Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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TSE Mission Board

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Dark Council Missions:
  • The Experiment: Retrieve an experimental crystal from Mygeeto.
  • Train: The new armies of the Sith must be elite and highly skilled. Alongside standard training, a directive for the teaching of the martial art Teräs Käsi has been issued.
  • Raid: Smugglers and pirates have long since been a menace to the galaxy and the Sith. Relieve them of their weapons and claim their ill-gotten gains.
  • Contribute: Various new experiments to improve the armies of the Sith are underway. Bring knowledge, skill, or even subjects to help with the research.
  • Explore: Recover Kyber Crystals from naturally occurring sources. The galaxy is full of secret deposits, hidden from the Jedi.
  • Recruitment: The Sith require fresh recruits. “Acquire” Force Sensitive children for Sith indoctrination.
  • Reclamation: There us much knowledge hidden away in secret corners of the galaxy. Raid libraries and other repositories of knowledge for Jedi and Sith secrets.
  • Business: Money is power. Invest in fledgling businesses that may come to serve the Sith.
  • Protection: Many businesses pay for our protection, and some really ought to. Offer our protection and do not take no for an answer.
  • Pressure: One of our business associates is refusing to pay us our share. Make an example of them and take control of their assets.
  • Sabotage: Some businesses do much too well on their own. Make sure these rivals have an accident that benefits our associates.
  • Espionage: Our enemies are many; infiltrate their ranks and send information about their movements back to the Frumentarii.
  • Espionage: The Frumentarii have identified a smuggler carrying information about one of our secret lairs. Intercept them and retrieve the information before it falls into the wrong hands.
  • Sabotage: Deception is vital to our continued growth. Leak false information to an enemy state or organisation.
  • Sabotage: Chaos and disruption provide ample distraction. Disable or destroy enemy infrastructure, but make sure you are not caught or seen doing so.
  • Assassination: Our enemies have ears everywhere. Find and eliminate the enemy spies and jedi shadows that are on our tail.
  • Assassination: One of our beneficiaries is getting cold feet and has threatened leaking our plans to the Jedi. Silence him discreetly.
  • Recovery: In the Sith Empire’s hasty retreat, many precious things were left behind. Recover these vital assets from the ashes of the Sith Empire so that they may be used again.
  • Vengeance: The Hand of the Worm Emperor does not easily forgive. Hunt down those who have defied Telis or the Empire.
  • Friends: Politics are an endless source of power and influence. Bolster a political movement somewhere in the galaxy.
  • Specimens: Provide the Lady of Secrets with specimens of interest and watch the marvels that come of it.
  • Penance: Criminals and traitorous filth walk the streets we built. Capture those who rebelled against the Sith Empire and put them on trial for their crimes.
  • Heresy: Preaching other Force religions than that of the Sith is illegal by Sith-Imperial doctrine. Shut their heretical worship down.
  • Fugitives: Prisoners serving their penance for crimes against the Sith Empire have escaped! Capture them and anyone who aided their escape.

General Missions:
  • Hatred: Our mortal enemies, the Jedi, have taken root in many places throughout the galaxy. They need to be culled and uprooted wherever they are. Strike them down; do not hesitate.
  • Alliances: There are many out there who desire powerful friends. Strike a deal with a local authority or underground boss for their service and fealty to the Sith.
  • Heist: All the riches of the galaxy rightfully belong to the Sith. Steal them back from the vaults in which they are hoarded.
  • Resistance: The conquered lands of the Sith, and even the home lands of our enemies, have many denizens that hate their current rulers. Fuel the fires of their wrath and encourage open rebellion by any means necessary.
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