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Approved Melee Weapon Tycho Arak's Lightsaber

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Manufacturer: Tycho Arak
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average

Original Image Source:
  • Synth Crystal - Inherently stronger than standard crystals and sometimes capable of breaking the blade of other sabers.
  • Ignition Pulse - Allows for underwater use.
  • Damping - Stun Setting
  • Non-Dimetrous - Won't short out when contacting cortosis.
  • Synth Crystal - More unstable and slightly less maneuvarable.
The construction of Tycho's lightsaber was a lengthy process. The most time consuming portion was the creation of the synth crystal housed within. Drawing on ancient techniques studied from materials unearthed by the dark side anthropologists he met, he forged the crystal but avoided pouring extreme emotions into it, instead focusing intent upon the crystal, manufacturing it for the purpose of imposing justice rather than doing harm. He also manipulated it in such a way that rather than the standard red, it turned out to be orange, a distinct mix of colors, with red being associated with dark and yellow a color associated with light. The intention was clear that this blade was meant for neither light nor dark.

With crystal in hand, he ventured the galaxy in search of parts, settling on a damping emitter rather than one of the more common types. As someone focused on law and the preservation of life, the ability to stun an opponent would be of great benefit to him. Additionally, making the housing out of ultrachrome was beneficial because of its lightsaber resistant properties and light weight. To round out the exterior, he obtained Wroshyr wood on a visit to Kashyyyk to create an inlay which, he hoped, would keep him grounded.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a sub for Tycho's lightsaber.
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Tycho Arak
Model: Tycho Arak's Lightsaber
Modular: No
Material: Ultrachrome, Synth Crystal, Wroshyr Wood
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