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Approved Species Tuk'ata Sinistras Magnus, or "A Queen's Beast-Friend"

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Intent: To create a special type of Sithspawn for future submissions and role-playing.
​Image Credit: [X]
Links: N/A

Name: Tuk’ata Sinistras Magnus
Designation: Semi-Sentient
Origins: Sithspawn
Average Lifespan: 800-830 Galactic Standard Years (Perhaps longer, it is unknown the full extent of their lifespan)
Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Possessed of acute hearing and terrific vision (including low-light, night-vision, and believed to see across the infrared spectrum), their eerily-red eyes seem to have laser-like focus. They are true predators. Their olfactory senses are able to distinguish an individual creature from among a crowd, and to track them for up to 2.4km on land or detect just a few drops of blood over 1.5km away in murky, clouded waters. They have long (0.45-0.60m) forked tongues, which can detect very faint odors using a Jacobson’s organ, meaning that they can track prey based on the prey’s sweat, blood, or tears alone. Using these abilities, they can easily detect fear and other emotions also.
  • Powerful, muscular animals who replay on great speed, power, dexterity, and explosive reflexes, the quadrupedal predators are terrific climbers, able to scale trees and nearly sheer rock faces with relative ease, to swim and even dive for short periods of time (1-3 standard minutes and up to 2-4m deep) using their powerful tails as rudders to assist them. Running, they can attain speeds of up to 66km/h for periods of 10-60 standard minutes, and aided by their long stride can usually overtake most prey quickly.
  • Four sharp, curved front claws and an equally lethal dew-claw on each leg are able to tear flesh quickly and can even tear through fairly heavy armor with a few hard strokes.
  • Dense, strong skeletons are able to absorb a great deal of punishment and require a powerful exertion of force to cause them to fracture.
  • Bites, using their three rows of razor-sharp, finely-serrated, and curved teeth, are enhanced by powerful jaws, with bite forces estimated at 16,000-16,500 N. More than sufficient to shatter the bones of large animals and rend most creatures easily.
  • Sith Alchemy enhanced the skins of these beasts, making them exceptionally resilient to energy weapons – as they are said to be able to absorb a limited amount of energy (electrical, radiation, or thermal), as well as a great deal of kinetic damage, making them resistant to handheld and low-grade blasters, railguns, slugthrowers, and even lightsaber-type weapons and vibroblades. Bony protrusions covering the top of the head and along the back to the tail protect the creatures’ spines.
  • Sith Alchemy again gave these beasts one last lethal gift: Their blood is toxic, and even a drop on the skin will cause a caustic burning sensation to the contacted area, followed by nausea, disorientation, blurred vision, severe cramping, shortness of breath, and general pain and discomfort.
Breathes: Type 1, or standard Atmosphere, normally, but can breathe in dank, noxious, and hostile environments as well.
Average Height of Adults: 1.85m (Shoulder-height at full maturity; may grow beyond this with time)
Average Length of Adults: 3-3.35m (Snout to tail at full maturity; may grow beyond this with time)
Skin color: Mottled to various hues and asymmetrical markings in green, yellow-ish green, and reddish blotches.
Hair color: N/A
Distinctions: No distinctions between male and female are known, however very ancient specimens will display paling coloring.
Races: N/A
Force Sensitivity: Extreme

  • Highly efficient pack hunters, these beasts have demonstrated superb coordination and tactics in tracking, pursuing, and wearing down their prey, ensuring a 93% success rate in hunts over many square kilometers of most any terrain.
  • Created to be perfect killing machines, the creatures possess a fearsome array of tools (i.e. powerful bite, claws, physicality, toxic blood, exceptional senses, etc.) with which to take down prey, and are fearless, relentless, and patient hunters and fighters.
  • Blood-bonded to their owner, they are silent and stealthy, and are controlled through telepathic means – the same with which they communicate and coordinate with others in their pack – and are fiercely loyal and protective of their owners – continuing to follow their commands long after their owners have died or gone away.
  • They can be fearsome foes in battle, using their strong jaws, claws, powerful bodies, and even their tails to pound their foes into submission and vulnerability. Pinning prey with their strong paws, claws piercing them and holding them immobile as they use their jaws to rip their prey to shreds, shattering bones and crushing their prey beneath their weight, they make a formidable enemy – even singularly – while in a pack, they are ruthlessly efficient killers.
  • Despite powerful muscles used to close their jaws, they have relatively weak muscles for opening the jaws, and can have their jaws securely shut using rather minimal force or means (e.g. sturdy tape or lashing can be used to muzzle them if the animals can be subdued long enough to apply them).
  • Although capable of terrific speeds on land, the most powerful among them cannot sustain this level of exertion for more than hour, and will become greatly fatigued if pushed to these limits.
  • They can climb effectively but cannot climb sheer surfaces or move inverted, and can be avoided by retreating to such positions.
  • Extreme bright or intense flashes or beams of light will temporarily disorient and blind them, such as with very powerful lights. Mere lightsaber blades or blaster fire is not sufficient for this, however.
  • These creatures are blood-bonded to their owners, and receive commands telepathically from them. They will not respond to any other being’s commands, and should their owners die or become otherwise incapacitated, they will continue to follow their last given commands until their dying breaths.
  • While they have powerful and resilient hides similar to those of rancors, very powerful blaster rifles, slugthrowers, or railguns can damage them, as can repeated or very powerful strikes with lightsaber-type weapons, particularly to weak spots (i.e. ‘armpits’ or inside cavities of legs, inside joints of legs, eyes, or the small area of the underbelly closest to the cloaca).
  • The animals are rendered silent and sterile due to the Sith Alchemy used to spawn them, and unlike normal Tuk’ata, do not respond to Sith language, nor can they speak it.
Diet: Carnivorous
Communication: Unknown, possibly telepathic.
Technology level: N/A
Religion/Beliefs: N/A
General behavior:
  • Socialization: Aggressive to outsiders and strangers, they react with any semblance of affection or acceptance to one another and towards their owners only. When not hunting, guarding, or fighting, they will huddle close to one another nearby their owners, remaining docile in ‘low power’ modes, conserving their strength and energy to respond to danger or commands instantly.
  • Hunting and Feeding Behaviors: These creatures will hunt if not fed regularly, and will prey on anything which is available besides one another or their owners. When hunting together, they use tactics and seamless coordination, likely enabled through telepathy, to pursue, entrap, and finally slaughter their prey. Capable of tracking and pursuing their prey – even singling out a designated target from among a group or herd – they can move stealthily and quietly even through thick brush, and will scale rocks, trees, or even swim and dive to achieve their kill. These beasts will track a targeted prey for many kilometers, even chasing it as high speeds for as long as an hour before tiring, though they tend to move slower – preferring to weaken and tire their prey before the final attack. They eat quickly, devouring all organic elements including skin, organs, meat, and bones, and a single beast can eat an entire bantha in under a half an hour. They digest just as quickly, and thus do not become docile or pacified for long after eating. Able to store energy reserves and survive on minimal food and water, a pack can live on cave rats and rainwater for decades if they must.
  • Blood-Bonds and The Force: As Sithspawn, they are highly attuned to the Force, and some surmise they might even draw nourishment directly from the Darkside itself. Blood-bonded to their owners, they can be controlled with just a thought, leaping to defend them or do their bidding immediately upon being summoned forth. This bond is so strong that if an owner should die, they will continue to follow her commands for the remainder of their lives, the extent of which remains unknown. As such, they make excellent guardians for tombs and catacombs, temples or other resting places. They can sense Force-users, and show extreme aggression towards Lightsiders, while still impervious to various feats of Force abilities, such as mentalism, animal kenning, and the like, and can even survive a single direct blast of Force Lightning, due to their ability to absorb and diffuse energy.
Made as gifts for [member="Srina Talon"], six of these beasts were spawned using powerful Sith Alchemy and Magic to enhance the already terrifying Tuk’ata. Designed to be her perfect protectors: Fearsome, fearless, relentless, and highly efficient and deadly predators, these savage abominations, arrayed at their Mistress’ feet, are more than enough to make anyone, even the most powerful Jedi or Sith Master, think twice before earning her ire.

Under the supervision of the Vicelord of the Confederacy, Visanj used a variety of Sith-spawning methods to craft these creatures. Using a small amount of Srina Talon's blood, surreptitiously acquired in a training duel, she was able to blood-blond the beasts to her, attuning them to Srina's thoughts and allowing their control silently. Genetic technologies used to strengthen their reflexes, speed, and strength, increasing their aggression, and improving their resilience against many kinds of damage, the 'pack' was then specially raised in stasis tanks filled with a mixture of nutrients and bacta mingled inside synthetic amniotic fluid, cloned from Srina's DNA, ensuring they would forever look upon their 'Mother' with utter fealty and protective affections. Upon reaching maturity, they were presented and gifted to the Queen.
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

My only suggestion would be expanding the historical information a bit more with their creation process and such, but that is merely a suggestion. I can pass this along as is, but it is up to you.
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