Image Source: HERE + Photoshopping by moi
Affiliation: Grimoire's Sith Warband
Manufacturer: Santhe Corporation/Sienar Fleet Systems
Model: Tvarka Class Frigate
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique
Material: Frigate
Length: 400 metres
Width: 250 metres
Height: 170 metres
Armament: 4
Defense: 10
Ablative Quadanium Steel
Double redundant Deflector Shield Generators
Hangar: 3
Special Features:
Standard Navigational Systems
Standard Sensor Array
Standard Life Support Systems
HoloNet Transceiver
Advanced Targeting Systems
Maneuverability Rating: 11
Speed Rating: 9
Hyperdrive Class: 5
+ Fast Frigate
+ Minor Naval Conflict
+ Quick on the Escape
- Lightly Armoured
- Can't withstand a Major Naval Fight
In order to create a base for Grimoire's growing following as a Sith Warband, the Sith conducted a deal with Sith Lord Sirella Valkner and had her arrange the creation of Tvarka off of Old Sith Star Destroyer blueprints persevered in Sienar Fleet Systems archives. The shape was kept but the armament was updated to modern technologies.
The Tvarka (named by Sith Word for Order) is a "floating base" to house the Knights and Troopers of the Sith Warband in their coming conquest objectives. The frigate is designed to make quick entrances and quick exits, in order to avoid taxing naval engagements.
Development Thread: None
Intent: To make a "floating base" for Grimoire's Sith Warband until they establish a terrestrial base
Who Can Use This: Only Grimoire and her Warband
Primary Source: N/A