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Tsubaki Medical


  • Image Source: Stock images logo
  • Canon Link: n/a
  • Primary Source: n/a
  • Corporation Name: Tsubaki Medical (ツバキメディカル - Atrisian)
  • Headquarters:
    • Primary Headquarters on Scarif
    • Secondary headquarters on Rothana and Atrisia
  • Locations: Offices on most capital planets around the galaxy
  • Operations:
    • Advanced medical research, equiptment and supplies
    • Medical treatments
    • Advanced medical establishments
  • Subsidiaries:
    • TsubakI Medical Logstics
    • Tsubaki Pharmaceuticals
    • Kokkyō naki ishi-tachi

A massive medical specialist company that has been active in the galactic south east for many decades. Originally founded on Atrisia it was initially a part of a larger company which no longer exists. It was created as a business arm to exploit the potential of the outer rims with little in the way of non-exploitative medical organisations in that part of space it grew rapidly until the board broke it into a separate entity and gave it the name Tsubaki. The original company has subsequently been broken down, absorbed and gone the way of many other companies.

Around 12 years ago the current CEO, Chairperson Zhuan Cao successfully managed to take over the company and since then it's value and influence has grown almost exponentially led by her guidance and foresight.


Zhuan took over via a series of complex financial movements which it would take too long to explain here, but everything is entirely legal and legitimate.​

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