NAME: Unknown
ALIAS: Tungsten –Nicknamed this because of his toughness and the fact he is hard to works with.
FACTION: The Blazing Chains
SPECIES: Lapanguis
AGE: 34 years old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.2 meters
WEIGHT: 210 kilograms
EYES: Brown
HAIR: No Hair
SKIN: Dark green / Dirty yellow
Strength- A Lapanguis’ strength is much higher than that of a human’s. This gives Tungsten and edge over most human’s during hand-to-hand combat.
Osteoderms- Small deposits of bone cover Tungsten’s body. The toughest Osteoderms can be found on the back, these are capable of ricocheting low caliber kinetic weapons and low energy blasters.
Limited Understanding of Human Languages- As Tungsten was taken from Alc suddenly and was quickly given a new life, he had no time to learn much of any languages. He knows basic terms such as “yes” and “no”, but has yet to learn complex phrases.
No Knowledge of Advanced Weapons- Tungsten has only ever used melee weapons, primarily large swords. He has never shot any projectile or energy weapons before and therefore may need training before he is ready to fire any.
Hates Urban Environments- As Tungsten has lived most of his years in swamps and jungles, he has not adapted to urban / City Environments. This makes him increasingly uncomfortable when face with situations in locations like this.
Tungsten’s weight is the average for a fully grown Lapanguis. His muscular frame makes up for most of this weight along with the osteoderm scales that cover his body. The scales are naturally a dark / dirty green while his stomach’s scales are a pale colour that can be compared to that of bone. His jaw also forms a V shape and is filled with more than 30 sharp teeth.
BIOGRAPHY: WIP (I have some backstory ideas and if someone if willing to help me with these, it would be appreciated)
SHIP: None
NAME: Unknown
ALIAS: Tungsten –Nicknamed this because of his toughness and the fact he is hard to works with.
FACTION: The Blazing Chains
SPECIES: Lapanguis
AGE: 34 years old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.2 meters
WEIGHT: 210 kilograms
EYES: Brown
HAIR: No Hair
SKIN: Dark green / Dirty yellow
Strength- A Lapanguis’ strength is much higher than that of a human’s. This gives Tungsten and edge over most human’s during hand-to-hand combat.
Osteoderms- Small deposits of bone cover Tungsten’s body. The toughest Osteoderms can be found on the back, these are capable of ricocheting low caliber kinetic weapons and low energy blasters.
Limited Understanding of Human Languages- As Tungsten was taken from Alc suddenly and was quickly given a new life, he had no time to learn much of any languages. He knows basic terms such as “yes” and “no”, but has yet to learn complex phrases.
No Knowledge of Advanced Weapons- Tungsten has only ever used melee weapons, primarily large swords. He has never shot any projectile or energy weapons before and therefore may need training before he is ready to fire any.
Hates Urban Environments- As Tungsten has lived most of his years in swamps and jungles, he has not adapted to urban / City Environments. This makes him increasingly uncomfortable when face with situations in locations like this.
Tungsten’s weight is the average for a fully grown Lapanguis. His muscular frame makes up for most of this weight along with the osteoderm scales that cover his body. The scales are naturally a dark / dirty green while his stomach’s scales are a pale colour that can be compared to that of bone. His jaw also forms a V shape and is filled with more than 30 sharp teeth.
BIOGRAPHY: WIP (I have some backstory ideas and if someone if willing to help me with these, it would be appreciated)
SHIP: None