Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Turak Karede

Turak Karede

  • NAME: Turak Karede
  • FACTION: None
  • RANK: N/A
  • SPECIES: Icarii
  • AGE: 27
  • SEX: Males
  • HEIGHT: 2m
  • WEIGHT: 92kg
  • EYES: Blue
  • HAIR: Brown
  • SKIN: White

  • STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]Sharpshooter: Turak like many in his profession have had years of firearms training. He is well versed in the use of handguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, and even sniper rifles. Although he is not the best shot in the entire galaxy, Turak is more than capable of beating out the average trained soldier.
[+]Amputation: Being an Icarii Turak is fully capable of surviving a multitude of injuries that would normally kill any other being. This ability extends so far as to allow him to survive even if decapitated, the only real way to kill him is by bisecting his brain.
[+]Survivalist: Having survived in the jungle of Myrkyr by himself for nearly two years Turak is an incredibly survivalist. He knows his way around most environments and can survive almost anywhere. This skill comes in handy when one is constantly fighting on different battlefields with little to no one caring about what actually happens to him.
[-]Tinnitus: Between half a dozen years of soldiering and spending intensely silent nights in the jungles of Myrkyr Turak has developed a severe case of Tinnitus. This means that often he hears a loud ringing in his left ear. The obvious detriment of this is being able to hear less of his surroundings, a key component when one is soldiering.
[-]Last of His Kind: Turak is an Icarii, many years ago the Empire held a genocide of his people. Though there are other Icarii in the galaxy they are very few and far in between thus Turak has never met one like himself. This leads him to a sort of melancholia about his existence and place in the galaxy. It also means that he is hunted and constantly sought after by researchers and scientists who are interested in his species unique ability to survive.
[-]Suspicious: Due to being the last of his kind and having been trapped alone on a jungle planet for the past two years Turak is incredibly suspicious of other people to the point of near paranoia. He constantly wears a mask and blast vest, keeping a layer of clothing and armor between himself and the outside world. He trusts no one completely and only makes contact with those he absolutely has to.

Before the carnage of his people by the Old Empire Turak was a well known gangster on his homeworld. Before becoming a criminal by the ripe age of 22 he served with the Planetary defense force of Vestar. There he received military training to fight pirates and raiders. Though he excelled in combat and at fighting Turak was never one for taking orders. Ironically it was this that later in life saved him.

After a particularly harrowing engagement with a group of pirates Turak was placed under review for his treatment of prisoners. After his squad had captured a group of pirates Turak had decided to execute them, rather than send them back to be interrogated. Unhappy and even sickened by his actions Turak's superiors had him expelled from the Planetary Defense Forces. Kicked out on the street at the age of twenty Turak found himself alone.

His loneliness did not last for long however as he was swiftly picked up by a gang of ruffians that ran the south side of Vestar's capital. Due to his military skill and his rather dangerous mind Turak was swiftly elevated through the ranks of the gang until he eventually became an underboss, second only to the head honcho.

It was at this time that the Imperials first came.

The very beginning of the Icarii Campaign, or the Icarri extinction as some called it began with the rounding up of all criminals. Turak was one of the first caught. The man he trusted most, his boss gave him up to the Imperials in order for a chance at freedom(the man was later killed) so Turak was captured, taken to a facility and held frozen in carbonite. His carbonite slab was then taken onto a prison ship and sent to the Imperial Center. On the way however the ship crashed due to a gravitational anomaly.

The prison ship was torn from hyperspace and crash landed on Myrkyr, with everyone except for Turak dying, his survival only cause by the fact that he was frozen in carbonite.

Nearly eight hundred years later by random happenstance the carbonite slab that Turak was encased in was finally activated by a small Ysalamiri lizard looking for food. The tiny lizard creature looking for a source of sustenance licked the control panel of the carbonite slab. This shorted out the control panel and killed the Ysalamiri though had the effect of finally unfreezing Turak.

When he came out of the carbonite Turak found himself in an unfamiliar place, on an unfamiliar world surrounded by things he did not understand.

Myrkyr being a harsh jungle world was not easy to survive on, the only reason Turak made it at all was a unique combination of his military training, and his racial traits. A few times Turak was hunted by the deadly Vornskr, they caught up to him and quite literally tore him apart, biting off an arm or a leg and running off with it before he eventually recovered the appendage and sowed it back into place. Survival was hard, though eventually Turak adapted and overcame the obstacles around him.

After nearly two years of survival Turak encountered a smugglers hideout. There he met with the first people he had seen in nearly eight hundred years.

Luckily for the Icarii the smugglers were of good nature and kind heart. They fed him, clothed him, and once he shared his story took him on board their ship. The smugglers supplied Turak with everything he needed provided he did a few jobs as security for them, the gruff looking Icarii making the perfect bodyguard.

For the next month Turak worked for his rescuers, until finally his debt was paid. Parting ways as friends Turak set out into the galaxy at large to find his own way in this strange an unfamiliar place.

  • SHIP:

  • KILLS:
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.

Turak Karede


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