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Approved Vehicle TX-150 Saber-class Fighter Tank

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Manufacturer: Aether Systems
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Size: Large



An updated variant of the TX-130 Saber-class for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force
Image Source[HERE]
Permission(s)Not Applicable
Canon Link(s)TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank
Primary Link(s)Not Applicable


ManufacturerAether Systems
AffiliationGalactic Alliance
ModularityLimited - Unit Colors and Emblems



Armored Cavalry

Rating Specifications
DefensesVery Low

Armaments and Defenses
(2) Fire-Linked Heavy Laser CannonsDeflector Shield Generator
(1) Medium Twin-Laser Cannon TurretLightweight Ablative Armor
(2) Ordnance LaunchersMissile Deactivation Transmitter
(10) Armor-Piercing Shells
(10) Bunker Buster Shells
(10) High-Energy Shells


Crew Compliment(1) Pilot
(1) Co-Pilot / Navigator
(1) Gunner
(1) Tank Commander
(1) Astromech
Minimum Crew(1) Pilot
(1) Gunner
Passenger Capacity(4) Individuals
Cargo CapacityAverage
Consumables3 Galactic Standard Days



  • Agility - The TX-150 was designed to retain many of the features of its predecessor, specifically its speed and maneuverability to create a tank that is capable of entering an engagement quickly, dealing excessive damage to an enemy, and retiring just as quickly.
  • KD57 3-Chamber Repulsorlift Engine - Commonly installed on Sailbarges, this engine system allows the TX-150 to traverse over almost all types of terrain including water, sand, ice, and snow.
  • Ordnance Launcher - The TX-150 is equipped with a set of ordnance launchers that allow the vehicle to deploy a variety of heavy munitions against targets. These munitions are often mixed and matched to increase the vehicle's operational capabilities when dealing with enemy targets and threats.
  • Limited Ordnance - The TX-150 was designed to carry additional passengers compared to its predecessor. However, this has resulted in a lower ordnance capacity for its launchers.
  • Flanking - The rear door of the TX-150 is a notable weak spot of an otherwise well-armored vehicle. If the area were struck with heavy ordnance, the resulting damage could be catastrophic, either rendering the vehicle disabled or destroying it outright.
  • Light Enemy Armor - The armament of the TX-150 is sufficiently suited to deal with infantry, light enemy armor, or light fortifications. If found engaging heavier armor, it is advised that the TX-150 withdraw to a safe distance to allow friendly heavier armor to engage.
Aether Systems is known to be the premier Starshipwright of the Galactic Alliance, and now, it seeks to expand its repertoire by stepping into the realm of Vehicle Manufacturing with its first production line. Reviving a model from the Old Republic, the TX-150 Saber-class Fighter Tank represents Aether Systems staking a claim to the world of Vehicles whilst also remaining staunch supporters of the Galactic Alliance. Redesigned from the ground up, the TX-150 retains many aspects of its predecessor while also being equipped with a few improvements of its own.

The TX-150 was designed with a smaller ordnance rack compared to the TX-130; though this results in a limited supply of ordnance, it has allowed the vehicle to carry a larger number of passengers which can be deployed to provide additional support to the vehicle. This additional passenger capacity also allows the vehicle to be utilized in recovering and transporting wounded individuals to field hospitals for treatment from the front lines. The primary features that the TX-150 has retained from its predecessor have been its speed and maneuverability, which have experienced a slight increase due to the decrease in its armaments and overall defense capabilities. However, the TX-150 has also retained the unfortunate weak spot of its predecessor; the rear door. If this area were struck with heavier ordnance, it could potentially result in the vehicle being outright destroyed.

While the TX-150 is also sufficiently suited to handle its roles in supporting Infantry and dealing with light enemy armor, it still struggles when it comes up against heavier fortifications or heavily armored units. It is thus advised that it be withdrawn from these situations to allow for heavier armor to engage. As the Galactic Alliance continues its efforts to modernize its forces and finds itself shifting away from the utilization of Mercenaries and Private Defense Forces, the TX-150 is fast becoming the first step in organizing an otherwise hodgepodge military by providing the Galactic Alliance with a standardized and reliable repulsortank.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: See Above
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Modular: Yes
Material: See Above
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: See Above
Vehicle Type: Tank
Vehicle Role: Other
Defense Rating: Very Low
Traction Rating: None
Top Speed Rating: High
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Acceleration Rating: Average
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 5
Optimal Crew: 2
Passenger Capacity: 4
Cargo Capacity: Average
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