Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Turning Point

Jacen Vadith

Darth Teran

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Kor Vexen"]
An insurrection had formed on the planet of Munto Codru, the very thing had been impeding the Sith Empire's presence out in this portion of Wild Space. For too long had this been allowed, and as a result Darth Teran and Sith Knight Kor Vexen had been sent alongside a detachment of Sith Troopers to wipe them out. The buildings burned, their gardens destroyed and everything they loved was dead. The rebels that remained were surrendering, or wounded.

Darth Teran was a former Jedi Knight who was seduced to the Dark Side of the Force through mental manipulation, and now he has risen his way through the ranks of the Sith until now he stands a Darth with a title of his own. His true name, however, Jacen Vadith existed as much as much as his former persona did. It was a husk, but a husk that began to heal. Each terrible act brought him closer to the light, and it was now that he reached a breaking point.

​The dark clothed man waded through the rubble, coming face to face with the surrendering men as his lightsaber rests upon his hip. He had no intention of executing them, or anything else of the sort. And so he spoke- "Bind them. Take them away." It was simple, but the right thing to do. However, he feared Vexen had other plans in mind.
Kor Vexen

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jacen Vadith"]

The armored Sith observed with a regal posture as the injured and individuals who had surrendered themselves to the Sith Empire's might were rounded up. The aged Anzati had his arms crossed over his chest as the haunting glare of the flames that were ablaze in the surrounding area cast dancing glows upon his grooved silver armor. The silence of the Sith Knight who had recently been appointed to the position as a general of the Sith Empire's prestigious Legion was unsettling to say the least. Nonetheless, he commanded the respect and the loyalty of the soldiers currently.

The Darth that accompanied the armored Anzati was young and inexperienced in his eyes. Far too young to be given such a title, and as such Vexen regarded him with little respect that came with such a title. There were few that commanded the respect of the Sith Knight, and those who did, were for the only reason that mattered to Sith. Power. The survivors had been gathered and boxed in by a squad of soldiers, the wounded not receiving aid. Why should the weak be allowed to benefit from the resources of the strong? Why does a mutt who bites at a hand that offers to feed it deserve even the slightest bit of benevolence?

The armored Anzati stood in front of a rebel who was on his knees, his unwavering posture and expressionless helmet making it impossible to tell what the Sith was thinking. The Sith had already known that the rebel leadership was attempting to flee and had ordered a retreat, information acquired by Vexen through means of assimilation and feeding, as a result, the need for prisoners and wounded was unnecessary. The Darth that accompanied him ordered that they be taken away, but Vexen indeed had other plans. The weak deserved nothing but contempt and would be treated as such for daring to raise a hand against the Empire that he stood for.

A quick raise of his hands followed with a quick forward waving motion was all that was needed as the soldiers that had gathered those that surrendered and the wounded immediately raised their rifles and fired upon the helpless prisoners. No second guessing the judgment of the obvious seniority in command as the center of the burning village was now littered with smoldering corpses riddled with laser bolts. The Sith Knight had sensed there was a more pressing issue about to unfold.

Vexen would shift his hands behind his back as he strode past the pile of corpses as his vocoded voice was heard. " Scour the village for any survivors or those that chose to hide instead of run. No one is to be spared; not the men, women, or children. They have all been accomplices that sought to undermine our Empire's rule. They will be treated and dealt with as beasts. "

Jacen Vadith

Darth Teran

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Kor Vexen"]
Vadith, or Darth Teran as he was now known and had been for years was still young, especially when it came to the Anzati which he joined forces with - however, temporary. Though he wasn't made a Darth without reason, a skilled practitioner of the Force and expert Duelist. Niman was his favoured technique, evidently for it's versatility. In the historical sense, oddly enough, those that were once Jedi before falling to the Dark Side of the Force had proven to be some of the most powerful. Perhaps Vadith could rank among them, if not now in the future.

Before him remained the survivors of this small civilisation, since slaughtered by the Sith Empire's Forces, even including the former Jedi. He defended himself, and he defended his Empire by spilling their blood. Though as they cower in fear from the physically imposing Anzati known as Kor Vexen, a man rightfully feared throughout the Galaxy for his gruesome methods - and even the Darth, a man so lost in his own mind he doesn't know which way is up - something came over Vadith, a sense of incoming dread as a glimpse of foresight

His eyes closed momentarily as a vision of blasters firing before killing the very men, women and children before him. They slumped over with a searing hole in each of their corpses - definitely dead, and those that weren't writhed in pain before they would ultimately succumb to their wounds.

The former Jedi's eyes snapped open before he pivoted with speed to face Vexen as he caught him at the end of his speech. A palm extended whilst he did nothing but aggressively shout, "No!" But it was too late. This vision he had wouldn't save them, not this time. "Vexen, you fool! They could of been useful!" His tone persisted throughout as he approached the Anzati. Trying to hide his hint of compassion through a tactical backdrop.

Yet it wasn't Vexen who was the fool, it was Vadith. The information from those prisoners had already been acquired through the feasting of a mind, and it was certain now more than ever that the Darth would pay dearly for his mistake.
Kor Vexen

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jacen Vadith"]

The armored Anzati would turn away from one of his troops after finalizing the order to exterminate everyone in the area. Troops were mobilized as the sounds of terror and cries of fear would soon come to fill the air as the village and everything around. Vexen would turn back towards his compatriot, looking down at the man as he cried out in protest. There would be a pause as Vexen simply stared at the Darth briefly before the air was filled with the eerie vocoded chuckle of the Anzati echoed throughout the air, his armored body seeming to shake with amusement.

As Vadith approached, Vexen would seem to compose himself and spoke, " Useful? Surely you jest. There is nothing useful amongst these peons that I have not already torn from their minds. " His tone seemed to shift as Vadith was mere feet away in front of him. His hands would come up from behind his back, his lightsaber in one as he ignited it, the crimson blade of plasma shooting out mere centimeters away from Vadith's neck. Darth or not, unless he was one that had earned Vexen's respect, he saw everyone as nothing more than beneath him. His vocoded voice changed as it turned cold and harsh, " Stand down. "

There would be an odd shift in atmosphere as the soldiers in the immediate vicinity seemed to pause and look as Vexen had ignited his blade and held it near the Darth's neck. However, this brief curiosity would soon pass as the fear of what Vexen would do to them for being lax with their duties overtook them. Vexen would stare down at the man with his expressionless face, the only indication of what Vexen could possibly be expressed through the aura he exerted.

Jacen Vadith

Darth Teran

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Kor Vexen"]
The Darth stood firm and strong, unmoving, unflinching full with internal rage that someone beneath him would even consider himself greater than himself, even his equal would be insulting. His dark coloured clothing flailed through the wind, there was no real armour adorned on the man who hated calling himself 'Sith'. The red blade of Kor Vexen illuminated his neck, or at least the clothing around it. Clenched fists arrived at each side of the man, signifying his anger externally in this instance, slight cracks appearing in the ground beneath him for a short second.

His fists turned to palms, and he turned away. Was he standing down as 'ordered'? He didn't know, Vadith was searching for a semblance of calm within himself as he once would of whilst conditioned to lash out in anger, but it didn't last. He gave in, he succumbed to the vices of the dark side within an instant. If anything, the Darth was weak. His paces were made away from Vexen, the lightsaber now out of reach if it were still pointing in his direction.

With his head bowed to the ground ahead of him, and Vexen at his back he awaited a taunt or something of the like. Not even he knew how he would react to such a thing.
Kor Vexen

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jacen Vadith"]

The armored Anzati stood and looked down at the Darth as his lightsaber was held to the man's neck, the crimson blade letting out a low, continuous hum, threatening to behead the man should he make a single wrong move. Vexen could sense the rage within Vadith as he exerted it like some pre-pubescent child; it was both good and bad. Good that he was fostering his rage inside of him to draw strength from, bad that he was doing a terrible job at hiding it. It was almost worth wasting breath to laugh at. Vexen would give a sly grin from beneath his helmet as he watched the Darth submit to authority.

Vexen would watch as the man backed down, his lightsaber still ignited and held up until Vadith had moved some few feet away before switching his saber off and clipping it back onto his belt. The armored Sith Knight took joy in putting people in their place; a weak Darth was no exception. Vexen's hands would cross over his chest as his head tilted and looked to the smoke-filled air. Perhaps now would be a good time to cull the weak from the ranks of the Sith. The weak will be crushed underfoot by the strong; that was the way Vexen lived by.

Vexen's vocoded voice was heard as it boomed over the distant screams of terror and the roars of the infernos blazing around them, " To think someone as weak as you could ever truly become a Darth. " There would be a pause as a scoff was heard. Vexen would turn his head to Vadith as he spoke once more taking an odd turn in the conversation, " Are you aware of the Rule of Two that the Sith used to live by? It was a peculiar practice in which one was a master whilst the other was an apprentice; The master to embody the Dark Side and the apprentice to crave it. " Vexen would turn his body in the direction of Vadith, " It was a practice that ensured the strong took their rightful place and exterminated the weak. "

Jacen Vadith

Darth Teran

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Kor Vexen"]
The brooding anger of the Darth continued to boil, festering within him to ultimately explode in a brash and blind fury. Vexen's words accelerated this process, a sliver of what would happen was seen shortly before as the ground beneath them cracked - but nothing considerable was made. Vadith knew that he was being tested, egged on to act in a way that Vexen could strike him down lawfully. He attempted to resist, but for someone going through such an inner turmoil it was hard to focus on anything than a decision. Although it wouldn't take long - he prided himself on his quick and decisive decisions, certain in an outcome as a result of any action. So, there it was...

With his eyes closed he allowed the Sith Knight to continue to taunt him, holding himself within such high-esteem whilst Vadith performed an action of his own. Reaching out through the force with nothing but his mind, grasping a hold of a large piece of rubble in relatively close proximity. Vadith was most skilled when it came to telekinesis, and as such this was performed with ease. The big, shattered and mishapened piece of duracrete came hurling towards Kor, and as it reached his location, the man pivoted round to face him.
Kor Vexen

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jacen Vadith"]

Vexen had sensed a great deal of turmoil within the young Darth as he observed his actions. Though it was not an uncommon feeling expressed by practitioners of the Dark Side that he had seen, there was something particularly off as far as Vadith went. The aged Anzati would stare at Vadith to see if his words had any effect on the younger man, and to some degree, it appeared that he had struck a nerve when the Darth had began to focus his control over the Force. Several soldiers turned as it seemed that the two Sith were about to engage, though no one dared to interfere...For now.

Several chunks of duracrete would be lifted in the air by the Darth and subsequently thrown at the Sith Knight. Vexen did not make any move to evade or stop the duracrete chunks being thrown at him. Just when it appeared that the pieces would converge and crush him, they froze as if suspended in time, suspended in the air as if they were statues held up by nothing but air. Vexen would let out a long and exaggerated sigh as he slowly nodded his head. Vexen would turn as he slowly walked from behind the frozen wall of hurled stone, two fingers lifted from one hand that was crossed by another in front of his chest.

As the Sith Knight lowered his fingers, whatever invisible force that had held the thrown chunks of duracrete at bay vanished as they resumed flying towards his initial position, like a hologram having been paused and then suddenly resumed. The chunks would smash the area he stood to dust as the impact created a rush of air that caused his vibrant magenta cape flicker. The Sith Knight would stare at Vadith for a moment before he spoke in his cold vocoded voice, lifting his right hand up as he activated his holocommunicator, " Darth Teran has just attempted to slay a general of the Legion without physical provocation. This act of treachery will not go unpunished. He is to be dealt with like the rest of the traitors and instigators we have come to put down. Execute him with extreme prejudice. "

The several soldiers in the immediate area would perk up as the order was issued, leveling their weapons and bringing them to bear. Vexen made no motion to draw his own weapon, seeing the traitorous Darth as having revealed his true colors. The Sith Empire would judge Vexen as the one who retaliated in self defense, having done nothing more than speak. He would not dirty his hands with work that he saw as beneath him, but that also meant he would not make it an easy attempt for the Darth to flee. The soldiers would open fire as Vexen gave a quick nod.

Jacen Vadith

Darth Teran

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Kor Vexen"]
It had come full circle, now. Once a Jedi Knight, his mind was tormented and rebuilt from the ground up - ripped away from his Jedi Order and to the Sith, where he rose throughout the ranks until now. He could say goodbye to it all. The Jedi would not take him back, no, not after all that he had done in the name of the Sith and under this false title of Darth Teran. The Sith were something he never wished to return to, he loathed himself for what he had become; the very thing he swore to destroy.

Both of Vadith's hands were brought up with haste, extending either side of his body as he allowed the force to flow through him. With the Force, a push was exerted, the Sith Troopers around him were knocked to the ground and sent into the rubble that surrounded them, but they would be back soon enough. In his time of reprieve he fled, it wasn't out of cowardice, but merely a tactical advantage he would soon need. He disappeared into the ruins, the Troopers hot on his tail.
Kor Vexen

Munto Codru, Pakuuni Sector, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jacen Vadith"]

Vexen held his ground as his heels dug into the dirt below, raising a hand up and extending out a Force push to counteract the one sent out by Vadith. He was marginally weaker as far as displacement force based powers went compared to the fallen Darth, but he was well versed enough to hold his ground without being sent flying. Nearby soldiers were flung back as they were knocked off the ground, creating an opening for Vadith to flee. A wise tactical choice on his part if Vexen could offer any credit to the man. If he had stayed, his chances of surviving would have been extremely low. Vexen sighed as he turned to the soldiers, a low vocoded and guttural growling voice heard, " Do not let him escape if you value your lives. "

Vexen would shift his open hand as his fingers curled into a fist, his index finger extending out to point out the direction that Vadith had fled. The soldiers would hastily scramble to their feet as several of them barked into their comms to alert the perimeter and hunter kill squads that had been assigned to seek out any survivors. If Vadith had done anything for the people in the village in his act of defiance, it was to redirect the wrath of Vexen and the soldiers under his command. The area would soon clear out of soldiers as they scrambled and scattered, all except one line officer who approached Vexen from behind. He would speak without turning to face his second in command, " Have your men proceed with caution. Teran may be a coward, but not one to be underestimated and allowed to escape our grasp. "

The Lieutenant would offer a deep bow as a sign of acknowledgment as she proceeded to walk off towards the command center. Vexen would turn to the direction that Vaidth had run off, still sensing him as he was deep in thought. Despite the elite Legion being a force to be reckoned with, they would likely not succeed in capturing, let alone exterminating Vadith. Though it irritated Vexen to have to handle what he saw as beneath him, the battle between the two would be inevitable. The armored Knight would slowly march and follow after the fallen Darth.

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