An amateur, something he disliked to admit, was he with the Force. Searched for many instructors that were not Jedi nor Sith, but had his or her code and didn't follow any code from any Order that was bound to it and its leader. That was not how Corrick neither his personality. He was loyal to only himself, trusted in himself, and listened to himself. No doubt, that would bring trouble and bring interference in his studies yet it was a habit that could be tamed for only when he was studying the Arts of the Force. However, things did not seem to be in his favor like always. He found no luck in finding a teacher that would take him up as a student, and would only rely on himself, and study and grasp as much knowledge he could get.
Never surprised him. He never relied anyone at all. Not his half-brother, his sister, or the rest of the Galaxy. As a child, he engineered ways to survive and to adapt the cruel life that he endured and lived for all his childhood and his teen years. During those years he didn't rely or pleaded for help after a long time in that cage of his he once lived once upon a time. During those years of torturing he kept only to himself and became a man without a conscious or a mind, and only focused on himself and power that he always set his sights on. Once those hinges were unhinged and the once incarcerated Corrick took his first steps of freedom he thank those awful years of mistreatment that converted him into something more.
So here he was on Concord Dawn, home a famous and well known Mandalorian called Jango Fett. On this very planet within the Mandalorian realm was the beginning of Fett's legacy that would be carried on throughout eons until this Galaxy would be no more habitable. Would Corrick's legacy start here where this famous Bounty Hunter was born on? Perhaps, but it would start somewhere. Everyone started at some place, whether it be the underground of Corusant, the military, the elite, and so on.
But he would not start out like those factors. No, he would begin with a Master that would help him develop himself and find his own way.
[member=Arumi Zy]
Never surprised him. He never relied anyone at all. Not his half-brother, his sister, or the rest of the Galaxy. As a child, he engineered ways to survive and to adapt the cruel life that he endured and lived for all his childhood and his teen years. During those years he didn't rely or pleaded for help after a long time in that cage of his he once lived once upon a time. During those years of torturing he kept only to himself and became a man without a conscious or a mind, and only focused on himself and power that he always set his sights on. Once those hinges were unhinged and the once incarcerated Corrick took his first steps of freedom he thank those awful years of mistreatment that converted him into something more.
So here he was on Concord Dawn, home a famous and well known Mandalorian called Jango Fett. On this very planet within the Mandalorian realm was the beginning of Fett's legacy that would be carried on throughout eons until this Galaxy would be no more habitable. Would Corrick's legacy start here where this famous Bounty Hunter was born on? Perhaps, but it would start somewhere. Everyone started at some place, whether it be the underground of Corusant, the military, the elite, and so on.
But he would not start out like those factors. No, he would begin with a Master that would help him develop himself and find his own way.
[member=Arumi Zy]