RC 212
[SIZE=10.5pt]Corporation Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Twin Suns Enterprises[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Orrazerus[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Orrazerus, Teth[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Primarily TSE specializes in vehicles and ships. A small emphasis is put on weapons and Shipping. This is the front end, the back end is Racketeering, smuggling services[/SIZE], security contracts and a myriad of illegal or frowned upon activities
[SIZE=10.5pt]Through years of clever scheming and manoeuvrings Barbosa the Hutt has set up Twin Suns Enterprises. Originally starting off as meatpacking factory on the planet of Nal Hutta over time he began to make money. But the money was not all legal. As the owner of the factory on such a shady world Barbosa found himself under the watch of racketeers and a frequent target of underworld gangs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]to protect his assets he opened up a back end of the business, racketeering his own peers and hiring mercs to hit up and remove competition. Money and weapons changed hands frequently behind the scenes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]As time went on a second factory was opened, which was transit station for spice under the surface. After a few years Barbosa became dissatisfied when he realized there was more money to be made but he was not making it. He was trapped in the muck and mire, with too many faces and too many places lined up and in his way.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]So he sold his meatpacking business and set out for Orrazerus to monopolize on the rare mineral Isotope-5. Unfortunately when the Ravens showed up, his business model was obsolete so he moved to a newer and more lucrative business. Now with a small time factory and spaceport he moves whatever he can get his hands on and hires freelancer engineers to produce whatever he wishes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description: [/SIZE]
Twin Suns enterprises is a Vehicle and shipbuilding company with heavy emphasis on open market designs. As the company has just begun to grow, more work has become available. Primary sources for raw materials are either mined on Orrazerus and Makeb or bought off of the open market.
While many employees work full time a full compliment of freelance pilots and engineers are hired on seasonally for the big projects or to move equipment where ever it is needed.
A secondary front end position of the business is trade and shipping for the local market among it's small cluster of planets. Also done by freelance pilots.
On the surface the business seems like a legit thing. Underneath their is a dark underworld of treachery and deceit. The business launders money for clientèle, contracts assassin's work and is a primary hub for spice and other illegal goods in this corner of the galaxy. Often times competitors will forced to pay up, shut down or die.
Business Model:
There is only one thing Barbosa is in the business for. Credits
If you have the Credits and the will, Twin Suns enterprises has what you need.
Quality products, reliable service!
[SIZE=10.5pt]Subsidiaries[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: None[/SIZE]