Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[TSE] Expanding The Circle

Near-silence engulfed the dark circular chamber, a fully-enclosed room of metals blended into stone, no apertures to speak of that might permit daylight to enter. Buried deep beneath the building that had once housed the Ascendant Circle, this place was not even accessible to the majority of Sith: only a small handful might enter, and it remained guarded at all times by two formidable warriors, imposing beings who flanked the sole entrance, protecting those secrets within. Only a handful of large candles ensconsed into the walls served to provide any illumination within, but far from banishing the darkness, only served to make it deeper, more foreboding. No simply meeting room, this.

It had seen much use over the years: as a protected ritual site, where the best Alchemists among the Sith might dabble in safety; as a conference point for the most confidential of meetings, where even the whisper of such taking place was a danger; as a ceremonial hall where the Sith might congregate to reward honourable service and celebrate victories. It was in this latter capacity that the Sith gathered now, the upper echelon coming together at the bidding of the Dark Lord to induct new members into their esteemed ranks, to bestow the dread responsibilities and grand privilege that came with new title.

Today, three would stand in the circle and be inducted into the ranks of the Sith Lords.

All who entered this day would be clad solely in dark robes, hoods drawn over their faces, some wearing masks to further conceal their identities. This was not a time for gaudy attire and ostentatious baubles: the ritual of this demanded that they all stood together as equals, but for the Dark Lord himself, who stood above them. All would be clad in simple but finely-tailored black robes, indistinguishable from one-another save in build and facial appearance. In this way, we show that we are but one Sith, one unified force, and speak with one voice when we welcome newcomers among us.

The three who were to appear before the Circle this day had long proven themselves assets to the Sith Empire. [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], once a heretic, serving among the First Order's Knight of Ren, but had moved to truly embrace the darkness with a methodical manner that had worked to demonstrate her competence time and again. [member="Aria Vale"], similarly a heretic, but this time one turned away from the Jedi Order, cast into darkness of her own volition, turning her back on the Light and the Master that had held her back for so long. Her fall had been a hard one, and through her pain, she had gained strength. Finally, [member="Maleagant"], a dangerous shadow ofa man, his passage as ethereal as smoke, but his actions as impactful as a turbolaser bolt, and similarly precise.

All three had proven worthy, nominated by Lords among the ranks, and given approbation by those who would now allow them to stand with them as equals.

The double doors that served as the room's entrance slid aside with a rumble, allowing the black-robed individuals to enter. Beyond the confines of this room there had been conversation, discussions both of things relevant to the ceremony and those that were not, but within the chamber, none would speak unless they wished to contribute to what was to come. Each entered in silence, moving to their assigned places on the floor: each individual forming past of a larger circle. Only one gap stood: the vacant place of the Dark Lord, which would be filled by [member="Darth Carnifex"], when he felt ready. He stood at the head of the Circle, if there could be said to be such a thing, ruler in ceremony as well as in fact. When he was ready, they would begin.

Only then would the three Knights be summoned to enter the chamber. Only then would their role in the ceremony become clear. Only then might they be permitted to stand with the others.

| [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Maleagant"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Oron Verd"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Carach"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Kith Verloren"] | [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] |​

Darth Osano

Maleagant was not intensely pleased to be here. On one hand he was pleased to be receiving a promotion. On the other, it was a promotion presided over by the individual who murdered his family and drank from the skull of his cousin. His feelings were mixed at best. Even if they weren't, a shadow was infinitely better off when it did not materialize to take part in semi-public ceremonies. Being the center of a room made him... Familiar to these people. He did not want to be familiar to anyone. Refusing the summons would have put him on the radar in a different way. A worse way. You did not want to be the newly minted Lord who snubbed the Emperor.

What a short lived reign as Lord of the Sith that would have been for poor Maleagant.

At least he wouldn't be alone. Helpful [member="Aria Vale"] and [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] would divert attention from him at the least. He wondered how they felt about all this.

The current Dark Lord was not yet present. A gap in the circle was left for him. Doubtless he wanted to make a grand entrance befitting of his new stature, remind everyone who was in charge here. Zambranos did enjoy their pomp and circumstance, their hollow bloviation. Such foolishness, even by their standards. Chief among Maleagant's concerns would be whether or not he retched in the middle of the ceremony. If these sorts of pointless displays were a true hallmark of the Sith, maybe there was more merit to being a Dark Jedi after all. Voicing any of this would have been folly, of course, so the silent spymaster simply stood in the circle as instructed. Feeling nothing. Betraying nothing. His very presence in the Force was muted, like he was hardly even there.

The message had been sent and Kaalia had answered it. What it was for still remained shrouded in mystery, but that would be answered in time. As such, it did not bother her. Clothed in simple black robes with a hood that was draped over her head to cover her facial features for the most part she approached the doors and came to a stop, awaiting her summoning. She had opted to not wear a mask, however. Something about the notion of wearing one created aversion in her mind, as if something of her past started clawing at her. The idea had quickly been stored away and forgotten about. Just the hood would have to do.

It seemed she was not alone. The redhead did not recognize one of the two, but the other she most definitely did. Despite her features being concealed her presence in the Force was all she needed to sense to know it was [member="Aria Vale"] who had been called here as well. The hood covered her smirk as she leaned against the wall, patiently waiting for the three to be summoned into the chamber.

On the other side of the doors was a collection of Force signatures that brimmed with power and Darkness, something the woman did not fear but felt empowered by. The fact those people had recognized her to be present today meant she had done exactly what she had set out to do. Make a name for herself. The smirk had not faded, but the reason for it being there had changed.

[member="Maleagant"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Tirdarius"]
She knew exactly what she was being called for.

Recent events had Aria thinking a lot about the last four years, thinking about just different things were now. She'd not been a good person in a long, long time. But it was only recently that she truly understood just how much she was not a good person at all. For a long time she'd been completely and utterly at peace with that knowledge. But the weight of her evil hung in her brain now. For the first time, Aria felt that weight acutely.

But Aria Vale was Sith. Regret only served to show the extent to which it was true. She had chosen to follow that path, and she had followed it. Aria knew now, knew fully that she was a Sith, knew fully just what that meant. Maybe it wasn't wholly a good thing. Few things ever were. But uncertainty of happiness in her path had opened up a confidence in that path, a deep-set knowledge of her being, of her strength.

This was who she was. She was stronger for being that person. And wasn't that what mattered?

When the message had come, Aria hadn't had to think twice about her answer.


She waited alongside the other Knights, silent save only for the sound of breathing. And her breathing, too, was quiet - steady, as though she were far, far calmer than she felt. Aria had many faults and she would never try to deny them, but lacking control was not one of them. Despite herself, beneath hooded robes she smirked at the thought.

They were summoned, and Aria followed into the chamber, matching her silence with a seamless grace. To most she was a slight thing, a creature of subtlety; unleashed strength was a singular waste to her mind. Explosion was best saved for a blue moon - as she filed into the room, Aria was at her calmest, her most level.

The presence of darkness was overwhelming, almost tangible for its strength within the fold. Aria had long basked in that shroud, reveled in that sensation of the Dark side, and she still did, standing cloaked in flowing black robes with the faint but unmistakable air of someone who knew this was where she belonged. The hood of her cloak hid waves of dark hair, obscured most of her features and left her downright anonymous to anyone who couldn't touch the Force.

Only her eyes stood out, and they blazed.

| [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Maleagant"] |​
How long had it been since so many expressions of the Dark Side - those that wielded it and were wielded by it in equality - had gathered in one place for a singular purpose? Or, to be more precise, how long had it been those with particular strength within the Darkness had gathered, unified under one banner, one purpose? For years the forces of the Dark had been splintered, scattered across the galaxy, left wounded by a charge by the Light. But, now, they were reforming once more and even though other orders of Sith still existed within the galaxy, they were falling, weakening, as this herald of change pushed forward with ever greater momentum. Indeed, for the still relatively young Iridonian, he could not remember a time of complete, or near-complete rather, unification of the Sith for he had been brought into Darkness during the failing age of the One Sith.

The questions that ran through Lykos' mind were, of course, not expressed, nor was any hint of them reflected in his face or his Presence within the Force - for differing reasons each. For the latter it was due to the fact that, even if he was technically among those that could be labeled allies, they were due to convenience and he was sure that many of the other gathered Lords had thought up the same conclusion. As such, his Presence within the Force was obscured, diminished and altered to blend in with the background waves of the Force and to be presented as an emotionless, porcelain mask. A mask created through Quey'tek that was similar to the mask that hid his features and was the cause for the former to be true. Like all of the gathered Lords, Lykos was dressed in tailored, black robes and wore a simple mask over his face to hide his identity, to make him but one among the masses. The only visible feature of the Zabrak was the fact that his sole amber eye gleamed with suppressed power behind the mask.

Still, even beneath the mask and obscurity through the Force, even with him being but one among many, Lykos was not particularly happy with the situation he had found himself in. He was a Shadow, pure and simple. For him, stepping forwards into a position of obvious power, even behind the aspects that hid who he was, was an uncomfortable sensation. Oh, of course he had played roles throughout the years, and still did, that required him to step forwards into the public view for but a time, but, that did not mean he enjoyed it and the same was true for now. The only consolation he found within the ceremony was that it would not be he who was the center of attention but the Knights who were about to be bestowed the position of Lords.

His dissatisfaction was compounded by the fact that he was, or at least he liked to believe that he was, a practical man. Such ponce and showman ship for elevating one to the respectable position of Lord among the Sith was not needed in his mind - even if he did, to his own annoyance, like to be a tad dramatic every now and then. But, even then, he did not go grand or bold, still keeping it below the radar. To the Iridonian, a much more fitting ceremony would be private and quick, a bestowing of rank and nothing more.

Of course, his dissatisfaction was not expressed, he was not foolish enough to stand against the man who had been named the Dark Lord of the Sith. He knew quite well that many that stood to his sides were stronger than him when it would come to a straight up fight, capable of crushing him due to his strength, even in combat, laying in manipulation and deceit. No, such opinions were kept locked deep within the subconscious of his mind as he waited, patiently even with his distaste for the grandiose display, for the Knights to be called in after the arrival of the Dark Lord and for everything to begin - all so that it would end sooner and he could return to what he deemed as much more important work.

[member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Maleagant"]
The time had come for those of worthy stock to be elevated, to ascend beyond their meager station and take hold of the power that they had forged within the crucible of the Dark Side. The Dark Lord remembered his ascension well for it had come during the rise of the Old Sith under Empress Desmius, an age of unmitigated expansion that widened the horizons of the Old Empire to unforeseen heights. Even before his acquisition of mastery he was a well-known and influential figure within the Empire, having served as the Grand Vizier for both Desmius and her predecessor, Emperor Moridin, and as Minister of Intelligence before that. He often looked back on those days with a mixture of bitterness and nostalgia, but he never let himself become enraptured by the past.

The Dark Lord of the Sith must look to the future for the good of the Sith, not dwell on past triumphs.

And thus the Dark Lord made his entrance, materializing from the darkness as a shadow before taking on coherent form and density. A robe of crimson cloaked his form, his hood drawn back to reveal his powerful features and molten eyes. He brought no weapon, his power in the Force was more than sufficient for what was to be accomplished here, and he held both of his arms outwards as if beckoning for an embrace. "Brethren." His voice was like the breaking of stone, dark and monstrously powerful, and reverberated throughout the chamber like rolling thunder. "It has been many a year since we have gathered in a manner such as this, to welcome the worthy into our ranks. Fragmentation gave way to the abandonment of the old traditions, but no longer."

He gestured to the door upon which opened to bid the three Knights entry, [member="Maleagant"], [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], and [member="Aria Vale"]. All had proven themselves to the Sith Empire, and all were worthy of being anointed as Lords of the Sith. "Step forward, let us see your faces."

[member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Darth Lykos"]
Darth Banshee also now know as the lady of wrath, was stood to left emperor. She watched as her new emperor spoke, and then her gaze fell on the sith knights. They had done well, and where about to be rewarded. She had a case of finest wine delivered for the event, they where possibly the most expensive in the galaxy. Then again did the emperor, and his new lords to be deserve anything else, no they did not. Well not until they where too drunk to appreciate the taste, then the house wine was coming out.

She was looking forward to after party, and wonder if they have acolytes dueling, always made her thirsty.
It was unusual for Krest to ever wear the black robes of the Sith. He had adopted his peoples clothing of thin airy cloth colored in blues and reds, and even before that his cloak as an Assassin was colored red to signify his position. Yet here in this chamber, such clothing was only fitting. He dawned the black cloak of the Sith with pride, it's soft folds without a wrinkle or stain. While his hood did not hang over his face like many others, his face was shroud in darkness. An illusion of shadow cloaked his red skin so he may blend into the circle that had formed behind the Dark Lord.

Yet even then his cane rested in his hands as he leaned heavily upon it, giving away his identity.

There was three to join, two he did not know well. [member="Maleagant"] and [member="Aria Vale"] had made their mark and were known among all Sith, but they were not why he was here. [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] was his. An apprentice among many who had broken free of the herd and claimed her own name, her own path. No longer was he her teacher, but an equal if perhaps an adviser. It was common for a Sith to kill their master, but for Krest his only desire was to craft the next generation and let them flourish on their own.

Despite the masks he knew right where she was, his gaze trailing to her. She would know he was here and watching her, and perhaps feel the small amount of pride Krest held for a job well done.
Among the Lords of the circle stood Abyss, not the full wretched glory of the Mindeater but just another figure shrouded in black with the hood of his ragged robe pulled to even mask the crown upon his head. It wasn't his day, so he assumed the position he preferred anyway: The Background. Only the metallic outlines of his mechanical jaw, and the twisted talons that were his hands distinguished the eldritch abomination from the other lords that had gathered to elevated a selected few from the chains of knighthood into the circle of those that were truly sith. He had taken up a position near his fellow council member of the assassin [member="Darth Lykos"], standing perfectly motionless among the rest.

He knew the three that were called here today to rise, two by reputation and one as something akin to a friend and ally. [member="Maleagant"] was a shadow, a lurker in the dark much like Abyss himself, which was why he approved of his call to be a lord. The Sith could never have enough of those that worked beyond the edges of the battlefield. [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] was the apprentice of the red assassin, [member="Krest"] the elder of their secret society of murderers and cutthroats. That alone was reason enough for Abyss to trust her abilities.

Then there was [member="Aria Vale"]. They had first meet what felt like ages ago. He still an acolyte of the dark side, and she a jedi padawan dedicated to the light. Back then he had done his best to show her the path of the darkness, but she refused. On several other occasions the two had crossed paths, forging something that was as close to friendship as sith and jedi could reach. When her path to the darkness had already carried her into the realm of the sith, once her first chains had fallen, she even had assists him in becoming the being he was. Now she would stand before the lords of the empire, ready to rise as one herself.

Darth Abyss was a firm believer in making powerful allies whenever possible. The sith once more marched under one banner, but each lord, and even many knights, had dealing that happened outside of the limits of the newly risen power. These dealings were most easily conducted if one could call upon the right individuals, for example fellow lords of the sith. The underworld had also made him a firm believer concerning bribes. That was why he had prepared a small gift for each lord that would be created today.

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Tirdarius"]

Darth Osano

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"]

By the grace of the old gods and the new, the Black Iron Tyrant had finally arrived. What an honor it was to stand before the exterminator of his kin, the harbinger who destroyed his family tree down to the roots. How delightful it would have been to cast off his robes and bark a demand for a kaggath. But Maleagant knew he was in no position to do so. Not yet. Not for some time. The Shi'ido stepped forward as instructed, hands kept to his sides. Maleagant did have a lightsaber clipped to his belt, but if he was any good with it few people would be able to attest. More time had been spent on pursuits of the mind rather than the body. Folly, probably, but that was how most Dorns tended to pan out. Weak but clever.

What good it had done the lot of them.

There was not much else for Maleagant to do or think and he had absolutely no desire to start speaking. So having moved forward successfully and quietly to the indicated spot, he waited for the ceremony to proceed towards its inevitable conclusion.
Had Matsu not been hidden beneath black robes, a hood pulled up over a twisted mask hiding distinctive features, her presence might have been marked as foreign. For a long time now she had kept herself out of Sith affairs, tending to her own interests while keeping a weather eye out as the galaxy changed. She claimed the name of Sith simply because it fit her best, but this gathering reminded her quite well of the sore thumb she had become.

Shapeless in robes that billowed out at the shoulders and fell seamlessly in to a dress that ghosted along the floor as she took her place, she might have been unrecognizable save for the telltale sign of her diminutive height. Many among the gathering had chosen masks that fit the theme but revealed enough to show who they were. This was not her place. These were not her people. She was simply here to witness a favored apprentice’s rite of passage, entering by the grace of Darth Carnifex’s leave, before leaving these Sith to their secrets. So she stuck to covering herself completely. Was is deference? Distaste? More likely a combination. There were some at this gathering she held great respect for. Others…

She found a place with a good view, though without disturbing the careful rank and file. Her mask was twisted and strange, hidden in shadow beneath her hood but enough to draw the eye were someone to look. Characteristically silent, she watched as her apprentice took the first steps towards her title.

Matsu was not concerned where [member="Aria Vale"]’s success in this trial was concerned. But it would be entertaining to watch all the same.
Among the people in the circle, there was one presence that Kaalia recognized above all others. [member="Krest"], who had taught her in the ways of the Sith, now stood amongst the ones she would be joining. For a moment her mind flashed back to the meeting they had in the sparring room where he had soundly defeated her and chuckled. That was no longer her. She had grown in ways she did not believe possible, but here she stood. She felt his pride and decided to let him have his moment. There was no need to harp on it later, she would let him be proud. It made no difference to the woman, her goal wasn't to impress anyone. This was all for herself.

Waiting outside the doors Kaalia watched [member="Darth Carnifex"] make his entrance. A roaring torch among candlelights, the Dark Lord carried that title with the power to back it up. Someone you did not want to make your enemy, and she had no intention to do so. Inside the room were allies, even if most of them were simply out of convenience. Carnifex spoke, revealing why they had gathered here today. Once more the redhead would smile. She had carved out her own path and it had led her here. She had done it by her own passion, her own strength, her own power. Here, she would grasp victory. Here, she would break her chains. Here, she would claim her freedom.

When gestured to enter she didn't skip a beat and immediately started walking, but kept a calm pace. Forward Kaalia stepped and when told to reveal her face she first looked around for a moment, taking in all the forms that surrounded her. There was no fear today, she was their equal now. The woman brought her hands to her hood and took hold of both sides, then lifted it off. The smirk had been replaced with a serious look, her red hair flowed free, her eyes were ablaze with the Dark side. The same eyes then directly looked at the Dark Lord, unflinching. Overthrow him she did not wish to do, he was a capable leader and the burden of that title was something Kaalia did not look to bear. She did not look to disrespect him, she respected the power he wielded and recognized he overshadowed all that had gathered in this chamber. But she did not fear him, either. There was no real reason to look at him as directly as she did, but she did so anyway.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Osano"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Tirdarius"]
The darkness that settled around the chambers like a blanket hid the grim smile of satisfaction that etched itself onto Aria's features when Darth Carnifex announced the reason for their presence. Not joy - not today. But she knew that this was ascension, this was achievement, success. There was something to be said for that knowledge.

Aria moved forth when indicated, smoothly taking her place. The fiery amber of her eyes surveyed the gathered Sith Lords, flickering momentarily from masked figure to masked figure before fixing onto the Dark Lord, respectful intrigue. She'd been called a dissenter in recent times thanks to a refusal to swear her full and unwavering loyalty to Kaine Zambrano, told she was surely not to be trusted because of it - and while the rest of it was nonsensical, it was perfectly true that she only served whilst it was in her interests to do so - but today, she had no quarrel with Darth Carnifex. Aria was independent, proud like a lioness; but today there was no defiance in her certainty.

Both hands went up to the hood of her cloak, eyes dryly curious as she drew the fabric back. A mane of dark curls tumbled past her shoulders and her features were as clear as the shrouded room would afford; her look of intermingled sombreness and satisfaction stayed in place.

She knew the ending from here - if not the exact nature of the ongoings, she knew how she would leave this room, knew who would leave this room.

So she stood and calmly awaited what came next.

| [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Osano"] |​
His gaze swept over them, and he felt their powers combined.

Each and every one of them had grown in power over the years, clawing their way up from the dirt and the muck of mediocrity to gain the particular notice of the Sith elites. Some were former independents who had sought to indulge their own vices, only coming together at his cry for unity at Othrys. Others had tied themselves to the criminal underworld, amassing a vast network of spies and contacts in the spheres of criminality and chaos to further their own agendas or to fill their own coffers.

None of that mattered now, all that mattered was the Empire. He would ensure that they remembered that.

"Look to your fellows who join you here upon the altar of ascension, Knights of the Sith. In the years to come they will be your adversaries, your allies, your friends, your lovers, your family. We Sith trace our lineage back eons to those brave heretics who railed against the conformity and status quo of the Jedi Order, and fought for the freedom to explore the darker natures of the Force. Often we had found ourselves on the losing end of such conflicts, but in failure we learn, in failure we evolve, and in failure we grow stronger as the weak are culled from our ranks and the survivors carry on the knowledge necessary to evolve beyond our past shortcomings. You three symbolize the future, the nascent leaders who will build upon the successes of today to forge a new Golden Age of the Sith."

His words carried far, his voice booming and oppressive. The Dark Side of the Force seemed to swell with each syllable, with each drawn out pronunciation, permeating the air with darkness and drawing forth the light from the gloomy lanterns that illuminated the chamber.

"There is but one last trial that awaits you, Knights."

He gestured behind him where another door, grander and more gargantuan than the ones they had entered through, awaited. Beyond was a chamber of absolute shadow, a realm where no light could pierce the umbral wall that seethed beyond. Yet something stirred beyond, something horrific and powerful, of scale and sinew and muscle that exuded abstract terror from every pore of its being. The Dark Lord was a master of masters, and by his will they lurched forth from the blackness to fill the far end of the chamber with their monstrous bulks.

"These are the Kakdijs Zûta, reptavian behemoths bred to be rode into battle by the Lords of the Sith. These three were bred specifically for your ascension, but they can only be tamed by the power of true masters. This is your final hurdle, Knights, coalesce the Dark Side within you and bring these monsters to heel and obey your every whim. Only then will we grace you with the title of Lord of the Sith, for if you do not succeed there will be no second chance. There will only be death!"

[member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Osano"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]
There is a sundering in the distance, a trembling torrential storm seeming to materialize in the sky above, far above the concerns of the Circle of Lords deep below the surface in their intentions to induct new members...

... an older one would fall back to the fold in a manner that did not place him as equal, did not make him one. He was separate, always, for he made certain to make himself separate, though this time, it was not as he willed it... but his feelings in the force. They had driven him from all that he had owned to the broken remains of Corellia, where above the carnage still a remnant of that ruin opened a pathway to the Netherworld from whence he originally was reborn from.

This was where he would face the Trials of Hell once more, voluntarily, listening to the will of the force for something of great power. Within the realm of the Netherworld, decades passed for the Lord of Gluttony, year after year he stumbled through the field of blades and every other realm of dead, waddling through the spiritual muck of hell. Screaming hostile spirits, always challenging, always summoned by his living power. For years the Lord of Gluttony would be tested for his endurance, and many a time the Lord of Gluttony find himself at points of madness.

Yet over hell... the Dark Lord won.

Yellow eyes peered into the galaxy, above all worlds. These eyes appeared deep within the roiling angered clouds that formed in the many storms across the galaxy, and the eyes dissipated wherever his interest was lost. The eyes searched for belonging, for their place in the physical realm. Then the eyes found anchor to a piece of the past, a shred of nostalgia which never left the Corpulent One. Viridian lightning struck the ground several meters before and between the power warriors guarding the sacred grounds, and from it there seemed a tear which kept itself before them. Peering into it briefly, the warriors would know a taste of damnation, before a pair of yellow eyes cut through the air carried forward by the hands of hostile spirits racing through the doors, the hallways, deeper into the earth. The tear would close as the eyes grew wider, and the screaming of vile spirits grew withering as the brightness of the eyes increased, and behind it a face began to form of smoke. The doors were closed as the Lords had already their place, but the one Lord who did not, came upon a Throne of his own...

A Throne made of Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth.

The eyes and spirits would spontaneously appear past the doors which had now been closed, before the spirits exploded into pillars of fire, issuing forth seven flaming tears that ate at one another until a portal allowed a sharp arachnid leg stepped forth, and the whole body followed; Voracitos snapped into existence before them all, in the presence of their Dark Lord, draped in souls anchored to his body, sitting upon shadowy spider filled with the appearance of blood. The form of Voracitos was different also, his legs less deformed and more whole, his girth still massive, yet confined, but the deformity of his skin and his missing eye remained as reminders of his past battles. His legs were crossed upon the spiritual behemoth that bore his weight, and docile angry spirits broke their backs to hoist and allow the Sith Lord to recline upon his mount. The customary robes of the Dark Lord was used to, had long been torn from his skin, and instead been replaced by his enslaved adversaries of hell.

The eye which was missing, opened, and sickly yellow light meekly poured out into a dead looking orb, peering outward with unrestrained hostility.

"Your master should know of death, and second chances," The voice reverberated with an old baritone, beaten to its lowest pitch over the decades of hell. "Yet while he has conquered death, and you have not, I have conquered both death... and undeath." Voracitos eyed each knight individually, "Should death visit you, I shall be there to collect your fates..." His eyes looked about the Lords of the room, "Then you would wish for the privilege of hell." The Lord of Gluttony began to form a grin, which widened and grew over much time.

"Let such, be additional motivation to succeed, neophytes. I never grow weary to consume... your souls are no exception." Voracitos' eyes fell to the Dark Lord of the Sith. "Welcome me, old friend, to that which I do not belong. I will not be denied this visitation, to watch your proceedings."

[member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Darth Osano"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Darth Lykos"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"]​

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