Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Turning to the Shadows


Well-Known Member

Asher found himself mid battle, with no weapon left to defend himself other than a light blaster pistol - one he couldnt even figure make and model for - on a planet he knew nothing about save name, with no way to escape. Destiny, his master, had brought him, then left him to fend for himself in a way to see if he could survive using the Force along with whatever else he could scrounge up. But then things had turned sour when he thought he could simply just keep moving until things changed, because it was then that a group of gangsters stumbled upon the youth.

Having attempted three different times to change shape to allude chase, before still being found out, he could only deduce that someone was a Force adept among his opponents and that they could sense it was he rather than just a random person.

Spinning on his heel, Asher let loose a few more accurate shots, but before they could reach their marks, the enemy had ducked and moved past them. He had no clue, and no hope, of how to get out of the situation...

In Umbris Potestas Est
Gangsters. Common criminal scum that it would be easy for any old Sith Lord or Lady to take care of them. Ordinarily, Circe rarely if ever intervened in such issues, but there was something intriguingly special about the man that this group appeared to be hunting. Namely the fact that he changed shape almost as seamlessly as a Shi'ido - yet appeared to be made of solid metal. This could mean only a single thing: that he was a Polydroxol. And having such an entity as a student took her back to what she had once learned from a Sith - such metallic entities were practically invincible.

The two criminals nearest Asher would find themselves swiftly fried, by a seven second burst of electrical energy out of the Polydroxol's field of view. The third and fourth retreated, as Circe slipped into his sight, a smile on her face as she stepped toward him.

"A Polydroxol... What did you really have to fear from these scum?"



Well-Known Member
Asher gasped, collapsing to his knees, "There is only so much one person can do, especially when exhausted. You would be surprised how much larger the original group was." He said, panting, shaking a little, and staring in fear at the woman before him. He had plenty knowledge of the Sith and their many lords, but there was no way that he could figure out which she was without more time.

"Do what you are going to..." He muttered, lowering his gaze.

In Umbris Potestas Est

"You're joking, right?" Circe put her hands down, going so far as to cross them over her chest. "Why would I kill you? Yeah, it would be easy to do considering your metallic body likely conducts electricity like a lightning rod, but I have no intents of killing you. If I did, I more than likely would've let them continue to cause you harm. You Jedi types are always the same, aren't you..." The Light Side aura was rather disgusting.

"Now come with me."


Well-Known Member
Asher stared open mouthed for quite a time; she wasn't outright killing him, which was something he never would have imagined, especially after all he had been taught of the DarkSide and its many users. But what choice did he have? He could turn her down, but would likely end up roasting like she had stated so simply...

Bowing his head, Asher rose and followed the woman closely.

In Umbris Potestas Est

"Just remember that I could kill you." She sighed. "Possibility swings both ways, though. We're going to have to start by darkening your Force Aura, because that much light is really starting to annoy me." Then she came with Asher, trying to walk further on. "Nothing against you... but if you're going to hang around with me, you're going to become Dark-Sided. Alright?"

That seemed simple enough.


Well-Known Member
Asher pondered declining, but still knew she could do as she had said, thus he simply resigned, with a nod, "Very well. I am at your will. Should I call you master then?" His voice shifted mid speech, dropping a few notches to show he was transforming his body until he was slightly shorter than he had been, with a much more toned form, longer black hair, and piercing green eyes. It was something he enjoyed, playing the different parts able to one of the few shapeshifting species of the galaxy.

For a moment he thought back on the fight so recently ended, then muttered, "Gonna need to get a new saber. Again."

In Umbris Potestas Est

"Lightsabers are easy to come by." She sighed. "With no jokes intended there. Everyone seems to be able to manufacture those sorts of things. The Jedi and Sith of old would weep if they knew someone uneducated could create such a weapon in a factory." Circe herself was rather sad regarding such - it meant that older relics, such as the lightsaber of people like XoXaan, were worth little of anything anymore.

Oh how the mighty weapon had fallen.


Well-Known Member
"Since you have abundantly told of turning me to the Dark Side; how will you go about doing such? Have me slaughter puppies and kittens? Kill children?" Asher said, feigning indifference, while the idea of what was to come terrified the being more than [member="Enigma"] would ever understand, "Anything similar?" While he spoke, Asher wondered if the triviality of lightsabres she spoke of was true.

In Umbris Potestas Est

"Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of 'sex and torture.' That seems to be a lot more appropriate than forcing you to do any of that. I'm not the murderous sort of Sith, after all." She chuckled, thinking about what she could do to the young Force user in order to taint his aura further. "Well, I could alchemize you, turn you into a Sithspawn, but I haven't seen anything successful done with Polydroxol in a long time."


Well-Known Member
Blatantly choking, which turned into a massive coughing fit, Asher asked after a long moment, "Sex? will that work!?" His body had instantly responded by this idea, by paling then reddening far more than a normal human could. He found himself taking a large step away from the woman. Asher had to admit, sex wasnt new to himself, but he had so recently lost his last lover and this one was so...


In Umbris Potestas Est

"Not with me, obviously. You'd be in a coma within two hours. No, I'm talking about letting your passions and inhibitions run free.Beat up some thugs and lick from their wounds. Have a party with enough booze for two men and enough women for four. Blow something up for no good reason. Those are pretty good ways to start feeling dark. The last thing I want is for this day to end with you being light enough to disgust me."

Circe did know a thing or two about most of those things.


Well-Known Member
Heaving a massive sigh, that loosed all the pent up tension that had built through his body, Asher had to admit one thing to himself: the idea had its appeal. He had always wanted to be the one in control of his life, to choose to party because he felt like it, not avoid it because it was so commanded...

"So lets blow something up," Asher offered. That idea seemed the quickest to turning one, though he was still apprehensive.

In Umbris Potestas Est

"Anything in particular you wanted to go ballistic on? Do choose wisely... The last thing I want is for you to end up getting hunted across the galaxy. I've known far too many people who've experienced that over a single, seemingly harmless decision." Of course, Circe was referring to herself, seeing as she'd been shot, stabbed, incinerated, baked, spaced, and generally killed in almost every horrific way.

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