Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tryp West


Tryp West​
|Notable Features|
Kiffar clan tattoos,​
obvious cybernetics​

"Couldn't tell ya what I do, or why I do it. Jes' 'appens. But ya gotta admit, the effects are.... well, listen for yerself."​
Wanderer. Explorer. Kiffar Psychometric Archaeologist.​
Music.... Ghost.....Writer?​
Yeah sure.​
Using the impressions off of ancient artifacts to ghost write music for pop artists in the core.... gotta make a living somehow. This ain't the worse way.​
"T'ain't science. Got told that soundly. Got called a grave robber that day too, but ya know what? She was listening to one o' the top forty songs I wrote offa that artifact. So who's the winner here?"

Likes: Food so spicy it makes your eyes water, music, straight talk, traveling, p e r s o n a l s p a c e

Dislikes: folks who play games, cities/crowds, paint thinner camp caf (but she'll drink it anyway)


| + Psychometry |
Tryp can read the memories, or at least, impressions, off of objects and people.

| + Strong of Mind |
Gotta be, with all those memories running around. Either you rope them or they rope you.


| - Psychometry |
Look, history can be a hot mess. So can people. Especially with people, Tryp has to be careful, and avoids casual contact before she's gotten to know a person a bit.

| - Cybernetics |
Tryp's cybernetics aren't for body enhancement. Sure they make her a *little* stronger, but that's not their main point. Normally they aren't an issue, but they make her vulnerable to EMP and electrical attacks.



Lyla Quinn

24 Karats Of Rose-Gold Trouble
Looooove this profile, [member="Tryp West"]! <3 Huge fan of the Overview and the general tone, I love when bios SHOW us instead of tell us every detail about the character.

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