will you sink down to me?
Location: Tipoca City, Kamino
Outside Suspended Animation Lab
Form: Humanoid
Wearing: Wetsuit
Theme: This Is Me
Tag: [member='Darth Metus']

Today was the day! She was going to see her father for the first time in months and she could barely contain her excitement.Normally, Damsy hated metamorphosis to the point that she did whatever she could to stay in the water for as long as possible, in her natural squaloid form. Even when something exciting was waiting for her one land--like a friend date with Naroh Se or the recent party on Thaere Privo--she still dreaded changing. But the one exception was her father. The anticipation for seeing him, hugging him, talking to him, made the pain worth it, and even seem less intense that it usually was.
Maybe it was her version of daughterly love.
Naroh Se had run into Damsy as she walked down the hall as fast as her legs could bear her--which wasn't quickly at all--to the quarters that she had been given but rarely used, where she was planning to meet up with Metus. "Excited are we, changeling?" the female Kaminoan asked with a slight bow of her head.
"I can't wait! " Damsy exclaimed as she moved past her friend. Indeed she couldn't: she had spent the night swimming in large circles and counting the lobes in a patch of seaweed to pass the time since the night before.
The Sithspawn slowed as she got to a particular catwalk. Not only was she forced to because her legs began to ache, but her heart constricted in her chest. Why, oh why, had she had to come this way? Over the indoor bridge that looked into the lab that she had lay comatose in.
Damsy sighed and forced herself to walk to the glass. She cupped her hands on either side of her face and leaned onto the glass. As always, the Kaminoans liked is too bright, but she could still make out the shadows of the kolto tank and examination table. She sighed again and closed her eyes, lowering her forehead onto the cool glass.
The past wasn't going to change, that much she knew, but she didn't have to like it, though she had made peace with it.