defy the tyrannous stars
NAME: Ser Tycho Alde
FACTION: Royal House of Alderaan // Royal Eyes
RANK: Knight-Captain of Alderaan
SPECIES: Human (Alderaanian)
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 188 cm
WEIGHT: 95 kg
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Black
- Knight-Captain: Not expecting to inherit any titles, Tycho instead has been training since adolescence as a neophyte in service to one of the knightly orders of Alderaan. Swearing an oath to the Order of the Lance, it is Ser Tycho's solemn duty to safeguard his people's heritage. Now as a full fledged Knight-Captain, Alde is an expert in all manner of combat, and his responsibilities often take him off-world leaving him less sheltered than the average Alderaanian noble.
- On Her Majesty's Secret Service: As far as public records are concerned, Tycho was a common knight of the Lance. In truth, he was sworn to an elite Circle known as the Royal Eyes. One of the few intelligence gathering groups operating under Alderaanian auspices, Alde's quests sometimes required a more covert skill set, and in the most extreme of circumstances outright subterfuge.
- Wild Magic: Ser Tycho is strong with the Force but for the most part untrained. Most of its use in battle is subconscious, enhanced reflexes that allow him to keep pace with trained saber duelists. He is not able to actively channel many of the more powerful psychic abilities common to most Force orders except for in moments of extreme duress.
- Code of Honor: As a faithful Alderaanian knight, Alde has vowed always to conduct himself honorably in the eyes of his people's tradition. Similar in many ways to the more universal aspects of the Jedi Code, there are some martial differences such as a firm belief in righteous vengeance. This code, once understood, can be manipulated so it works against his better interests.
A powerful frame indicative of his paternal heritage, Tycho's swarthy features however are unusual for an Alde and more reflective of his mother's Panteer blood. When not fully armored, he often wears simple cloaks and tunics, spurning for luxurious textiles in the latest Core world fashions. Ser Tycho is rarely to be found without a drink or cigarra in one hand. In open combat, he prefers fighting with a lightfoil and Dinu'ul shield.