Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tugoro Taidarious

NAME: Tugoro Taidarious
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Padawan Learner
AGE: 15
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'8''
WEIGHT: 170 lbs
EYES: Emerald
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Blade Work: Tugoro is adept in the art of swordsmanship, preferring to use a blade of any type over anything else. He has not trained in any lightsaber forms yet, though he excels in a defensive style.
Laziness: Tugoro is rather lazy, resulting in a lack of self-improvement most of the time. The thoughts of relaxing in bed or listening to music in tranquility are too tempting for him to resist, most of the time.
Studious Mind: When it counts, Tugoro puts his mind to any task. With a sharp eye for detail, the boy can watch and memorize most things, given they are not too difficult to master or track.
Stupidity: Tugoro can be extremely clueless at times, mishearing and/or misinterpreting most things said towards him. This can cause conflict, and downright embarrassment.
Appearance: Tugoro can be seen wearing the generic padawan learner robes, they being coloured a light beige, with a brown leather-like belt at his waist. A pair of leather boots is worn upon his feet while he is in uniform as well. While in private, the boy hardly dresses up, usually wearing baggy blue jeans and a large white t-shirt.
BIOGRAPHY: Within the dark, deep slums of Coruscant, an exchange was made. The life of a small baby boy, for a measly one thousand credits. Looking at the couple in disgust, the slaver handed over the currency, mostly out of pity. At first the man was unsure as to what he'd have the child do, but he did think of something as time passed. Sure enough, the slaver went to work, obtaining a micro-tracking device that would be planted into the child, before he was dumped on Kashykk. It didn't long for the Wookies of the jungle world to find the small human child, the tribe unanimously deciding to raise the boy.

Years had passed since the boy's new life had begun, he having lived amongst the walking carpets for about 9 years now. At a young age the Wookies had began to teach him many things about their race and ways, despite the lack of proper verbal communication. By now the boy who would one day be known as Tugoro was already swinging amongst the vines. Though, one day while the boy was amidst in the air, laser blasts rang out into the sky, travelling past him to collide with one of his close Wookie friends. One by one the furred creatures began to drop, until Tugoro himself was hit also. It was strange though, for he was not dead. The energy pulsed through his body, completely paralyzing him along with his family. Stepping from the shadows was a hooded man, a smoking laser rifle in the palm of his hands. "Good job." He would mutter, before bringing his metallic boot to meet the boy's face.

Awaking shortly after, Tugoro would find himself in a cage, that was appropriately labeled "Wookie boy." His current situation angered him, his palms wrapping around the rusty bars to shake them violently. This was of course futile, for Tugoro's strength did not even come close to a Wookie's. It was remarkable that he had even been accepted by the race. Turning his head, the boy would begin to really inspect his surroundings, finding himself to be in some sort of slaver's market. Crowds of people from all over the universe began to gather, taking joy in laughing and mocking the abused. However, there was a group that stood out from the rest, that remained robed and in the background. With a flurry of light, the cage had been dismantled, customers and shop owners alike running in fear. One of the Jedi approached Tugoro, offering him a hand in an act of kindness. Taking it, the boy would begin to trust this individual, as he spent the next six years within the jedi order, training his mind in order to communicate, and his body in order to defend himself.


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