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Approved Tech TSS- The Multi Com Mini

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Manufacturer: Valin Zenth, Steam Work Productions
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large
  • Multi-Functionality: Combines solar multi-charger, emergency beacon, personal locator, comlink, comm/scan processor, EnhanceScan general-purpose scanner, life-form scanner, low-feedback scanner, and portable scanner in one compact, wrist-mounted device.
  • Solar Multi-Charger: Solar panels charge the device and other electronics.
  • Emergency Beacon: Emits a powerful distress signal.
  • Personal Locator: Shares user coordinates for safety.
  • Comlink: Ensures reliable communication.
  • Scanning Capabilities: Includes multiple scanners for various tasks.
  • All-in-One Solution: Combines multiple tools in one device.
  • Solar-Powered: Uses solar energy for prolonged use.
  • Versatile Scanning: Equipped for diverse scanning tasks.
  • Reliable Communication: High-quality comlink ensures efficient communication.
  • Compact and Portable: Wrist-mounted design for easy portability and accessibility.
  • Mass-Production: Widely available, making it accessible to a larger audience.
  • Complex Operation: May require training to use effectively.
  • Reduced Range: While still good, the range is not as powerful as its predecessor.
The Multi Com Mini, manufactured by Steam Works Productions for the Galactic Alliance, is a compact, wrist-mounted version of the TSS-MultiCom Locator and Scanner. It combines a solar multi-charger, emergency beacon, personal locator, comlink, comm/scan processor, EnhanceScan general-purpose scanner, life-form scanner, low-feedback scanner, and portable scanner into a single, compact unit.

Powered by advanced solar panels, it can recharge its internal power source and provide energy for other electronic devices, making it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, explorers, and professionals. In emergencies, the Multi Com Mini can emit a powerful distress signal.

The personal locator function enhances safety by sharing coordinates, and the high-quality comlink ensures reliable communication in remote areas. Its versatile scanning capabilities include a comm/scan processor, EnhanceScan general-purpose scanner, life-form scanner, low-feedback scanner, and portable scanner.

While the Multi Com Mini offers a comprehensive solution, users may need training to operate it effectively. Its range, though good, is not as powerful as its predecessor. However, as a mass-produced device, it is widely available and accessible to a larger audience, making it a valuable addition for those needing communication, location tracking, and scanning in one compact package.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a simpler Multicom Unit that can be used more readily than the TTS Multi Com

Technical Information

Affiliation: Valin Zenth, Steam Works Productions
Modular: Yes
Material: Electronic Components
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