Kamon's OOC
Well-Known Member
Galactic Location: The Lambent Shadow, Korriban Departure Point
Ship Location: Strategic Orrery Center
Objective: Secure the Daragon Trail
Leos stood within the operational map of the Stygian Caldera. He orbited it around, marking Dromund Kaas as enemy territory. Additionally, he marked the Daragon Trail as the primary entrance to the Caldera, and the alternate entrance near Nfolgai that he and his people had mapped out prior to their rebuttal of the Silver's attempts to take further Sith territory. Each location was vitally important to the welfare of the Caldera. Ignoring any one of the two entrances would be catastrophic in nature should the Silvers attempt to reach Dromund Kaas and thereby attack them once again.
Zooming in on the map, he orbited it to Korriban itself, marking the location of his command ship, as well as the locations of several different MIG's that were preparing to be deployed. Two of them had moved up alongside the large Reformation-class Vessel, flying in tandem as they headed away from the planet.
"Captain, open a channel to all Sith command structures within the Caldera. Encrypt it per normal."
"The channel is open."
He took a moment to compose himself, breathing in deeply and letting it out slowly.
"My fellow sith, this is Ignus calling you directly. Today we stand at a crossroads, and we know what will come ahead of us. It is ever our destiny to wage war. It is within our knowledge that the Silver Jedi have operatives within the Caldera, focused around the preservation of their stranglehold of Dromund Kaas, their last outpost within our territory."
There was at least a bit of disgust when he said this.
"It is also likely that they have some form of surveillance network situated without our space. I suggest we mobilize for search and destroy missions. In the meantime, I will be deploying the newly minted Mobile Intelligence Gatherer's to strategic locations throughout the Caldera to monitor the system, predominantly as an advanced warning feature. In addition, I've sent vessels with workers and gear to each of our major worlds with instructions to work under the command of whichever Lord is present to fortify each world. Use the resources as you see fit.
"For the moment I am heading down the Daragon Trail, at the mouth of the Nebulon Cloud. If you need to reach me I will be within my ships Orrery, and can direct attention as needed. Ignus out."
He let out a breath before turning his attention inward.
"Captain, chart our course and take us away. The MIG's will arrive after us, but that will allow us to sweep the area prior to arrival."
"Understood, sir. Making for hyperspace."
Ship Location: Strategic Orrery Center
Objective: Secure the Daragon Trail
Leos stood within the operational map of the Stygian Caldera. He orbited it around, marking Dromund Kaas as enemy territory. Additionally, he marked the Daragon Trail as the primary entrance to the Caldera, and the alternate entrance near Nfolgai that he and his people had mapped out prior to their rebuttal of the Silver's attempts to take further Sith territory. Each location was vitally important to the welfare of the Caldera. Ignoring any one of the two entrances would be catastrophic in nature should the Silvers attempt to reach Dromund Kaas and thereby attack them once again.
Zooming in on the map, he orbited it to Korriban itself, marking the location of his command ship, as well as the locations of several different MIG's that were preparing to be deployed. Two of them had moved up alongside the large Reformation-class Vessel, flying in tandem as they headed away from the planet.
"Captain, open a channel to all Sith command structures within the Caldera. Encrypt it per normal."
"The channel is open."
He took a moment to compose himself, breathing in deeply and letting it out slowly.
"My fellow sith, this is Ignus calling you directly. Today we stand at a crossroads, and we know what will come ahead of us. It is ever our destiny to wage war. It is within our knowledge that the Silver Jedi have operatives within the Caldera, focused around the preservation of their stranglehold of Dromund Kaas, their last outpost within our territory."
There was at least a bit of disgust when he said this.
"It is also likely that they have some form of surveillance network situated without our space. I suggest we mobilize for search and destroy missions. In the meantime, I will be deploying the newly minted Mobile Intelligence Gatherer's to strategic locations throughout the Caldera to monitor the system, predominantly as an advanced warning feature. In addition, I've sent vessels with workers and gear to each of our major worlds with instructions to work under the command of whichever Lord is present to fortify each world. Use the resources as you see fit.
"For the moment I am heading down the Daragon Trail, at the mouth of the Nebulon Cloud. If you need to reach me I will be within my ships Orrery, and can direct attention as needed. Ignus out."
He let out a breath before turning his attention inward.
"Captain, chart our course and take us away. The MIG's will arrive after us, but that will allow us to sweep the area prior to arrival."
"Understood, sir. Making for hyperspace."
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