Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Trying to calm my nerves


Location: Jutrand Academy
Tags: Jarek Voss Jarek Voss

The trials were drawing closer and closer and Zarava continued to grow nervous. The redhead had already managed to meet some of her classmates, and she wouldn't say that she trusted any of them. She had met another girl who was in a similar boat to where she was, and she had formed an alliance with a gold-skinned boy. There were certainly some interesting people that she had come across, and so far she had managed to avoid any sort of those that considered themselves to be royalty. If what the gold-skinned boy said was true, it was likely that the rich would pay to have the rest of those who were less fortunate be killed or at least taken out to where they wouldn't stand a chance in the trials.

Zarava had spent a good amount of her time walking around the academy to get the lay of the land. She already hated being on Jutrand, as it was nearly impossible to get some peace and quiet when they lived on a planet that was mainly a city. It was the first time that she was ever on a planet like this, as she had never left her home planet. The only reason she was in this situation was because of her darling mother who had sold her out once she had learned that she was force sensitive. She was the one to blame for all of this, but right now Zarava's main focus was simply surviving the trials and nothing more. She had made it this far without making herself all that known, and she planned on keeping it that way.

After she had mapped out the academy in her mind, she spent most of her time in the archival room. Zarava tried to absorb as much information as she could, as compared to people who knew they were force sensitive from birth, she was at a distinct disadvantage. It was only a month ago she had learned such a fact, and she hadn't been able to really train in the force since then. She didn't dare ask anyone for any sort of help, as the last thing she needed was to know someone in the academy. From what she was starting to gather about the Sith, is that they weren't to be trusted and their methods usually resulted in some sort of violence. Zarava had plenty of determination about herself, and was a quick learner, but she knew that would only get her so far when compared to those that had experience.

The young redhead sighed to herself as she sat at one of the computers in the archival room that she spent most of her time in nowadays. She had last looked at the mechanics and the schematics of how a lightsaber was made. If she encountered one, Zarava knew that she was going to have to steer clear of that weapon. For now, she was looking into more history of the Sith, and reading about what holocrons were. She had already looked up more stuff about the force today, and having already been there for hours she could already feel her eyes straining to concentrate. Zarava was stubborn though, and planned on staying there for several more hours, absorbing as much information as she could. She was running out of time after all.

Despite a life of constant training, being granted a respite of the trials was welcomed downtime. Exlporing the city-planet of Jutrand posed no interest of Jarek, even though it was his first time on an ecumenopolis. The little he did see when he first arrived was overwhelming, and loud. He never visited Couruscant, Taris, or even Nar Shaddaa. They held little interest to him. Shopping, clubs? Jarek happily chose to stay within the confines of the Academy, which was quite large as is.

As Jarek made his way throughout the complex, he stumbled upon the Academy's Archives. It was something he had never experienced before. Rows and Rows of holodiscs. The power and darkness emanating from the Archives was exhilarating. Jarek came upon an odd device that was not electronic. It appeared to be some type of manual. The insides where layers of rough textured squares, words and graphs written upon them. The outside was a hard leather that encased the contents. The outside had the words "The Old Tongue". Flipping to the first page had a list of content, "Kittat, High Sith, Common Sith, Massassi". Something within Jarek came alive, so much knowledge at the tips of his fingers. He grabbed the leather item, and walked up down the alises.

"History of the Sith"
"The Stygian Caldera: Birthplace of the Sith"
"Lightsaber Forms"

The fire within Jarek grew brighter and brighter. He never had access to anything remotely close to this growing up, he was only allowed to train Echani martial arts, and workout. When he found the lightsaber forms holodisc, he had no idea there were that many forms. He came upon a form called, "Juyo".

"Chaotic, kinetic power, able to switch from one, to two handed forms. A ficious and erratic form... This could compliment my Echani Arts."

Jarek grabbed the holodisc for further study.

As Jarek looked for a place to sit with a holo-terminal, he began to hear whispers.

"I heard whispers like this before, on Eshan..."

Jarek followed the voices, taking him to another manual.

"Sith Sorcery", Jarek said outloud. The whispers told him to take the book. As he reached for it, he could feel the darkness surrounding it. The voices were appeased, and told him to read it, study it. Jarek quickly took his materials to a place to sit. As he organized his materials and sitting area, he felt a tingle through the Force. Jarek lifted his head, and looked around. He noticed a young, read headed girl sitting not too far from him.

" Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki , is that you? What are you doing here?"

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