Bryce Bantam
Just a dude
Twi'lek Clans of Kal'Shebbol
Intent: Create NPC factions based on Kal'Shebbol Twi'lek clan lore
Name: Name your clan
Affiliation: This will be a chaos canon item to be added to TKO lore and possible the codex.
Availability: This will be an open sandbox NPC group open to anyone who wants to take part in it. If you want to make a clan have at it or join one written by another just ask the creator
Type: Each clan should have a purpose and role on Kal'Shebbol, these could include, noble ruling clan, merchant clan, common tradesmen clan, underworld clan the possibilities are endless.
Strength: Just like people what do they do well
Weaknesses: Again balance them out and give them character
Description: (Please describe clan, how they came about, any special features or noteworthy features. This must be at least a paragraph in length to give people an understanding of how to interact with them.)
Links: (Please link all relevant threads here. This can include tech submissions, development threads or previous RP usage.)