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Approved Tech Twin Blasters Ock and Lok

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  • Intent: Create repeater blasters and specialized weaponry.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Repeater Blaster / Cyro / Flamethrower
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Powered Exoskeleton (Unlimited)
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extreme
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: Average
  • Recoil: Average
  • Both Blasters act as repeaters, firing large amounts of blaster bolts towards a target for overwhelming effect.
  • Ock has underneath it, a flamethrower that can be activated to try and catch others aflame.
  • Lok has underneath it, a cyroban projector to attempt to freeze targets in their place.
  • Freeze and Burn!: Ock and Lok can freeze and burn targets up close, making them nasty surprise weapons.
  • Dakka Dakka Dakka!: Lots of blaster bolts firing up close and quickly, makes it very dangerous to behold.
  • Inaccurate As Can Be: The further away, the more it becomes spray and pray. While a lot of blaster bolts are nothing to sneeze at, there is a lot of good reasons to back off quickly to make them nearly null and void.
  • Behold, Lines to the Blasters!: If the lines are severed to their respective blaster, they shut off and can no longer be used.
Matias Tower was a designated survivor on an assault found near one of the atrocity sites of the Galactic Alliance. When Angelus Hafey took her in, she was soon started to be outfitted with various cybernetic attachments but one of the largest was a special rig designed for her mobility after losing so much of her muscle mass from radiation damage. During production, a set of blasters were made for her eventual return, code named Ock and Lok. Made with supra steel, they were nothing truly special until hooked up to the powered exoskeleton, making it practically one of the most powerful sets of blasters created in rate of fire, making it extremely dangerous. However came the cost of having them hooked up, never to be let go of and having to separate them with the suit when needed.
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