the hall. She reached for her goblet, taking a leisurely sip of the deep crimson wine, savoring the rich flavor before setting it down again. "This is the Spyre, darling. While I hide many things here, the place we are going will have to wait for a bit. There are preparations to be made, in your best interest not to rush it." A memory flickered past her eyes. The pain. Leven was no stranger to pain, but none had ever felt the way entering the Shining Death for the first time had. Luckily, she now had the knowledge to spare her newfound, precious, acquaintance from sharing that experience.

Her gaze flicked over the table, then back to her guest, her smile widening just a fraction. "Besides, a little indulgence is good for the soul. Don't you agree?"

She paused, allowing the question to hang in the air for a moment, watching for any flicker of response. It was always interesting to see how others reacted in her presence, how they navigated the currents she stirred. Her eyes gleamed with amusement, her expression composed yet watchful—a predator at rest.

"There's much to learn in a place like this," she continued, her tone almost conversational, though her words carried an undercurrent of something deeper, something more calculating. "It has a history, a presence that lingers… much like the mines themselves."

She leaned back in her chair, still watching, still waiting. The room seemed to hold its breath, the servants moving like shadows around them their numbers growing thin as they exited, the flickering candlelight casting strange, shifting patterns on the walls. It was a place of secrets, a place of power. It was part of her home.

Leven picked up her goblet, swirling the wine slowly before taking another sip. "But enough of my musings," she said, her tone shifting to something lighter, almost playful. "We're here to enjoy ourselves, aren't we? The mines will still be there when we're ready. And who knows? You might find that you enjoy my company more than you expected."

She set the goblet down, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she leaned forward, her eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and something else—something darker, more dangerous. "...Or I'll just continue to enjoy yours. The night is young, after all, and there's so much we could talk about…"

The hall seemed to close in around them, the shadows deepening, the air growing heavier with each passing moment. Leven watched her guest carefully, her smile never fading, her gaze never wavering. She was in her element here, and she intended to make the most of it.
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Kaila followed close behind Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd , Her body wrapped in a two-piece traveling cloak that was more befitting of a Sith than what she had worn when last they met. She also wore a vambrace served as a watch, among other things. One of the many buttons on it served as a warning system linked to her Astromech back on her ship, which would direct it to seek help from Darth Xyrah if pressed. It was far from fool proof, and she wanted to believe in Leven anyway. But it was merely Kaila's nature to prepare even if she didn't need to.

Her constantly shifting gaze might have actually evidenced her trust in the woman however, even if cautiously hopeful. Whereas before she never let Leven out of her sight, Kaila took the time to observe the many tapestries and intricate design that flanked the stonework. Kaila had assumed that Leven lived in some ancient temple or other abandoned place when she mentioned a "sanctuary" in which to conduct private affairs and research, yet it seemed almost like a castle on some feudal world, Illyria's own history being yet unknown to the young apprentice.

Entering the hall told her that the woman was undoubtedly wealthy, Kaila's surprised evident by the way she stared up at the grand ceiling as they continued walking, then at the long table with exotic foods laid out and then lastly at the servants. It was a quiet place, with an eerie cold to the air that reminded her of the recycled air back home and it's own grand halls. And yet this place felt... natural in comparison. Somehow more inviting, though that in of itself was perhaps eerie in it's own way.

Eventually they arrived at the far end of the banquet table and Kaila sat down next to her host as bid, throwing the cloak over her shoulder so as to avoid dipping it in the food or wine, of which there was plenty.

"This place has a certain charm, don't you think?"

"It feels... Old. Perhaps very old" Perhaps not the answer she was looking for, but coming from a peculiar scholar like herself, perhaps it was not a bad thing.

Like Leven, she was quick to take up a goblet. Much like the crystal shard from before, Kaila carefully took hold of it with the force via a subtle gesture, allowing it to gently glide into her hand, careful not to spill even a single drop, such was her control. She was no master of course, not yet, but she certainly had innate talents.

She sipped and seemed to rather enjoy it while listening to her host. She had grown used to dining at Xyrah's expense some time ago, but the past few years she spent on Dathomir where she was regularly deprived of food, let alone good food, had renewed her appetite for the finer things in life.

"Besides, a little indulgence is good for the soul. Don't you agree?"

"Mm. Indeed" Kaila smiled just a little and sighed softly once she had finished sampling the wine, nodding to both herself and to Leven's question. Even so, she suspected they were speaking of more than wine. Considering what they had spoken of on Dantooine though, she couldn't rule out herself being the subject of double meaning. She looked the woman up and down, trying to figure out exactly what Leven was thinking or even what she herself thought about it, though she put her own question aside for now. With those sharp teeth and predatory mannerisms, she almost wandered if she would one day end up a meal herself. Perhaps even her mind or soul. She had met one soul-eater already...

Besides, Leven continued speaking and filling the void left by Kaila's naturally quiet demeanor, talking some about the fortress and that it had a history, a "presence" as she described it. One had to wonder if that was a figure of speech or very literal, given what Kaila knew of spirits so far. Perhaps even that is why Leven took such a peculiar interest in her. So many questions floating around in that head of hers and yet so few asked.

"But enough of my musings," she said, her tone shifting to something lighter, almost playful. "We're here to enjoy ourselves, aren't we? The mines will still be there when we're ready. And who knows? You might find that you enjoy my company more than you expected."

Kaila chuckled almost shyly at her remark. She had already enjoyed Leven's company more than she had expected nor intended to, and that was dangerous. Anything that could cloud her judgement, thwart her guarded nature. But she was also overly curious. Leven made her curious. Either because of the mystery that clung to her presence or perhaps the danger which she could not pinpoint the nature of but could so plainly feel, or even something else...

She was doubtful that they were here just to enjoy themselves. There was always something else, always a test observed or a move made, but for now she helpless to fight her own fascination of it all.

"...Or I'll just continue to enjoy yours. The night is young, after all, and there's so much we could talk about…"

Kaila cleared her throat, trying to ignore the thought and move on to something else. There were at least other questions she could focus on instead.

. . .

"I've... I've been meaning to ask" And after a long pause, she finally asked for a change.

"You say that you see some potential in me. But I fail to remember, what have I done exactly to demonstrate this...? I created a measly candle light in the ruins, the bare minimum power one can put behind lightning, made a tiny sliver of kyber levitate. All things a mere acolyte could do with a little training. Most would dismiss me, fail to even notice. I just don't understand what's got you so... intrigued"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ



TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven's lips curved ever so slightly as she watched Kaila sit beside her, her gaze taking in the young Sith's cloak, her vambrace, the subtle movements of her eyes as they roamed the hall. There was a sharpness to Kaila, a quiet, calculating awareness that Leven found... delicious. Not in the sense of a meal, no—though the thought did cross her mind, and she did not dismiss it—but in the sense of a challenge, a puzzle to be unraveled.

She swirled the wine in her goblet thoughtfully, her other hand resting lightly on the arm of her chair. Kaila's question hung in the air between them, a hesitant probe into Leven's intentions, into the dark curiosity that seemed to draw the two of them together like moths to a flame. And oh, how Leven loved the dance of it all—the unspoken words, the hidden meanings, the subtle shifts in power and perception.

"Intrigued," Leven repeated softly, savoring the word as if tasting it for the first time. "Yes, that is the right term, I suppose." She set her goblet down with a quiet clink, her fingers drumming a slow, thoughtful rhythm on the table's edge. "But not for the reasons you might think, darling. Definitely not only for those. It does begin to capture it though..."

Her eyes flicked to Kaila, their white depths shining. "I've known many who could wield the Force," she continued, her voice a low, silky purr that seemed to fill the room. "Acolytes, apprentices, even a few powerful enough perhaps to even challenge your Master. They all had power, potential... but so few of them were interesting."

She leaned back slightly, her gaze never wavering from Kaila's face, studying her with the intensity of a hunter assessing its prey. "You, on the other hand... you have a certain presence, a way of just... being. I've seen it in the way you move, the way you look at things—as if you're seeing something more, something beyond what is merely in front of you. You remind me of someone I once knew, a long time ago. Someone who was never quite alone, even when she was by herself."

Leven's smile widened, a flash of teeth that might have been charming if it weren't for the underlying hint of something darker, something more feral. "I find that fascinating," she said simply. "I want to know more about it. About you. Or however many yous there are."

She paused, letting her words sink in, watching for the flicker of recognition in Kaila's eyes, the subtle shift in her posture that might reveal a hint of understanding—or perhaps, a hint of fear. The Jester did not intend to make her feel afraid, exposed perhaps, but not afraid.

"But beyond that," she continued, her tone turning almost conversational, as if they were discussing something as mundane as the weather, "I do things because they feel right to me. Because they amuse me, or because they bring me pleasure, or satisfaction. I have no grand moral compass, no guiding principles save for my own whims and desires. And right now, my dear, you fall well within that category. A puzzle to be solved, a mystery to be unraveled. Perhaps even a companion, or peer, if you will."

She reached for her goblet again, taking another sip of the rich, dark wine, savoring the taste as she let her words hang in the air. "So you see," she said finally, setting the goblet down once more, "it's not about what you've done, or what you can do. It's about who you are. And that, Kaila, is what makes you... intriguing."

Leven had no desire to rush into anything. Not progression. Not discovery. Not even the puzzle that Kaila was that she was so enjoying. There was a pleasure, in this case, in taking their due time. "I do love this new inquisitive side of yours - ask away, I promise you'll get straight answers." She did seem to enjoy these better. It was quite strange, for Leven to take an interest on what others preferred.

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Kaila leaned forward as Leven began, hands clasped together and chin resting on the bridge of fingers while she listened intently. The truth was that she was just as fascinated by Leven as she was with her, the only real difference being that she acknowledged her host was potentially a threat, whereas Leven seemed very confident in her own safety. Admittedly Kaila was perhaps overly cautious with most people she met. It was the duality that bothered her; Unknowing whether she was merely paranoid or rightfully wary.

At first she was content to mutually study her mysterious host, even finding her words flattering in a way. On Malsheem she was just another apprentice, another tool in a galactic scaled arsenal. It was nice for a change, not only to feel... wanted, in some type of way, but to be seen as something unique. Perhaps even someone for a change.

But then it her almost all at once.

"You remind me of someone I once knew, a long time ago. Someone who was never quite alone, even when she was by herself."

"I find that fascinating,"
she said simply. "I want to know more about it. About you. Or however many yous there are."

At first she would tilt her head, lips pursed as her mind began debating what to say or whether to say anything at all. But then it came. She knew. Leven knew about the wretched parasite living in her mind at all times. She knew about the last remaining evidence of her failure on Dathomir.

She. Knew.

Kaila's inquisitiveness quickly began to fade ash averted her eyes, staring at some wall or shadow elsewhere as breath was slowly pushed through her lips, and her eyes slowly closed.

She would have liked to enjoy the things Leven was saying. Enjoy that she didn't need to work for this, enjoy that this woman seemed intrigued by Kaila being just Kaila. But how could she? How could she enjoy being what she was? A failed apprentice, foolish and overpowered by something that was not even alive. She had kept her mind secure, had the ghost exorcized from her body since Dathomir, but still it followed her, like a leech that could no longer feed, separated from it's would be host by a thin layer of glass. Haunting her, reminding her that she had failed her master, reminding that it was the reason he all but ignored her.

Her will to resist it's hold on her mind was all for nothing.

She was nothing.

And yet Leven remained fascinated by it all. What a strange world she lived in.

"Show her..." She spoke aloud to the ghost.

<<You do not command me, Apprentice>>

<<I said...>>

Kaila's eyes opened, a golden fury shining such that it cast a feint light in the darkness, and she stood abruptly. Without warning one of her sabers flew into the air, it's pieces quickly being unraveled with the force as she glared into it, screws twisting and floating in the air as if simply willed to do so by the intensity of her gaze.

Then just as abruptly as she began, Kaila drew a second lightsaber and held it up to the now exposed Hurrikane cystal, her thumb hovering over the activation stud, threatening to destroy it forever.

"Show. Her."

A beat passed, and the crystal conceded.

Tendrils of pure shadow swirled from the exposed crystal, drowning it's violet glow until they had taken shape. A Hoodless figure formed before their eyes, hovering just above the table. It was nothing more than a translucent ghost, empty robes that appeared faceless, only an absence of light occupying the hood.

The ghost of Darth Parasideus.

Despite the fury radiating from Kaila, a smile tugged at the corner of her lip.

"You mentioned crystals," She glanced at Leven, pride evident in her eyes, for she had finally learned to control the spirit. It was by now means a permanent solution, but in a pinch, it would do.

"On Dantooine, You said they could be used to bind a spirit, yes? I didn't understand how it survived, but you brought it my attention, the final piece of the puzzle"

She turned back towards the spirit then, who in kind, despite their lack of facial features, looked as if they too were staring directly back in eerie, unliving silence.

"We weren't researching possession, were we? You weren't trying to worm your way in further, It was Essence Transference. The crystal wasn't a ritual component, it was a key"

"And yet," The ghost spoke, but it spoke in the voice of thousand others. Man or woman, young or old, human or not. It had no identifiable features, no one specific accent or dialect. It was simply many.

"You will not destroy us. You will would never allow it"

It turned to Leven then, just as Kaila averted her gaze, scoffing at the wretched thing while rebuilding the lightsaber with her mind.

"Greetings, Dark one. Are we still... intrigued?"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ


TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven's eyes widened slightly as Kaila’s demeanor shifted. There was a tension in the air now, something electric and charged, like the moments before a storm. She watched with a mix of fascination and something darker as Kaila’s eyes blazed with a fierce, golden light. The change in her was sudden and almost primal, a raw, unbridled display of power and emotion.

Leven’s lips parted, a slow breath escaping as she observed Kaila’s sudden movements, the disassembly of the lightsaber, the crystal exposed and vulnerable. Her curiosity sharpened into something more acute, something that bordered on hunger. She could feel it—the dark tendrils of the Force, the shifting energies as Kaila commanded the spirit within to reveal itself.

It echoed in the dimly lit hall, and Leven felt a thrill course through her, a shiver of excitement as the crystal obeyed. Shadowy tendrils began to emerge, snuffing out the violet glow with their inky darkness, coalescing into the form of a hooded figure hovering just above the table. The sight was mesmerizing—a phantom born of shadows and spite, a translucent being that seemed to drink in the light around it.

Leven’s smile widened, her white eyes gleaming with delight. So, there it was—an ancient spirit, tethered to the crystal, trapped within Kaila’s lightsaber, within Kaila. Her assumption had been correct; Kaila was not alone. But this was no mere passenger. This was something altogether more sinister, more potent.

"You mentioned crystals," Kaila said, her voice cutting through the silence like a blade. Leven’s gaze flicked to her, catching the pride in her eyes, the satisfaction of one who has finally seized control, even if only momentarily.

"On Dantooine, you said they could be used to bind a spirit, yes? I didn't understand how it survived, but you brought it to my attention, the final piece of the puzzle."

Leven nodded slightly, her smile still in place but her mind racing. The puzzle pieces were aligning, forming a picture far more intricate than she had anticipated. She watched as Kaila and the spirit faced each other, two opposing forces locked in a silent struggle, each testing the boundaries of the other.

When the ghost spoke, its voice was a cacophony, a multitude of voices entwined in one—a voice of many, a voice of none. It was an unnerving sound, one that sent a ripple through the Force itself. Leven could feel it—the weight of the dark side, the echo of centuries of knowledge and malevolence contained within that single presence.

"You will not destroy us." it taunted.

Leven’s gaze flicked between Kaila and the spirit, her mind considering the implications. She saw Kaila’s resolve, the way she held the saber, thumb hovering over the activation switch, ready to obliterate the crystal and end the spirit’s hold over her. There was strength there, but also doubt, a hesitation.

And then, the spirit turned its attention to Leven, its empty hood facing her, the darkness within seeming to bore into her soul. "Greetings, Dark One. Are we still... intrigued?"

The question hung in the air, a challenge and an invitation all at once. Leven's smile did not waver. Instead, it grew, her eyes narrowing as she considered the specter before her. She could feel the dark aura radiating from the spirit, a potent force that seemed to pull at her own. And in response, her own darkness began to stir, rising within her like a tide.

A soft, almost inaudible hum filled the room as the shadows around Leven began to deepen. Dark tendrils of her own presence in the Force unfurled from her, snaking through the air like serpents made of pure night, reaching out to meet the spirit's. They danced in the air between them, a silent communion of shadows, a meeting of like minds—or perhaps, like darknesses.

Leven's voice was a whisper, yet it carried through the hall with a weight that seemed to press down on everything around them. "Oh, very much so," she purred, her eyes locked onto the spirit's empty gaze. "You are... unexpected. A delightful complication in an otherwise predictable evening." The Jester's white gaze then turned to Kaila.

Leven rose from her sit as well, her tendrils of darkness intertwining with those of the spirit, a silent, eerie dance that seemed to mock the boundaries of reality itself. "But you," she continued, her tone turning almost affectionate, "are not the one who holds my interest." Her gaze flicked to Kaila, her expression softening ever so slightly. "She is." Leven's eyes never left Kaila as she spoke.

"You see, kindred. I'm not easily impressed..." Her tone carried no offense, no true intention to stir the spirit into anger. In fact, as her own presence entertwined with his, with Kaila's, the doors would be quite open, even if the core was still well guarded. Her ambition, her bloodlust, the dark cradle she had been born of and then two times swadled by. Her own Sithspawn origin, and then the darkness that had been extended to her by Jonah, and his mother before him, the depths of the abyss. The unravelling of the galaxy.

She let the words hang in the air, a challenge, a taunt, daring the ghost to reveal its hand. Leven knew better than to rush into a confrontation. She was a hunter, after all, and hunters knew the value of patience, of waiting for just the right moment to strike.

"You've lingered here for some time, haven't you?" she mused, her tone almost casual, as if engaging in idle conversation. "Locked away, forgotten, waiting for something… or someone." Her gaze flicked briefly to Kaila, then back to the ghost. "It must have been terribly dull." The Jester began moving, slowly, unbothered, towards the young woman, until she was looking at the ghost only over Kaila's shoulder.

"Tell me," she said, her tone now tinged with genuine curiosity, "do you remember your name, spirit? Or has time and darkness eroded it from your memory?" Her question was soft, probing, but not without a certain edge—a subtle jab, a nudge towards whatever pride or ego still existed within the ghost. And yet, it was an honest inquiry. Names were but chains in the end. Many had shed theirs, just as she would shed her own one day.

"I wonder what kind of stories you have to tell." The Jester took one step forward, her frame now rising in height over Kaila's, her head tilting ever so slightly towards her own golden locks. A boundary. A contest.

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Darth Parasideus said:
"You will not destroy us. You will would never allow it"

<<But I will find a way to control you. Some day...>>

Kaila had turned away in shame before, but the darkside still radiated from her like waves of heat through the otherwise cold room. Whatever restraint she confined herself to, Leven was just beginning to see this side of her that Kaila had been hiding.

Even so, Parasideus was right. She would not truly allow him to be destroyed, not yet at least. Perhaps he would push her to that one day, but for now she was driven by a need to subjugate his power for her own. Power was freedom in this bleak galaxy, for freedom cannot be given. It is taken. And in time, she planned to become quite powerful indeed.

She closed her eyes, breathing deeply in and out, allowing her wrath to subside.

"Iron within"

"Iron without"

"Iron within..."
"Iron without..."

She would repeat and whisper the first few lines of her peculiar mantra a few times, allowing Leven and the Spirit time to converse. It wasn't quite like some Jedi meditation however, she wasn't truly dispelling her rage. It was more like steeling herself for a coming storm, refocusing anger so that it may be cooled like metal being shaped into a wall, almost like a constant state of Battlemind. Perhaps this was why she always seemed so guarded, ready to act on instinct alone.

Yet something spoken caught her ear.

"But you
are not the one who holds my interest.

She is."

Kaila glanced over her shoulder at Leven, still breathing slowly in and out. Despite the woman inching ever closer, she made no move to retreat nor stop her advance.

The conversation continued otherwise, The spirit's faceless form following Leven with an eerie focus not unlike her own. She asked it a question, something that gave it pause for but a brief moment.

"We are.



It spoke in yet another cacophony of voices and psychic whispers that carried though the great hall just as easily as Leven's, and yet it was not an entirely honest answer. A title perhaps, but not a true name. Such a thing had indeed eroded over hundreds of years, like an ancient statue whose face had been smoothed beyond recognition by sea, wind and time.

Then the spirit descended to the cold stone floor, legs forming clad in leather boots, the hooded robes changing into a dark cloak, hair growing from the faceless void... It was undoubtedly a ghost still, translucent and blue as it stepped forward, inching closer to Kaila in kind, but this time... It was Kaila, as if a spectral clone stood before them. And yet set between identically golden locks, a void stood where there should have been a face still. A void that gazed back with golden eyes.

"And we are many"

Kaila, the real Kaila, groaned bitterly as she heard an exact copy of her voice amidst the discordant choir in which Parasideus spoke.

"Not that one... that form" She forced her eyes shut "Pick another victim, you never could do me justice"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched with growing intrigue as the spirit, now identified as Darth Parasideus, began to manifest a form—a spectral imitation of Kaila, complete with golden hair and the same lithe frame. But where Kaila’s features were sharp, determined, and alive with raw emotion, the ghost’s visage was a haunting parody—a faceless void with eyes of molten gold that bore into Leven and Kaila alike. A cold smile tugged at the corners of Leven's lips as she witnessed this eerie transformation.

"How charming," she murmured, her tone laced with amusement as she observed the mimicry. "A shadow playing at being flesh. Yearning for substance?" Her voice was a soft whisper, yet it seemed to cut through the heavy air between them, carrying with it a hint of disdain mixed with a deeper curiosity.

She stepped closer to Kaila, her movements slow and deliberate, almost predatory. Leven’s presence was a dark, tangible thing, a manifestation of the void within her—a void that now reached out, tendrils of darkness snaking towards the phantom doppelgänger. She wasn’t foolish enough to provoke it directly, not yet. No, she wanted to see how it would react, how far it could be pushed before it revealed its true nature.

"You wear her form," Leven continued, her eyes narrowing, "You speak with her voice, but you are far from possessing her yet aren't you?" She tilted her head, her gaze flicking to the real Kaila for a brief moment. The Jester's skin rippled, her own features morphing in the blink of an eye until her form was that of a cloaked, faceless ghost. The first form Parasideus had shown tonight. Even her voice, when it came again, was the voice of many. "Fun trick, ain't it?"

The question was both a taunt and a genuine inquiry, an attempt to pry at whatever motivation lay behind the spirit’s mimicry. Leven could feel the darkness radiating from it, a well of ancient malevolence that sought to draw her in. But she was no stranger to such darkness; she had lived in its shadow for far too long to be intimidated by it.

As she spoke, she felt Kaila’s energy shift beside her—a simmering wrath, tempered by a steely control. Leven could almost taste the conflict within the young woman, the battle between her desire for power and her fear of losing herself to it. She saw the way Kaila's hand tightened around the hilt of her lightsaber, the way her jaw clenched, as if she were bracing herself against some inner storm.

Leven’s smile widened, and she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper meant for Kaila’s ears alone. "I wonder," she mused softly, "what would you do if you could command that kind of power? If you could bend even this spirit to your will?" Her words were a temptation, a lure dangled before Kaila to see how far she would go—how much she was willing to risk for control.

She pulled back, her attention shifting back to the ghostly figure. "Or perhaps," she said, her tone now directed at Parasideus, "you are simply a remnant—a relic of a forgotten time, clinging to this world through sheer force of will. But that will can be tested, broken, even consumed." Her eyes flashed with a predatory gleam, the promise of a hunter who had found new prey.

Leven’s voice dropped to a low, multi-facetic tone, that seemed to resonate with the very shadows around them. "So, tell me, Parasideus... why do you haunt this crystal? What binds you here, in this form, to this place? Have you ever shared with your host what it is you want?" She took a step forward, towards the Sith Lord, Kaila's form now behind her as her own presence grew even more intense, pressing against the ghost's own aura.

"And more importantly..." she added, her gaze locked onto the faceless void where the ghost's eyes should have been. As she stood before the Sith Lord, her flesh returned to its usual form, her voice now her own again, "Why, Dark Lord?"

She let her words linger, a challenge and an invitation all at once. The air seemed to thicken with anticipation, the tension between them almost palpable. Leven could feel the dark currents swirling around them, a storm on the brink of breaking. She was ready, waiting, her senses alive with the thrill of what was to come.

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The spirit stopped just out of arm's reach from Kaila, staring at Leven in particular. She was right of course, the spirit was without a body of it's own, unable to interact with either of them on a physical level, nor was Kaila truly possessed by traditional standards. And yet...

"We have already possessed this form"

Kaila scoffed at the spirit's remark, a brief spike of anger seeping into the force around her despite her attempts to calm herself.

"It's... not entirely wrong" She sighed, trying to look at anything but Parasideus.

"But it was an unusual case. I lost control of my body for a time, though my mind was never breached. It's a... strange feeling"

She knew of at least one reason behind her ability to resist, as did the spirit. Both suspected this was a fluke of sorts although the spirit itself was much more confident in this belief than Kaila who still had a degree of pride left. Even so she was debating whether Leven should know this blessing in disguise or not, although it seemed the other woman was not without secrets of her own.

"Fun trick, ain't it?"

Both the spirit and Kaila looked on with great interest as Levens skin rippled and changed before their eyes, taking on a form quite familiar to each. Kaila in particular seemed as fascinated as she did surprised by the transformation. One could almost see the realization at work as she put the puzzle together. It was easy to assume that Leven was not merely human what with the teeth and all, but she had originally assumed her to be a near human species much like Kaila herself who was in fact Vahla, even if she had since shed many identifying features of her kind.

But now Leven's eyes in particular made sense to her. They weren't white because she was physically blind or merely drained of color by some dark force, but because they were evolved to change pigment as needed.

She was some kind of shapeshifter, perhaps even naturally evolved or created in a lab. Whatever Leven might be, she was quite skilled.

The spirit itself continued to stare in silence, eventually fading into it's original form rather than taking on Leven's as one might have expected, a clue perhaps as to how it's own powers functioned, or did not function for that matter. In truth it probed at Leven's mind further, trying to feel her emotions and desires, though it would not outright attempt to possess her. Not while Kaila had the saber to which it was bound. So long as she did, it needed her body and hers alone.

"I wonder," she mused softly, "what would you do if you could command that kind of power? If you could bend even this spirit to your will?

Kaila looked up as Leven came close enough to whisper something, although she would have preferred Leven whisper in her own voice, or at least a voice other than that of Parasideus, whom she was often forced to listen inside her own mind. Even so it was an interesting question. What would she do with the power she so coveted? She hadn't time to think about her own ambitions, those she did think about all revolving around her own independence. She had spent much time researching various Sith philosophies in her time, her own seeming to develop in the quiet minutes she had between her duties. At the very least she knew it all pointed to one truth; Power is independence, because only the powerful are truly free.

And so she whispered her answer

"I would break chains"

"I would build empires"

She stood with a certain resolve as Leven passed her, still pained by the spirit but the will to endure out of sheer spite at least remained. The spirit's own resolve however came into question, and was even verbally threatened as was it's very essence. Yet it continued to float there, deathly still as the void stared the shapeshifter down.

And yet, the many candles around seemed to flare up as the spirit became angered by the next line of questioning, the only sign however being the increasingly dark feeling that seeped into the force around it.

In truth it did not how to answer. Lifetimes had been spent to unlock the secrets of immortality, centuries spent waiting for a physical form with which to finalize this research. Kaila's had served it's purpose and yet her unique mind had forced it to be bound to a crystal while it searched for a body more easily corrupted to it's will. But what then? The traitors had perished so long ago that their names were forgotten by history, revenge had grown cold and like bones in a tomb.

The spirit was as hollow as the robes floating before them.

Kaila stared down the spirit expectantly, waiting for answers just as Leven and yet the spirit remained silent and still. It could not answer, for it asked the same each day. In truth there was only one certainty it still clung to.

"To break the chains" It finally answered

"Life, Death, Destiny. We call them many names, but they are still chains"

"The Force will not set you free"

Kaila's eyes narrowed at the spirit's mockery of the Sith code, but not because she agreed with the code itself. It felt strange actually, that an order who spent their entire lives trying to bend the force to their will would include such a line in their code. If anything, she agreed with Parasideus.

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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven observed the flickering flames, the shadows dancing wildly as Parasideus's anger pulsed through the chamber. She could feel the spirit probing at her mind, seeking entry, seeking something to grasp. But she was no ordinary prey to be toyed with; her mind was a labyrinth, a fortress wrapped in the darkness she wielded like a second skin. Her mind, was were others' came to be consumed and unraveled.

Her lips curved into a sly smile as she sensed Parasideus's probing touch, the spirit trying to pry into her thoughts. She allowed it, for a moment, to feel the vast emptiness, and fullness, within her—a void deeper than the abyss it claimed to master. A silent taunt, an invitation to experience the sheer vastness of her hunger, the endless pit of her desires and the darkness she carried, and of all those she had eaten. Only then did she draw the walls up again.

“That is no place for ghosts, my head.” she whispered, her voice silky, almost playful. “You’d find only shadows and an insatiable hunger. The dark has been my companion since I first was, and I believe it will be for far longer than it was ever yours, originally at least.” She stepped closer to the spirit, her form still and unyielding, her presence pressing against it like an unseen force.

She let the spirit’s words hang in the air, feeling the tension between them, between Parasideus and Kaila. The spirit had spoken of chains—of breaking free from the bonds of life, death, and destiny. And yet, here it was, bound to this place, this crystal, and ultimately to Kaila. A creature of contradictions. How quaint.

Leven’s gaze flicked to Kaila, watching her reaction, feeling the roiling conflict within her—the desire for power, the yearning for freedom, and the struggle against the chains that Parasideus had spoken of. Leven could see it, sense it in every movement of the younger woman, in the way she stood, tense and ready, yet also… curious. Curious about the power she might wield if she could break her own chains.

“Chains,” Leven echoed, her voice dropping to a murmur, her gaze never leaving Kaila. “They are everywhere, aren’t they? Holding us back, binding us to paths not of our choosing.” She moved closer to Kaila again, her presence a whisper in the darkness, her words a thread weaving through the shadows. “Power isn’t something given, it’s something taken. Seized by those who dare.”

Her eyes glittered with a dark, knowing light as she studied Kaila, assessing—but also, in this moment, perhaps something more. An ally, a kindred spirit who understood the need to break free, to carve her own path through the galaxy. “You are tasting that power right now, aren't you” she asked softly, her voice almost a purr, gesturing lightly to the possessed crystal. “You’ve felt the edge of the blade, the thrill of seizing control.”

Leven leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper meant only for Kaila’s ears. “There’s more, so much more,” she promised, her breath warm against Kaila’s skin. It wasn't the promise of someone who already knew what it meant to wield that kind of power - Leven was far from where she wanted to be - but it was the voice of someone who did not carry a shadow of a doubt regarding the ends she'd go to to get there. Regarding the things she'd seen herself do in her mind's eye.

She straightened, her gaze turning back to Parasideus. A would be breaker of chains, but presently prisoner of his own making. For now, she no longer cared what Parasideus wanted or why it was here. But she did care about what Kaila could do, with him, once this control became more permanent.

Kaila had already began. She had reached out, she had taken something that was not freely given, and now... she held a piece of this specter in her grasp. But there was so much more to take, so much more to wield. "We have a lot of work to do. I would not have you bound by a shadow past." Her eyes remained on hers, her tone smoother, controlled, her eyes...deeper, than ever before. Leven didn't want to stop at chains. Leven wanted to shatter galaxies. This was greater than anything she could ever do alone. It took a lot of waiting to find worthy companions to walk beside her into the depths of darkness.

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The flames grew more as Parasideus was shut out, though not before Leven allowed the spirit a glimpse. A teasing taste, meant to mock or perhaps intimidate. The spirit had seen darkness before, tasted it within minds uncounted, although it had never met a fellow devourer before, coming from an era when the galaxy was a much smaller place, the virus reducing the world's people to a level more manageable to a creature like itself.

"Ironic," The voices almost sounded amused

"that your quest to rid yourself of one mind eater has run you into the arms of another"

Kaila would narrow her eyes on the spirit, only for Leven to draw her gaze instead. She whispered words that Kaila had heard before, though they sounded prettier coming from her. She was aware of the chains and aware that she must take the power that breaks them, she was trying to take it for herself. From deals behind her master's back to clawing artifacts from their resting place as Leven had found her doing so.

But perhaps Leven was right. She needed to be daring. Scheming at a distance from Darth Carnifex wasn't enough, remaining quietly in the background wasn't enough.

Leven made it sound almost fun. Like a guilty pleasure waiting to be explored.

She was right too. Kaila was indeed beginning to love the thrill she spoke of, and she promised more. So much more. If that didn't give her shivers, Leven's breath against Kaila's skin did, despite it's warmth.

Kaila looked up to meet her gaze, her own breath becoming heavier. She couldn't look away.

Even as Parasideus silently raged in realization that it was quickly losing Kaila to someone far more capable of controlling her than they were, at least while they were bound to the force and not the flesh. Bound to her will, in a way, and not their own.

Even as the flames grew larger and spiraled towards Leven. Even as Kaila flung one hand to her side and the flame with it, returning to whatever candle and torchlight lit the once cold chamber.

Even as the spirit vanished in defeat, returning to it's crystal within Kaila's saber which she shoved back onto her belt.

Even then Kaila could not look away.

"We have a lot of work to do. I would not have you bound by a shadow past."

"What would you have us do?" She whispered in kind

"What work do you speak of?"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Kaila held her gaze as the embers of the fire cooled, the flickering flames receding into obedient silence under Kaila's command. The spirit's absence left a peculiar stillness in the air, like the pause between heartbeats. Leven could feel the weight of Kaila's question—What would you have us do?—hanging between them like a fragile thread, and for a moment, she savored it, letting the tension build, letting Kaila wonder. She could sense the pulse of curiosity and desire in the younger woman, a hunger for a moment she believed to be not unlike her own. It called to her, this unbridled spirit, like a song only she could hear.

She could feel the younger woman's breath quicken, a rhythm that spoke of more than just ambition or curiosity—it was desire, raw and unrefined. Leven understood it well, the pulse of wanting, the allure of the unknown. She leaned in, her presence a magnetic force that seeked to draw Kaila closer without a word.

Leven murmured, her voice a soft, knowing whisper, each word deliberate, caressing the space between them. "Taking control, binding this spirit to your will, seeing just how far you can go." Her hand lifted, fingers brushing against Kaila's cheek with a touch that lingered, as if savoring the closeness. "And I want to see it too."

She let her fingers trail down to Kaila's jaw, feeling the tension there, the readiness. "But first, we need to understand these crystals," she continued, her voice taking on a more focused tone, almost as if the physical contact was something happening on a different plane of reality, even if the Jester remained closely attentive in case this boldness on her end was not well received, fingers and eyes studying. "We found that fragment in the ruins on Dantooine—a crystal capable of binding souls, just like the one in your saber. If they can be bound… they can be controlled. And that's what we need to figure out."

Leven stepped back, just a fraction, enough to give Kaila room to breathe, but still close enough that her presence was palpable. "How they hold the spirits, and more importantly, how we can turn that binding into control. Make Parasideus answer to you, and only you." Leven's lips curved into a slow, satisfied smile. "We'll descend into the mines, if there are any answers here they are there," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "where the metals are strong, and the air itself will try to kill you. But I won't let that happen."

Leven turned, gesturing for Kaila to follow her deeper into the Spyre. "Come," she said, glancing back with a sly smile. "There's a room here where I keep… things that might help." She led Kaila through the twisting corridors, moving with a fluid grace, until they reached a small, dimly lit chamber lined with shelves filled with vials and jars each containing substances of varying colors and consistencies, some glowing faintly in the dim light.

"This," Leven said, sweeping a hand over the collection, "is a repository of my... experiments. Potions, antidotes, elixirs—all crafted to counter the many dangers I have encountered in my pursuits." She reached for a small, obsidian vial on the top shelf, holding it up to the light. "This one," she continued, her gaze turning back to Kaila, "will protect you from the miasma. It will fortify your body, your lungs, and allow you to breathe the toxic air without harm. Mind you, it will still be uncomfortable - the first times at least."

She stepped closer to Kaila, offering the vial. "But it does more than that," Leven added, her tone almost teasing. "It will also sharpen your senses, enhance your connection to the Force. You will feel everything more keenly, see deeper into the shadows. A necessary enhancement, I think, for what lies ahead."

Her eyes met Kaila's again, and there was something almost... tender in her gaze, an undercurrent of genuine interest and perhaps, even care - or whatever version of the feeling the Jester was able to produce.

She leaned in, her lips brushing against Kaila's ear, her voice a soft, seductive whisper. "And then, my dear, the real work begins."

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Kaila eyed those pale fingers that lingered against her cheek and swallowed. Not out of fear, yet still in anticipation. Leven would meet no resistance, not any more, as her gently closed a silent gesture of permission, not to open until they moved on to speak of crystals. There was just something about the shapeshifter that draws one in, something that transcended the boundaries of physicality and perhaps even the force. Something Kaila suspected would have drawn her in whether life had chosen the scholarly path or the dark side for her or not.

It was dangerous too, but in truth her iron shell developed to protect her from foul intent had been fighting her desire to know more- so much more- since entering the temple on Dantooine, and that shell had all but shattered by now, instincts developed or perhaps inflicted upon her by others had now lost.

Leven was like playing with fire, and Kaila was beginning to remember that fire was her favorite game.

She glanced to the side as they pulled away, disappointedly so, although she understood that they had work to do. Leven was talking about binding Parasideus, the very line of research that had caused their meeting and now seemed to be a shared goal of theirs. To Kaila, binding the malevolent spirit represented breaking the first link in a long chain to seeing her freedom, just as Leven represented change and the mark of an ambitious new era in her life. As much as she wanted to drink in this idea, she needed to focus. They needed to pursue strength now that passions had been emboldened. Then comes power, and through power comes victory, or so the code had taught her.

"Right, you alluded to this back at the temple. It wasn't until now that I realized Parasideus had- through my hands- been finalizing the ritual of Essence Transference. I believe they bound themselves to the crystal only because my mind proved... difficult to erase. Circumstances have left me... changed, in a way. Lacking some traits which Parasideus typically preys upon"

It was both an ironic stroke of luck and a sort of shame which Kaila spoke of, though she was entirely against sharing it with Leven if the shapeshifter were to inquire further.

Her trust in Leven, to even hint at her past in such a way, was considerably deeper than she had allowed herself to develop in any other than perhaps Darth Xyrah, who had been her only companion once she was selected by their shared master, Darth Carnifex. Even so, she supposed it was a low bar, given that to all others she was more of a ghost than a woman. A presence, unfelt and unheard, and always so alone.

Even following her here, into the spyre, into the workshop they were soon speaking of, was quite a leap compared to the almost paranoid distance she had kept all others.

"You are a Sith alchemist then?" She inquired as they entered the store room, wandering just how long the woman had spent perfecting her craft to have so many mixtures stored away.

"I'm barely more than a novice myself. It's funny; My master has all that power, yet his own knowledge of alchemy extends only to metallurgy and little else. How curious"

It never occurred to her until now that there such gaps in the knowledge personal of Darth Carnifex. It was not something she could exploit, yet at least, but it was intriguing to consider the implications.

Though more immediately intriguing, was the vial being offered to her and the dangers it was created to mitigate.

She eyed it with mixed suspicion, though less of Leven's intent and more so the liquid itself, unsure what exactly to expect beside what must surely be a bitter taste or smell. Even so, she would take it and hold it up to the light between pale fingers.

"How long should it last...?" If temporary then perhaps she would simply endure whatever this strange liquid would do to her. If lasting however, she would no doubt ask it's maker a whole host of questions on her mind.

Thoughts put aside for now as Leven leaned in as usual, though this time soft lips graced her ear and not only a soft voice. It made her stiffen at first, glossy lips pursed as she looked to her from the corners of her eyes.

"If you keep doing that... I might just assume that we are not confined to the rigorous boundaries of a traditional teacher and student relationship"

Her lips subtly curled into a smirk that was not befitting of the naïve apprentice most assumed Kaila to be.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven remained close to Kaila, her lips lingering near her ear as she felt the subtle rise and fall of the younger woman's breath until she responded, and the Jester straightened her posture. The revelation about Parasideus and the ritual of Essence Transference hung heavy between them, yet Leven felt no urgency to pull away or create distance, she felt quite comfortable standing as close as she did. Instead, she allowed the intimacy of their proximity to underscore her words, her voice soft yet filled with a commanding confidence.

"Essence Transference," Leven repeated, her tone carrying a hint of mockery, as if the mere concept amused her. "A crude ritual. Parasideus underestimated you." Her voice dipped lower, her eyes scorching through every inch of the young woman's profile with a slowness that was almost unbearable. "Changed, indeed. And I wonder what else lies beneath that surface, waiting to be uncovered." She let her eyes focus on hers again then, the moment lingering between them. "But for now, we'll focus on the task at hand."

As Kaila mentioned Sith alchemy, Leven allowed herself a quiet laugh, the sound vibrating between them. "I don't do labels," she said, her voice almost teasing, yet with an underlying seriousness. "But yes, Sith alchemy is one of my many interests, in fact I've been dabbling into it since before I knew the name for it, or becoming Sith myself. Metallurgy, too, much like your Master. Yet I expect my approach to it is... different. More... expansive. You'r about to learn a great deal more about this once we descend into the mines."

Her fingers brushed against Kaila's jaw again, lingering just a bit longer this time. "There, in those depths, the metals hold secrets. Even from me. I'm slowly prying them loose. "

Without breaking their closeness, Leven's voice softened, shifting into a more practical tone. "Regarding the antidote, its effects should last for close to a full day. But its potency can vary depending on the strength of the miasma, which shifts and changes with the winds and the mine's own fluctuations. And also," she added, a touch more seriously, "on your own constitution. Some are more resistant than others. It's why we're taking extra, just in case."

Then a devilish grin graced the pale Jester's features. The tip of her nails trailed down lightly over the skin on Kaila's neck, an almost-touch, barely there. Her voice was soft, seductive, yet carrying a weight of sincerity. "If you belive that we are confined to any boundaries here," she whispered, "then I've given you the wrong impression. There are no chains, no limits - not for you." She pulled back slightly, a grin turning into sly smile. "You're free to… transgress as much as you like."

Confidence spread across her lips as she finally stepped away, though not far. The promise in her tone was clear.

With a decisive motion, Leven turned her head slightly to the side, catching the attention of one of her servants who stood quietly by the doorway, a shadow among shadows in the dimly lit chamber. Illyrian flourished from her tongue as though she had been born speaking it. Two mounts would be prepared and well equipped.

The servant nodded and quickly disappeared into the darkness, their footsteps barely audible against the cold stone floor. Leven turned back to Kaila, her expression shifting from intense focus to a more relaxed, almost playful demeanor. "It's time," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "The mountains await us. And beyond them… my true home."

It wouldn't take them long to reach the grand entrance, and Leven pushed open the heavy doors with a firm hand. The night air rushed in, crisp and invigorating, carrying with it the scent of pine and snow from the mountains. The Spyre itself was nestled high in the rugged peaks of Garde Noir, a fortress carved into the very rock, overlooking the vast expanse below. The sun had dipped below the horizon, and the first stars were beginning to pierce the darkening sky. The mountains loomed like silent sentinels, their jagged silhouettes etched against the twilight.

The mounts awaited them just outside, two magnificent creatures that could only be described as something out of legend. Standing tall, their muscular bodies were built for the treacherous terrain, their long, sinewy legs ending in powerful, clawed hooves designed to grip the rocky ground with ease. Their coats were sleek and dark, almost shimmering under the faint light of the emerging stars, with iridescent scales running down their spines. Their tails long, and almost feline. Their eyes, deepy luminescent, glowed with an eerie intelligence, and their nostrils flared with each breath, revealing sharp, carnivorous teeth.

These were not mere beasts of burden; they were predators, evolved to traverse the harsh mountain terrain with a grace and power that was almost supernatural. Native to Illyria, these creatures were revered as much as they were feared. Known as Thanteris, they were the perfect mounts for a journey through the unforgiving mountains—swift, strong, and fiercely loyal once bonded with their rider.

Leven approached the nearest Thanteris with a familiarity that suggested this was not her first encounter with the individual. She stroked the creature's neck, her touch firm yet gentle, and the Thanteris responded with a low, rumbling purr, its eyes half-closing in what seemed to be pleasure. "Magnificent, aren't they? A lot of beings on Illyria are kissed by the darkness." Leven remarked, glancing over at Kaila with a hint of a smile. "They've been bred to withstand the harshest conditions, to navigate the most treacherous paths. And they're carnivores," she added, a note of pride in her voice. "They have a hunger in them that matches my own." They weren't cheap to keep - but oh, did she love creatures with an appetite.

She mounted her Thanteris with a fluid grace, her movements confident and assured. "Come," she urged Kaila.

"Do you ride?"

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"You're free to… transgress as much as you like."

Kaila had raised her chin slightly as Leven dragged her nails teasingly across her pale throat, just close enough to tickle her soft skin. And her words, they brought a mischievous smile about her face, and an almost glance away.

"Well, if that's the case-"

She took a step forward but came to a sudden stop as the servant spoke up in a language she did not understand, Kaila's eyes abruptly shot wide as she turned towards them, completely unaware that they were still in the room until now.
"It's time," she said, her voice filled with anticipation. "The mountains await us. And beyond them… my true home."

"✱Ahem✱ yes, right. Mountains, we're here for the mountains" Kaila groaned quietly, refusing to even face Leven until the woman was far enough ahead to follow.

She would stay behind while Leven led her through the winding corridors and outdoors while Kaila rubbed her temples and tried not to think about the incident which had just occurred. A task that she was currently failing miserably.

At least she could enjoy the last inklings of sunset. Garde Noir was beautiful in a way that only people like them could appreciate, with it's jagged peaks and dark cliffs. The smell of pine in particular was an oddly refreshing scent, the young apprentice taking in a deep breath of the cool night air just get a little more. There was something oddly pleasant, oddly...

Oddly familiar.

But... why?

Kaila stopped in her tracks, narrowing her eyes on the distant mountainside. It wasn't just the scent of pine that felt hauntingly familiar it was the whole damn planet. The jagged mountains, the evergreens and unbridled wilderness, it all felt like a place she should know but could not name. Surely it had something to do with her memories, or lack thereof rather. But without context it made no sense to Kaila. Surely she wasn't Illyrian, else the native language should have seemed familiar, but it was completely foreign to her. Something important must have happened in her life at some point on a forest world and yet she couldn't think of a single visit to any forest planet since she woke up on Krownest, and even then that place was frozen and alien to her.

"Magnificent, aren't they? A lot of beings on Illyria are kissed by the darkness."

To anyone else it would have looked that Kaila had simply frozen over while giving the mountainside an unbreakable wide eyed stare. It wasn't until Leven called out that she looked- or rather glared- in that general direction, only to blink a few times and then soften as she tried desperately to get ahold of herself.

It took a moment for Kaila to even catch up on what the woman was talking about, but it undoubtedly had something to do the large creatures reptilian creatures standing beside her. They were beautiful creatures and she would have verbally agreed if not for the distressing lapse in concentration which had just occurred, all she could manage right now was a curt nod. Although their carnivorous diet was not exactly a comforting thought, yet it was a thought unrelated her missing past and therefore it was a better thought for the time being.

What... what do they hunt naturally?" She half muttered while trying to make idle conversation.

"Come," she urged Kaila.

"Do you ride?"

Kaila blinked again, staring at the beautiful beast, although anything of the sort was quite alien indeed.

"Speeders mostly...?"

By the bogan. If it was as easily angered or even spooked as she could be then this would be a long night indeed.

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven felt a shiver of amusement course through her as Kaila raised her chin slightly in response to her teasing touch, the movement almost instinctive. The younger woman’s breath hitched for just a moment, and Leven couldn't help but revel in the delicate interplay of attraction and hesitation that hung in the air between them. For a fleeting second, it seemed like Kaila might lean in, close the gap that was already almost non-existent between them. The thought brought a devilish smile to Leven’s lips, the most satisfying kind of anticipation building in her dark, small heart. And then the interruption came.

She had almost kissed her. The notion was tantalizing, and Leven allowed herself a moment of silent glee. It was a game, this dance between them—a challenge she relished. She had sensed the tension from the beginning, the push and pull of desire and restraint. And now, to see Kaila's resolve waver, even for an instant? It was a victory she intended to savor, though she didn't press her advantage just yet. No, she'd bide her time. There was satisfaction in wondering about what could have happened, in imagining possibilitites, in letting curisoity fester.

It was amusing to see her so flustered, her usual sharp tongue faltering. Leven found herself rather delighted by the reaction. She did not often encounter someone who could keep pace with her, let alone surprise her. She made a mental note to revisit this moment later; there was a boldness in Kaila that was as unexpected as it was thrilling. Leven's thoughts remained on what had just transpired as they made their way outside.

She saw Kaila pause, her attention drifting away to the landscape, her expression faraway, lost in thought. Leven's sharp eyes caught the slight furrow in her brow, the way her gaze seemed almost... haunted. Curious. The apprentice was thinking of something that had pulled her far from the present moment. She had seen a version of that look on her before. Leven knew better than to break the spell. Instead, she watched, intrigued by the possibilities. What could it be that gripped Kaila so, she wondered? Parasideus? A memory? A feeling? The mountains themselves?

No matter, she decided for now. Whatever it was, it seemed she'd have more competition when it came to occupying her thoughts. She smirked, her eyes lingering on Kaila a moment longer before she turned her attention to the waiting Thanteris. Kaila seemed to snap back to the present, her gaze shifting to the mounts. Her nod was curt, her mind clearly still lingering elsewhere. "What… what do they hunt naturally?" she muttered, almost as if she wasn't quite aware of what she was asking.

Leven smiled, a sharp, predatory grin. "Anything that wanders too far into their territory. Smaller mountain creatures, sometimes each other. But don't worry," she added with a sly smile, "they don't always go for their riders."

The way her eyes flickered between the Thanteris and Leven, uncertainty written across her face, told her all she needed to know. Clearly, the girl was out of her element. The beasts were not easy to ride without prior experience, and they were as restless as ever. Both the mountains and the beasts were unforgiving. A wicked thought crossed her mind. She reached over and began to transfer the supplies from one mount to the other, clearing space. “No point in making this more difficult than it needs to be,” she said smoothly.

Once that was done, one of her hands held onto the reins while the other grabbed one of the stirrups and adjusted it so it would be easier to access, then looked at her. "Outter foot here, and up you go, darling." She'd wait until Kaila was mounted, keeping the Theranter in place. Then, the Jester swooped up and settled close behind her, her own arms snaking past her waist until she could place the reins in Kaila's hands. "Good a time as any to learn."

Leven did give the beast the first nudge, the second one following close behind with the supplies as soon as they started moving. They set off into the mountains, the Thanteris striding with a powerful, steady gait. The path was narrow and winding, the rocks slick with frost, but the creatures were surefooted, navigating the treacherous terrain with an ease that was almost unsettling. Leven kept her arms loosely around Kaila, guiding her hands on the reins if needed, feeling every shift in her posture.

As they rode, the silence between them stretched, broken only by the sound of the Thanteris’s hooves crunching on the rocky ground and the distant howl of some unseen creature. Leven’s eyes were sharp, constantly scanning their surroundings, but she was also acutely aware of the woman in her arms. There was no need to lean in closer to speak now, there wasn't any space left.

"You seemed lost back there," she remarked casually, though her words were anything but. "Staring off into the mountains as if you'd seen another ghost. Tell me, what were you thinking about?"

Her tone was light, almost playful, but there was an undercurrent to it, genuine, curious.

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"they don't always go for their riders."

"Ah yes, how comforting!" she chortled, using the charming absurdity to banish the thought, to refocus.

One would think that a woman who had spent the last few years on Dathomir would be used to all manner of beasts by now, which in a way she was, used to hunting them that is. But not riding them, never riding them. She sighed in relief when Leven gestured for her to share a ride with her, meaning at the very least she would have someone to teach her close by.

Well, very close by it seemed.

And just like that, they were off. The beast was impressively strong and agile even as they reached the frozen mountaintops that might have chilled to the bone if not for her guiding passenger whose own warmth soaked through the all-weather cloaked wrapped around her. It took time, but Leven was doing a good job of correcting their course whenever Kaila had trouble with the reins, and slowly but surely she was beginning to learn from those corrections to the point she may have even passed for a real rider if one didn't look too closely. Hell, she was starting to enjoy it even, the wind in her hair which made it billow like the tail of a comet as the great reptile propelled them forward and ever upward.

Eventually it became an almost calming experience, and Leven took that moment of calm to speak, they would have to speak up to hear one another what with the cold wind and all. It were times like these that Kaila wished she could communicate telepathically, if only she knew how.

"You seemed lost back there," she remarked casually, though her words were anything but. "Staring off into the mountains as if you'd seen another ghost. Tell me, what were you thinking about?"

She kept quiet for a time, unsure how exactly to describe it.

"I wish I knew," Kaila would eventually call out over the rushing air as the Therantir continued it's charge toward the mines

"Something about these mountains, jagged and dark, how they smell so sweetly of pine needles"

It seemed almost real, the mental image she painted. Like something from a dream; So real, and yet marred by inconsistencies. By missing pieces.

"It feels familiar somehow, but why— I couldn't tell you. I don't think I've told anyone else but..."

"When my master found me, I had awoke in a hospital. I have no memory before this moment, before... well there was an incident you see, It's how they discovered my powers, then my master sent someone to collect me. I've been his apprentice ever since, I don't know what came before. Not even Carnifex's most talented could find information. Maybe this feeling is related to my memories somehow, only the force could tell you now"

She wasn't sure if shouting this over her shoulder atop a mountain felt shameful or liberating. How should it feel? to tell someone that you have no past, that not even your name can be known for certain?

"That's not weird is it...? I promise I don't do it to hide, I'd tell you if I knew"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ


TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven listened closely to Kaila's words. There was a certain vulnerability in what the young woman was sharing, a softness that felt almost alien to Leven. She rarely encountered anyone willing to lay themselves bare, to admit to their own uncertainties so openly. It was a curious thing, really. She has no memory of her past? Leven thought, a flicker of genuine intrigue passing through her. That was a rare and precious thing in this galaxy—someone with no past, no history to hold them back. Someone like that could be anything. Become anything.

"You want to know what's strange?" she began, her voice low, as though she were sharing some forbidden secret. "Not knowing who you are could be the greatest gift you've ever been given. Most people, they're shackled by their past, by their memories. But you… you have a clean slate. You could be anything you want. Anyone." She paused, letting her words sink in. "It will always be there, it defines, but I believe it is made to be let go of." However, she could picture why the lack of knowledge might weight heavily on her, but the Jester still had her doubts on whether that was her own wish to discover, or rather to have something to compare against what was imposed on her. "And it is not for the past, or others, or even tomorrow, to decide who and what you are."

After all, Leven had lived lifetimes of deception, of masks and hidden truths. She had always been someone who shaped her reality to suit her needs, who remade herself as often as she saw fit. And perhaps, for the first time in a long while, she wondered what it would be like to help another do the same.

As they crested the final ridge, the mines came into view. Jagged black rocks jutted out from the mountainside, their surfaces slick with a strange, iridescent sheen. A thick, noxious miasma clung to the air, swirling around the entrance like a living thing. It was a toxic place, full of dangers and secrets, and it was precisely how Leven liked it.

Standing guard at the entrance were several droids, their bodies twisted and grotesque, creations born of dark Mechu Deru. They stood motionless, their glowing red eyes following their approach, ever vigilant. Each one was a patchwork of metal and flesh, an unholy fusion of organic and mechanical parts. Spiked appendages bristled from their limbs, and their faces—if they could even be called that—were a grotesque amalgamation of gears, wires, and the remains of what might once have been living tissue.

"They were once men," Leven mused softly to Kaila as they drew near. "Not anymore, of course. Now they are perfect in their purpose—ever watchful, ever loyal. Techobeasts, is the term." There was a hint of pride in her tone, a satisfaction in the fruits of her labor. The droids acknowledged her with a series of curt mechanical nods, stepping aside to grant them passage.

Inside, the air was thick with the scent of oil and burning metal. The walls of the mine were lined with strange carvings, runes that pulsed with a faint, eerie light. Leven led the way, her steps confident and sure, barely affected by the noxious fumes that filled the tunnels. She had grown accustomed to them over the years, her body adapting to the hostile environment through endless suffering and near-death experiences. It was one of the many advantages of her shapeshifting abilities, the ability to mold herself to survive, to endure where others would falter.

Around them, tiny mining droids scurried to and fro, their chittering voices a mixture of binary and Huttese. They moved with a frantic energy, their glowing eyes flicking toward Leven as she passed. Each of them had a distinct personality, a unique flavor of intelligence programmed into them to ensure maximum efficiency. They were competitive, jealous even, constantly vying for recognition, but ultimately loyal to their master's purpose. They hissed and muttered amongst themselves, debating some unknown agenda as they continued their work.

Leven paid them no mind. Her focus was on the task ahead. The deeper they went, the thicker the miasma became, swirling around them like a living fog. She could feel it burning in her lungs, though she had long since learned to ignore the pain. "Breathe through your mouth," she instructed Kaila, her voice cutting through the oppressive atmosphere. "It helps, a little." Her white eyes would still dart over her every once in a while, making sure she was holding up.

Finally, they reached a wide cavern, half ancient rock, half modern metal, perfectly integrated. Leven turned her head slightly, her voice echoing through the dark, dank space. "Feltt!" she called, her tone commanding. "Show yourself."

From the shadows emerged Feltt, a hulking figure made of both metal and flesh, a grotesque blend of organic tissue and advanced technology. His body was covered in layers of colorful armor plating, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light. He moved with a strange, mechanical grace, his steps heavy and deliberate. As he approached, he bowed his head in deference, and produced a serrated, unique noise that seemed to be an attempt at speech.

Leven offered a sharp smile, her gaze flicking briefly to Kaila before returning to Feltt. "I trust everything is in order?" she asked, her tone leaving little room for anything but the affirmative. "How are the darlings coming along?" It responded something, impossible to recognize, but that seemed to please its creator.

She let her gaze linger on Kaila for a moment, "My guest here is not accustomed to the... ambiance. See to it that she is comfortable."

Feltt nodded, his expression unreadable beneath the layers of metal and flesh, although it turned its attention to the blond in what seemed like...curiosity. Leven's eyes narrowed slightly, watching the interaction with a mixture of interest and calculation, before returning her attention to Kaila. He then wandered off to one of the tunnels. "Does your Master apply his talents like this?"

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Kaila glanced back and smiled. Not an amused smile, not the wicked smile of a Sith executing schemes nor a sly smirk. Just a genuinely smile.

Perhaps it was ironic that out of all the people Kaila had known since that day, the shapeshifting mind eater was the only one who had never told her to be anyone but herself. It made her wonder what life would have been like had she not been claimed by Darth Carnifex or become Sith. Who would she have become if not the scholastic pyromancer? Though she supposed it mattered little now, she would either continue to be defined as Sith or she would let go as Leven said, at her own pace. Perhaps that was a decision best saved for another time, as the duo would soon be upon the mines.

Kaila saw lights before she knew their origins, beady red eyes that watched her and their master dismount as they neared the entrance. She pulled her cloak a little tighter as they neared, though kept a watchful eye on the "Technobeasts" as Leven called them. It was actually one of a few terms she knew nothing about, and hearing that they were once men morbidly fascinating, though quite disturbing. The Malsheem had been home to many monsters, the creation of each more horrible than the last, but never crude so crude. No, there was horrid art to the creations of Carnifex and his Kainate, a cruel vanity.

She simply continued past them, trudging through the frost after Leven until they were in the mines, which burnt her lungs such that she held the cloak up over her mouth, breathing in the manner the mine's master instructed.

"Just-" She coughed "Just tell me when I need to drink from the vial"

The droids seemed to earn fewer glances from her than the technobeasts. Those who did, did so because their array of equipment reminded her of Darth Xyrah's own works, even if his were a admittedly prettier. Kaila herself was much more inclined toward droid servants than those of slaves or amalgamations of flesh.

Amalgamations such as "Feltt", a name that echoed through the dark corridors as Leven summoned another of her beasts. And what a mighty beast he was. They were grim creatures, yes, but she had to admit that Leven was skilled at her craft. The damned thing looked like it should be leading a tribe or barreling through armies and yet it was bound to serve the master less dark sider.

But then it looked at her, and Kaila felt that it was almost... intelligent. Curious, even. Was it thinking...? Were these beasts more than mindless lobotomites grafted to machines?

"Does your Master apply his talents like this?"

Leven asked and Kaila dropped her inquisitive scan of the beast after a time.

"Not that I'm aware of. Strand-casts mostly, thousands of them. They hail him as some kind of a god, as do most Kanites, but perhaps more so. If it weren't for their freakish devotion you'd never tell them apart from the others"

"Some are force sensitive," She paused, trying to remember the details of those reports

"A few of those are very powerful. I'm told his last apprentice was one of them, and she is not someone I wish to meet"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd
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TAG: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Leven watched Kaila's curious expression with a faint smile, appreciating the young Sith's sense of wonder, even if it was tinged with unease. She could see the gears turning in Kaila's mind as she considered her words and the strange sights around them. There was something almost endearing about it, the way Kaila seemed to weigh every new experience, to question and contemplate. It reminded her of a time long ago when she too had been filled with questions about this place she now called home. But those days were gone, and Leven was no longer a seeker. She was a maker.

"Now would be a good time," Her response came with a smile. "This place isn't kind to the unprepared."

Leven's eyes gleamed with amusement, and she allowed herself a small chuckle. "And don't worry, it grows on you," she added. She turned, leading the way further into the mine's depths. The mines were nothing short of a labyrinth, even worse than the Spyre, but Leven walked with confidence.

As they walked, she continued, addressing Kaila's earlier musings. "Your Master's creations are… interesting," she said, her tone neutral. "Strand-casts, you say? A useful tool for maintaining control, certainly. But I find there's something… lacking in those who blindly follow. Albeit, will is a token I often find too freely given in most specimens." She glanced back at Kaila. Darth Prospero himself had granted that to his creations, spreading them across the galaxy. "I prefer my creations to have a bit of spirit, a spark of life. It makes them more… adaptable. And more dangerous." Her eyes flicked to the tunnel ahead. "Just like you."

They soon reached a large, reinforced doorway, flanked by a pair of the grotesque technobeasts. Leven placed a hand on a nearby panel, and the door hissed open with a rush of stale, metallic air. Beyond lay a cavernous chamber, half ancient rock, half modern construction—a fusion of natural and unnatural elements. This was the heart of her domain, a place where alchemy and technology intertwined.

"This," Leven announced, gesturing to the expansive room, "is the Brewery." She took a moment to let Kaila take it all in—the vats of strange, bubbling liquids, the intricate machinery, and the shelves lined with jars filled with various preserved specimens. In the center of the room, a large, raised platform held a series of complex alchemical apparatuses, their surfaces etched with symbols that pulsed with a sickly red light. "Here, I conduct my more... esoteric experiments. This is where I practice my craft."

Leven moved to a nearby shelf and pulled out a holocron, its pyramid shape glinting with a dark, malevolent light. The object seemed to hum with a quiet, sinister energy, its surface covered in intricate carvings that glowed faintly in the dim light. She held it up for Kaila to see, her expression one of satisfaction. "This is the holocron of Master Meir Greim," she explained. "An ancient Dark Jedi with a penchant for spirits and illusions. She was known to rival the Sith Lords of her time, a fact she was quite proud of, I might add."

She turned the holocron in her hand, its surface catching the light and casting strange, twisted shadows on the walls. "Greim's essence is bound to this holocron—her consciousness serves as its gatekeeper. She can be... difficult, but her knowledge is invaluable. And I believe she might have something that could help us."

Leven approached a circular platform in the center of the room, placing the holocron on a pedestal etched with the same arcane runes that adorned the alchemical apparatuses. As she did, the holocron flared to life, its dark red light intensifying, casting a blood-red glow over the room. The carvings on its surface began to shift and move, rearranging themselves into new patterns, as if the holocron was awakening from a long slumber - but it did not activate quite yet.

"Master Greim is not known for her patience—or her mercy. Things did...not go very well between us on our first encounter - but I think I'm starting to grow on the old hag. In any case, something tells me you'd be much more to her liking."

Leven paused, her gaze moving over Kaila's every inch as she approached her again. Her hand rose up, moving away the strands of golden hair and setting then to rest over her shoulder blade, exposing her neck as she inspected for any signs of the miasmas' affliction. "How are you feeling so far? No agonizing pains I expect."
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Kaila glanced sidelong into the darkness, a satisfactory smirk playing at the corner of her lip. Leven thought of her as dangerous, even more so than her master's creations. It felt good to finally hear it aloud.

Then she led Kaila into the "Brewery" as it was called, a wave of stale industrial air hitting the pair, similar to that of Malsheem and yet somehow still earthen in that natural rock and dirt still dwelled there. It was quite an impressive operation for something built in the ruins of a mine, and Kaila couldn't help thinking that the shapeshifter must have spent a great deal more time down here than in the Spyre.

Leven explained that she conducted experiments here, that this was the place in which she conducted her Alchemical work. Kaila seemed interested as she scanned the room, even if ignorant of many tools on display due to her limited experience in the craft. But when Leven produced a holocron, She couldn't take her eyes off it.

Kaila stepped closer despite the malevolence surrounding such devices, the intricate shadows amidst the red glow bathing her pale features in dark patterns as her eyes widened with an almost obsessive glee that only an eccentric scholar could produce. She found herself glancing up from the holocron to Leven and back again many times as she explained it's creator; Meir Greim, a powerful and ancient Dark Jedi who Kaila was only now learning of. Either because her story was not well spread or because she had focused too much on the study of historical Sith and neglected her studies of the Dark Jedi, a mistake she would be sure to rectify.

"She is not unlike Parasideus then? bound to a similarly crystalline object"

It was strange to think that she would encounter two such beings in her lifetime, let alone so close together. It was also odd to think that this bound spirit would act take a disliking to Leven, given her confidence and ambition seemed to be quite such sought after qualities among the ranks of dark side practitioners. Then again, perhaps she thought so only because that is what the Sith taught her, with indifference to the practices and cultures of those outside the order, such as this Dark Jedi.

So what qualities then did she herself display that Leven believed would be to Master Greim's liking?

"How are you feeling so far? No agonizing pains I expect."

But she altered Kaila's train of thought as she often does, garnering another curious look as she approached and began rearranging her silken hair, observing her skin for signs of damage or illness perhaps.

"It's not exactly comfortable, admittedly" She shrugged, her voice somewhat raspy under the strain of smog.

"But your mixture seems to be working and I've a high tolerance for pain. Carnifex saw to that, called it "The scalpel of all creation" or some such"

Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd

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