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Turin's Tracker

The Hound

Imperial Knight Tracking Template: Section I​

Basic Information

Name: Turin Val Kur

Rank: Cadet

Link to Character Biography: Here

Dominions Invasions Participated in (1 minimum required for Cadets unless exceptions are made by the Faction Staff) : 0

Thread Tracking

Basic Force User Training Threads (Required only for cadets):
(Minimum of 20 posts per training)

Creation of your lightsaber/telekinesis : (The first trial of all cadets is to create their lightsaber, which is seen as a mere tool of the Imperial Knights and not a ceremonial piece as it is in the Jedi. It is also worth noting that lightsabers in the Imperial Order are uniform and diversity in hilts is unheard of due to the militaristic nature of the Imperial Knights. This thread will also count as learning telekinesis powers, so be sure to make good mention of that. Link to information on the Imperial Knight Saber: ) Completed: Y/N Link to thread:

Art of Movement : (For information on this visit this link: Completed: Y/N Link to thread: Y/Learned In original training under Imperial Remnant and re-learned under Jedi

Breath Control : (For more information visit this link: ) Completed: Y/N Link to thread: Y/Learned under Jedi

Force Speed : (For more information visit this link: ) Completed: Y/N Link to thread: Y/Learned under Jedi

Imperial Knight Basics (required for everyone)

Lightsaber Combat Training : (Each Cadet is required to learn one of two techniques practiced solely by the Imperial Knight. Praetoria Vanil or Praetoria Ishu . A cadet can learn both but each requires its own thread of 20 posts or more.) Form Learned: Link to thread:

Resist Temptation : (This training is a thread that shows your character has the ability to resist the darkside of the force and the mind tricks played by darksiders to sway individuals to their path. ) Completed: Y/N Link to thread:

Final Test of Loyalty : (This thread is to be the very last of the required training threads completed in Section I. This test of loyalty will be administered once a cadet has been chosen for promotion and not sooner. The test will consist of the Cadet being given orders by the Imperator to their master (or other important member of their life) under the pretense that they have “fallen to the darkside”. The cadet will then use a so called “ceremonial blade” to carry out the execution. The blade will end up being nothing more than a training blade, but by striking their target, they will have proven that they will obey the Imperator to the last word and worthy of joining the ranks of the Order.)
Completed: Y/N Link to thread:

Additional Training Threads Completed as a Cadet: (If you think a thread you have done counts as training towards bettering your force ability, post the links to them here).

The Hound

Knight Information

Chosen Path:

Specialist : (Choosing the path of the specialist means that your character will pick a certain set of force powers and learning all there is to know about that set, choosing god-like power in a specific set of skills in place of a large selection of powerful skills. If you choose this path, specify what you are specializing in.)

Jack-of-all-Trades : (Choosing the path of the Jack means that your character has decided to train in all aspects of the force. Choosing this path means that your character will know a wide range of skills from all aspects of the force, sacrificing god-like power in one tool for a wide range of powerful tools.)

Notable Force Powers : (This section is to make note of any force powers your character is known for or tends to use more than others).

Known Lightsaber Forms : (This is self-explanatory)

Titles Within the Order : (This is where you let others know what titles you hold in the order, if you have become a Praetorian and guard the Imperator etc. Place that here.)

Required Threads

Forge your armor : (After you have completed your training as a cadet, you are considered a full member of the Order and thus must have a set of the iconic armor of the Imperial Knights. Each member is required to do a 10 post thread about the process leading up to getting their armor. A character can either forge the armor themselves or receive it from an NPC forger. Please note that this armor is canon and does not require a factory submission. For specifications, please see this link: ) Completed: Y/N Link to thread:

Starfighter Piloting : (As a Knight, you are required to do a thread of at least 20 posts that showcases training and/or improvement in starfighter piloting) Completed: Y/N Link to thread:

Hand to Hand Combat : (As a Kinght, you are required to do a thread of at least 20 posts in which you train or improve in hand to hand combat). Completed: Y/N Link to thread:

Additional Trainings: (This is where you will post links to training threads and alike that advance your characters skill in his chosen path)

The Hound

mperial Knight Tracking Template: Section III​

Do NOT fill this section out until you reach the rank of Master

Date that character was Mastered :

Specific Force Powers Mastered :

On the Archmaster’s Council? : Yes or No?

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