Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Turn on the Lights

amnesiac lizard - chapter 1

blood. shattered cryo-pod glasses. faulty electrical cables, seemingly ruptured, but by whom? and the bodies? unidentified assailants who have escaped the station? what was this? a heist of the highest magnitude? is that why the sirens are blasted off, so loud, so oppressive?

the white lizard woke up, from the sirens, lying on the floor, naked, amongst lifeless, bloodied bodies. he remembers nothing. not his name, not his whereabouts. why was he spared while another dozen weren’t? could it be his doing? no, it can’t be. he is tired, lethargic; if it was him, he would be ecstatic from all the blood he spilled.

and the cryo-pods? was he frozen? why and who would do such thing to him?

so many questions flooding the lizard’s mind, questions he won’t get the answer to, not here.

he checked his surroundings for anything; signs of his past, of the now-dead bodies, food, water, equipments that can help him escape, or survive another week in this wretched station. but nothing, he can’t find anything in this room, and the doors to another are all locked.

he would need an outside interference to survive. just like he always does.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
A Signal in the Unknown Region came out.

Distress signal was blaring into the headset of damages and the failing of major support systems. While it wasn't going to blow up per-say, it was quickly going to go down hill. It didn't take long for the triangulation in space to be acquired. What confused me, was the signal itself. Matching no other call signs currently saved. It didn't have any direct naming of who owned the station at the current moment. Just that this station was failing and counting the time down to complete failure. Every part of me wanted to just walk away and chalk it up to an old signal of a station that was set as a trap. However, the only thought of people who could actually be in danger and unable to do anything about it, was there.

"Eseven. Plot a course to the distress signal."


It took a moment for us to get there. Hrolf was sitting next to the bay. A whine came from his muzzle as I grabbed the oxygen mask. He wanted to come along, or was upset that I was leaving without giving him attention. But I had to hurry. Looking back down main hall, I yelled out.

"Thinker! Keep the ship running. If we have to leave fast, I want to be ready. Scan for any potential pirates or ships that enter the area."

I didn't hear a word from the tactical droid, but I knew he would be fine. More over, Keive was with me. A Security droid that was rather useful as a guard, but more so I wanted him along to act as a portable aid should we have to move heavier things with delicacy. Instead of just using the force to yank it. We entered the connection tunnels and could hear the sirens going off. What confused me most of all, was the bodies strewn across the floor. many trying to reach for the doors, trying to leave the hatches. Reaching out for help but none came.

I couldn't help them now. But made sure to leave a mental note of the location in space so that if the Jedi wanted to investigate this occurrence they could.

"Kev, Head to the bridge and see if there is anything you can do about the systems. Thinker, can you remotely connect to the station through the ship? I want to know the layout. Any potentials for survivors."

I didn't hear anything from either of them, but Kev had nodded his white and gold robotic head at me before dashing off. His heavy weight clanging on the floor as he went. I went the other direction but held out my saber just in case someone was alive and using this as a trap. Maybe a creature that got loose? But what surprised me, was that there was a sign against the wall that read "Medical Bay, Cryo Bay, Science Wing."

Medical bay is likely the first place I would normally check. Just because if survivors are going to be anywhere, its either the bridge or medical. What really caught my attention was Cryo Bay. Maybe someone threw themselves into a cryo chamber to keep themselves alive? Or it was a military science vessel in which case, if there were dangerous creatures aboard, then I would like to be able to prevent them from getting loose.

"Kale, it shows some activity in the Cryo Bay and medical bay. Bridge is accounted for with Keive there."
"Thank you Thinker. Keep me updated. Heading to the med and cryo bays."

Khroc Svaglorn Khroc Svaglorn

amnesiac lizard - chapter 1
Kaleleon Kaleleon

footsteps. just one, seemingly normal; no earth-shattering steps nor unusual shrieks. but you never know, they are hidden behind steel doors and exotic machinery of the station. are they good, or evil? what good and evil even are in this world? the lizard, just like his skin and scales, is a white blank slate. he knows nothing, but how bad some people would perceive the situation he is in at the moment. one man amongst corpses.

to lie or to say the truth. what kind of lie can he even come up with, for all he remember is just flesh and blood. to engage the stranger could be a death sentence; even if the lizard can fight in his past life, he doesn’t remember so. or he could try to convince the stranger with his complete lack of knowledge on how people behave in this world. yet to pass up on the opportunity is to potentially spend another lifetime alone in this station. this is his only escape.

survive or die trying.

he approached a machine, with buttons, and word ‘comms’ carved under. his survival instincts guided him to press the button, to communicate with the stranger on the other side.

<hello! can you hear me? is there any way to open the gate from the other side? I’ve been stuck here for… I don’t know how long.> he begged in a most desperate voice, almost whimpering off of exhaustion.


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