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Approved Starship Twin Restored and Refitted Venator Class Escort Ships, The Blazing Dawn and Shining Dawn

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Average
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average


  • Escort Tanks: The twin Venators, designed as escorts for the Dawnbreaker, are capable of taking a substantial amount of punishment. Designed to draw the fire for the Dawnbreaker, should an engagement happen, the two ships are designed to act as guardian ships while the relief forces of the Service Corp flee.
  • Escort Carriers: The two Venators are primarily designed to act as secondary bases for the Service Corp and GADF's expanding fleet of rescue and reconstruction craft. While the two ships are designed to carry starfigthers, their primary craft are the many designs of Si Tech designed to help restore disaster areas to their former glory.
  • Escort Hospitals: Much like the Dawnbreaker, the Twin Venators were designed with a highly expanded medical wing compared to it's former design of the Clone Wars. Capable of acting as secondary hospitals to the Dawnbreaker's primary care unit, the two Venators are capable of taking on hundreds of cases at once.
  • Defense Over Offense: Unlike Venators of the past, the two ships designed for the Service Corps were never intended to act as front line capital ships. Instead, their focus was on delaying actions, and ion batteries. Designed to ward off starfighter raids, not fleet engagements. While they can tank plenty of hits, they aren't going to be throwing haymakers back, outside of an ion battery.
  • Turns like a Whale: Much like other Capital Ships, the two Venators are not designed to turn on a dime. It's many defenses are designed to allow the ship an omni-directional defense, but it's ability to bring them to bare is limited.
With the Galactic Alliance now in a War of Two Fronts, the Sentinel of Harmony, taking initiative, commissioned the design of two Venator Class Ships to act as an expansion of her predecessor, Jasper Kai'el , had created before her time. Given the Dark Empire's blatant use of destructive tactics, Jonyan felt the need to give the Service Corp's flagship The Dawnbreaker a set of escorts to allow the Service Corps to help restore any system in need of it to it's former glory uninterrupted.

The two ships, the Blazing Dawn and the Shining Dawn, designed as sister ships, were built mostly as an homage to the ships of the Clone Wars, of which Jonyna had always had a fondness for. With the GADF's modernization, and the war escalating, the Sentinel of Harmony felt it necessary to give the Service Corps yet another tool to assist in the reconstruction efforts they were designed to handle.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a pair of escort and support ships to escort the Dawnbreaker
Permissions: My Subs

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, New Jedi Order, Jonyna Si
Model: N/A
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Rescue
Modular: Yes
Material: See Sub
Armaments: See Sub
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Low
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Radiation Resist: Extreme
Minimum Crew: 500
Optimal Crew: 8000
Passenger Capacity: 3000
Cargo Capacity: Extreme
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