Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tuli



Species Chadra Fan
Gender Female
Height 0.9m
Force Sensitive Yes


Small and slight, Tuli is covered in blue grey fur, patterened with white, with large inky black eyes and equally large ears. She is rarely seen out of her Jedi robes.




Raised in the temple, Tuli is devout in her belief and dedication to the Jedi code. She believes there is the possibility of redemption for all those who walk in the dark.

She lives in the moment, like many of her species and is quick to forgive. She doesn’t like to be alone and will always fine people to be around.


Agile & Fast - Tuli makes up for her small stature through acrobatics, able to jump to great heights and climb with ease and speed.

Heghtened senses - her species naturally heightened senses are further amplified byt the force so very little gets past her.


Aquaphobic - terrified of water and drwoning in it, can’t swim and will freeze up completely when around large bodies of water.

heightened senses - as much a weakness as a strength, she is immobilised by powerful smells or certain pitches/volumes of noise.


Left on Coruscants temple steps at birth, tuli was raised among its staff until she began to show signs of force sensitivity, at which point she was moved to live and train with other younglings. The temple has been all she’s truly known and as a result she is fairly naive to the true nature of the galaxy around her.


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