Darth Daiara
Aradia was starting to see the patterns of it all.
The blips, the wars, the sudden silence ... the ripples, the probes, the testing of waters. Sense wasn't her strongest skill, but it didn't take a Sith Lord to see patterns inside data. The Jedi had shadows too. She didn't know why it hadn't dawned on her until now. Why wouldn't a jedi want to use deception and tricks to get what they want too?
The more she came to understand the people she sought to bring down, the more she realized how similar they all were. It made their hatred for her that much more infuriating. They were hypocrites through and through.
The easiest way to kneecap them was at the source. If she could stop them from infiltrating and collecting data, she could possibly... maybe... stop the next invasion all together.
Chew on that for a moment.
Combining her meager skills with sense and tech led her to her first objective-- an info satellite tower on a border world. It was Empire owned and improperly staffed, nearly cut off from all TSE support. If Aradia wanted to hit somewhere to do the Empire damage, she'd chose it herself. As it stood she hardly cared what happened to government she had once pledged her loyalty too.
Kaalia had been right from the start. There was no point in breaking one chain and instilling another. Moving forward, she served only herself. Today, she wanted to protect this station. The hairs on the back of her neck rose. She stopped pacing, running a hand over the collar of her guard uniform.
She looked over her shoulder.
Zaavik Perl