Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Two Worlds

Fio forgot how hard it could be sometimes, as a young person, when you're just trying to figure things out on your own. Yet, it was a struggle she knew, and knew well. She had seen Zarava Dekki's performance at the Academy's trials and was impressed by the youngster's determination. When she had gone to Jutrand, she hadn't intended on sponsoring anyone. Perhaps in her old age she was getting soft, or as Taeli had put it, those maternal instincts were finally catching up with her.

Whatever the case may be, Fio felt that under both hers and her wife's guidance, the acolyte would have a better chance for a great future. She had briefly met with and spoken to Zarava at the gala on Najarka. Rather than meet with the acolyte on Jutrand, Fiolette had a rather posh shuttle sent for the young girl and had her brought out to Nahutal, one of the capitals of Baralou.

Nahutal was a beautiful city, the high altitude giving it an impressive view of the nearby sea. It had been at least a month or two since Fio's return, and while she and Taeli were finally at a point where they could relax, there were still lingering effects from the Netherworld. A few scars wouldn't go away, appearing as silvery-grey marks. Fio opted to hide them for now, with the idea that perhaps one day she'd reveal them and explain where they had come from to the young acolyte.

Fio ran her hand through her hair, her other hand holding Taeli's as they walked through the beautiful Gaxiola Intergalactic Starport. They walked casually together, dressed in what amounted to everyday wear. A stark difference and a refreshing change of pace. Fio with her athletic build, standing at 5'11 in her simple black heels, wore a white top with casual denim pants. Her blue eyes, wavy dark red hair, and a captivating smile—caught the eye of more than a few passersby.

"You know, this wasn't here before," Fio commented about the starport. "The city had been just leveled, at least from what Ariel had shown me when she wanted to see it rebuilt."

The pair were headed toward a private lounge where they would be picking up their new charge. It was early afternoon, and while they had had tea, the food here was always amazing. "Ivalyn said she had worked out a deal with Salacia Consolidated, a huge energy renewal project with algae, and then she mentioned an Ocean Energy Combine." Fio wasn't sure what that was. "Do you know anything about that? I wasn't really sure what she was talking about. I was just glad she was happy about getting a deal, though." The conversation had taken place months ago, but for Fio, it hadn't felt that long. An effect of the Netherworld, to be sure. "The shuttle should be arriving soon."

Silence befell them for a moment and then, "Do you think she'll like limmie? We can always check out the starball schedule too, or maybe we should get something to eat first? I think I saw a few restaurants while we were flying in." Then, a small bit of excitement. "Or, and hear me out," she continued, "I can just get one of the city speeders, mine of course."

There was a look on Taeli's face.


Then another, and Fio's response, "They are not death traps."

A quirk of her wife's eyebrow, coupled with Taeli folding her arms across her chest. The redhead sighed. "Fine, we'll just stick with the luxury vehicles with Dansen at the helm."

Their attention was drawn to the gate as the door opened. "Ah, she must be coming down the ramp now."



Location: Nahutal
Tags: Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Several months ago, her life had been uprooted. Now every day that passed, she wasn't sure what was in store for her anymore. It seemed like the world was out to get her, throwing her into situations she wasn't unprepared for. of course, she had managed to survive every single one of them, it didn't make it any less frustrating. Zarava gave herself a small pat on the back for getting this far while others failed. When she first arrived at Jutrand Academy, she thought it would be a fairly normal school. The last thing she had expected was her classmates willingly killing each other so that they would get to the top. Before she had been taken from her home planet, she had heard how the Sith were powerful and ruthless. Now that she had interacted with some of them, it was a lot worse than she had previously thought.

Zarava didn't know all that much about the world around her when it came to the expanse of the galaxy. She had never been away from her homeworld and had no idea what it was like to be in space. She was content on Elrood for a while, up until the point that her father died in one of the mines. From that moment on, her life had been hellish. It only became worse once her mother became a fanatic about the Sith Order, and sold her out in the hope of gaining favoritism in the ranks. It was because of her, that she was in this mess in the first place, and the reason that she had discovered that she could use the force as well. There was still a lot about the Force she didn't quite understand, and there was only so much that she could read from the archives of the academy. Several articles were hidden, and the simple Acolyte didn't have access to such files. At this point, she still didn't have her own lightsaber but made do with mostly her knives anyway.

There were only a couple of instances where Zarava could say that she was nervous to be put into a specific situation. She usually kept a neutral head and tried not to panic to the best of her abilities. But, meeting her sponsor and the one that was supposed to train her on a planet she knew nothing about? Yes, she was nervous. She had already interacted with Fiolette at the gala several months ago, and the women didn't seem all that bad, but that could just be a front. Thanks to her time on her home planet and the Academy, she had easily adopted the mindset not to trust anyone that she came across. That mentality had kept her alive up to this point, and she didn't dare switch to anything else. Zarava was nervous about what sort of tests she would be put through. Would she be forced to kill someone to prove her strength? There was no telling when it came to the Sith, and all the different possibilities rattled in her head on the entire ride to the planet.

She was so engrossed in her own mind that she didn't even bother to enjoy the expanse of space, something that she did every time she was on a spaceship. The young teenager hadn't even bothered to ask for a different change of clothes and simply wore the normal black tunic that had been given to her when she first arrived at the Academy. It was hardly anything formal, to say the least, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to wear the suit that she had worn at the gala. If there were going to be tests, Zarava wanted a material that wouldn't easily rip and become a liability. The ship suddenly shook as it finished landing, knocking her out of her thoughts. The Acolyte took a couple of seconds to steel herself before getting up and making her way off of the ship. Zarava made her way in the direction that she was supposed to meet them, her blue eyes glancing around cautiously. The city was certainly massive, and everything seemed relatively nice.

The door opened, and she paused before walking through the threshold. She glanced around, checking her surroundings for any potential threats before her attention landed on two familiar figures. The redhead made her way over, a neutral look spread across her face. Internally, she was trying hard not to be nervous around the two. How should she address them? She had only ever been casual when it came to others, would they punish her if they got it wrong? Surely not, they were in public after all. Zarava stopped more than an arm's length around, her arms clasped behind her back, making sure to stand tall, though she was still fairly short. The teenager would give a small nod to both of the women before speaking. "Hello." It was all Zarava said, as she wasn't sure how to properly respond to this situation. She rarely socialized with others even when she wasn't part of the Sith Order. Zarava kept to herself most of her life, so speaking to others wasn't her strong suit.
An amused expression was firmly fixed on her face as her wife rambled a little about what she thought the Acolyte they were sponsoring would like or about the city itself. She was just glad she was back, and in one piece more or less. It had not been easy...

Fiolette wasn't the only one to come away unscathed from the Netherworld, even if the venture had been an exercise in family bonding. Her right hand, the one that she had used to shatter the essence crystal, still was lined with gold and purple energy that was slowly fading away as she spent longer back in the material. Yet that taste of pure power had been intoxicating, and she could see where it could lead... it made her uncomfortable and part of her was glad to be anchored back in the material and seeing the evidence of her deed fading.

Dressed simply in a purple and black floral patterned blouse and skirt, sun hat included, she certainly didn't look the part of one of the Sith's Dark Councilors or one of the galaxy's infamous Sith Ladies. Today, she was on vacation and just enjoying the feel of her wife's hand in hers as they walked through the spaceport.

"You're gonna have to explain to me what those games are again and the rules. We didn't have them out on Lorrd. As for the Ocean Energy Combine, I'm not sure myself. I'm sure Judah or Makai would be happy to explain them to us in the future. Sounds like a good investment opportunity though."

And indeed the eyebrow quirked up as Fio mentioned wanting to get one of her... classic speeders for a spin.

A feeling of nervousness in the Force turned her attention to the young redheaded teen approached and greeted them.

"Good afternoon, Zarava. It's a pleasure to see you in more laidback circumstances."

The last few times the girl had seen them was at the gala... and then her preparations on Naalol for the excursion to rescue Fiolette. Yes, today would prove to be more relaxed and a chance for learning to occur no doubt.

Fiolette glanced sideways, her voice lowered to a whisper as she spoke. "Ivalyn mentioned something about major energy renewal projects, but I didn't catch much else." Her gaze followed Zarava as she disembarked, and she offered the young acolyte a warm, reassuring smile.

Taeli had already greeted Zarava, and Fiolette stepped forward with her own friendly welcome. "Hello indeed. I hope your travels were smooth. Did you bring anything else with you? Should we head to baggage claim or the exit?" Fiolette wasn't sure if Zarava had additional luggage.

As they made their way through the bustling Gaxiola Intergalactic Starport, Fiolette continued, "Are you hungry? Sometimes the food on those flights can be less than stellar, even though we pay a pretty good rate for a private chef on those shuttles." She pursed her lips, trying to recall if there was one aboard the shuttle, but it seemed irrelevant now. "The food here in Nahutal is amazing."

With a gesture of her free hand, Fiolette invited Zarava to join her and Taeli. She ensured that Zarava was either walking alongside them or slightly ahead. "For the next few days, just take it easy. We're here to have fun and enjoy the city." It would also allow the sponsors, to get to know their acolyte a little better.

Her voice softened, filled with genuine concern. "I don't want you to worry about anything. We've got you covered. If there's anything you need or want, just let us know."



Location: Nahutal
Tags: Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

There was a lot about those that were Force Sensitive that Zarava had a hard time grasping. When she first arrived at the Academy, it was increasingly difficult to gauge how powerful others were compared to herself. It wasn't until the trials that she started to realize how strong some of her classmates were. Not to mention how knowledgeable they were when it came to the force. Zarava had been forced to learn from the bottom up, but considering her lack of knowledge she was proud to be part of the Third Cohort. It was certainly better than being anything lower than that, as she had seen how those who ranked lower were treated. It made no sense to her why those in the Academy were out to go against one another. Maybe it was her nativity showing.

She wasn't a super soldier, and without her sponsor, she was certain that she would have never made it out of the trials. Was it luck? Zarava wasn't sure. When it came to the duel that she had against Jarek Voss, the advice that she had been given had probably saved her life in the end. She had never heard of the race Echani before, at least not the specifics of how they were raised. Considering that her fighting style had developed to her using her speed and exhausting her opponent, avoiding getting within close combat was imperative in her duel. Not to mention the bow that she had been given for it as well. Zarava had no idea that technology such as that even existed in the first place.

Zarava had already seen Taeli Raaf in battle when Fiolette Yvarro had disappeared. After everything, it made perfect sense as to why she was put on the Dark Council and was close to Empyrean in the first place. After learning about what Strosius had done to the two of them, and that Taeli had destroyed a good amount of what belonged to the other Sith Lord, it put into perspective what someone of her caliber was capable of doing. It was terrifying. It showed exactly how out of her league she was, and she wondered if any of her classmates thought the same when it came to looking at any of the other Sith Lords in their ranks.

It was in her best interest to try and not piss off her mentor, for her own well-being. Of course, she didn't realize that there were no ill intentions between the two. After her experience so far in the Academy, she always expected the worst from others. The only person that she had interacted with who had been relaxed was Kal-El. She didn't consider Firrerreo on that list, as he constantly seemed to be putting on an act. Her eyes glanced at the two of them, noting that their outfits were significantly more casual than her own. Oh well. Her attention returned to Taeli Raaf as she spoke. Zarava would give a small nod in agreement before speaking.

"Indeed. I hope you are... fairing well." Zarava spoke carefully, her face remaining neutral as she spoke. Considering the last time that she saw her, she was incredibly furious, doing everything in her power to find a way to rescue her wife. Zarava didn't know all that much when it came to the Netherworld, but it seemed like it was a miracle that Fiolette was able to return at all. The young redhead hoped at least some of the anger had passed at this point. Even as Fiolette approached her, Zarava's body language remained stiff, as the young Acolyte still believed that she was being tested by being brought here. Zarava was still struggling to figure out what the lesson was supposed to be. Maybe it hadn't been presented yet, and she needed to be more patient. Fiolette's words took a second for her to register, due to the kindness that filled her words, something she hadn't been used to since joining the Academy.

"Traveling went smoothly. I enjoy... seeing the stars." Zarava spoke her mind without really intending to. The Acolyte quickly caught herself. "I didn't bring anything else with me, so we can head to the exit." The fellow redhead stated. The only personal belonging that she didn't bring with her was her datapad, which she had left in her room back on Jutrand. Everything else that she owned was on her person, which wasn't very much. At the mention of food, Zarava could practically feel her stomach growl. As Fiolette gestured to her, Zarava would hesitate for a second before following them. She opted to walk alongside them where she felt more comfortable. Occasionally her eyes would dart around, taking in her surroundings as well as checking over her shoulder after a couple of steps.

When the other redhead spoke, her attention was drawn back to the taller woman, letting the words sink in. Zarava tried her best to avoid looking confused, but she was sure that she didn't hide it completely. Why were they being so nice? She knew that they were her sponsors, but there had to be a catch right? Everything in the Academy seemed to be written in either violence or blood. Zarava's hands fidgeted in front of her for several seconds as she tried to think of what to do. Outright asking why they were being so nice would be considered rude, and the last thing she wanted to do was to upset anyone here. It took several seconds after Fiolette even spoke before Zarava responded.

"I wouldn't mind grabbing some food," Zarava stated shyly, a small grin pulling at the corner of her lips. Maybe the test was to see how she was able to make decisions and take charge. To take control of a situation on an unknown planet. Yes, maybe that was it. As the thought filled her head, her shoulders squared off as her confidence started to return, but she didn't go off walking off on her own, instead waited to see if Fiolette or Taeli would take her in a specific direction.
An energy project could be something that Aurora would be very interested in investing in themselves, but that was something for Merryn to handle at the moment. They were supposed to be on vacation after all, and as she looked over the acolyte they were sponsoring, she could already see and hear the trepidation in her voice as she asked if they were faring well, although she heard a more wistfulness as she mentioned the stars. She frowned slightly as Zarava mentioned she didn't have anything else, but then that was expected of an acolyte within the Academy system, even at Third Cohort.

That would need to be rectified in the future.

There would be a sense of amusement passed through their bond as Fiolette wondered if they had hired an inflight chef, and the thought would cross through their bond that she was pretty sure they hadn't for Zarava for this particular flight from Jutrand.

"Food it is then," she said, giving the younger woman a smile. "We'll take the lightrail to the Agave Ridge District. Fiolette was saying there were a lot of restaurants there, get something to eat, then go to the residence we rented while we're here in the city. And like Fiolette said, all expenses for this trip are on us, so don't feel bad about asking for anything expensive."

The benefits of their positions, throughout prior governments and their corporations, meant that they and probably their children's children's children's children didn't need to worry about making do, and that extended to any that were brought into the orbit of their family. Once they were seated in the lightrail car, Taeli would unfold a pair of sunglasses and place up on the sun hat she was wearing for the day.

"So, you like space, Zarava?" she would ask, giving the acolyte an encouraging smile to continue her out loud thought from earlier, "I've always enjoyed watching the hyperspace tunnel, whether it be on the bridge of a warship or from the cockpit of one of our personal ships. I've always found it rather soothing."

Maybe, the thought would float across to Fio, they could take the young woman to Zeron Fighter Base for a meet and greet with the pilots there, maybe even let her fly one of the ships.

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