Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Corellians and a Slave Ship


“How in the hell do I always get myself into these situation?”

Barrett was tucked away behind some durasteel crates near the freighter he had been following from Corellia. He had followed it to Duro where it stopped for fuel and then followed it to their current location, where he expected the owners were about to gather supplies before heading back off planet. The crew onboard was one Barrett Haskins was familiar with, an organization of Devaronian smugglers lead by Ketzer Keizer. Ketzer had worked closely with Barrett in the past on some of his dealings with the Black Suns, back before the Corellian’s ego got the best of him and he found himself on the bottom of the galaxy’s poodoo list again.

Ketzer worked so closely with Barrett at one point that the naïve twenty-something had made the mistake of trusting the devil creature with some of his finances. As it turns out criminals are always criminals, and he stole several thousand credits from the then very wealthy smuggler’s personal accounts and fled before the Suns had a chance to skin him alive. Now, however, the tables had turned and the Devaronian was in charge of a growing criminal organization and Barrett planned on screwing him out of a couple thousand credits.

It was obvious there was something of great value onboard the ship. A now seasoned criminal like Barrett was able to ferret out fear in people’s actions because he knew what it felt like to be scared. He could tell that Ketzer had upped the security on the ship from his last stop and they never stayed in one spot for more than a few hours. Even back on Corellia they got in and out of the loading zone faster than most. It could have been because the planet was under Sith control, but even then they were acting suspicious for criminals, like they had something with which they were scared of getting caught.

He was armed with his vintage slugthrower on his back aptly named Kindness, his two trusty blasters at each side with half the paint rubbed off after years of use, and his trusty vibroblade he kept in his boot… just in case. He had some backup ammo but figured that the job would have to be a quick and quiet one. He wanted to make Ketzer scared enough to give him the money instead of taking whatever dark secret he was hiding that Barrett had no interest in getting tangled up with or causing a bloodbath.

Other than the aforementioned weapons, Haskins had one other thing on his person, a detonator switch. He figured he would have to board the ship and find somewhere to hide out until the time was right, however that meant getting most of the mercenaries and other security out of the way. The switch would set off a minor explosion very near the freighter, just enough to make them think someone was nearby, but small enough that they wouldn’t think it had any direct effect on them. If he scared them too much the security would stay closer to the ship.

A sweaty palm grasped the trigger. He took a deep breath and pressed the button, immediately, about fifty meters to the north an explosion triggered and a small speeder bike blew into a million different pieces. As soon as it happened, the people working around the ship noticed and started toward it, and soon after that, another ten to fifteen people came out of the ship and made their way over. They seemed to be more curious than alarmed at that point but still had their weapons at the ready. Devaronians weren’t exceptionally brave species, but they were a curious one, something Barrett hoped to use to his advantage.

The worn blue suit, which at this point was a signature of Barrett would be just a flash as he ran from his cover to the ship before him. So far so good, no one was really in sight and he found a tiny pocked inside a cargo hold he could hide. It seemed to be just out of sight and he could go from there.
Little did he know, the galaxy had something else in mind.

[member="Julius Sedaire"]

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