Tycho Draykon

NOTICE: This criminal is dangerous and is always armed. If seen report his where abouts immediately. Do Not Approach.Crimes
= Multiple counts of Theft ( 10 Confirmed; 20+ Suspected )
= Suspect in the disappearance of an Imperial Officer
= Suspect in Murder of a Civilian (Might be responsible for other murders)
= An escaped convict on the run.
= Suspected Rebel Sympathizer / Agent
Previous Arrested ? Yes. Sentenced to 15 years of hard labor on Kessel due to be arrested during an attempt to steal Imperial Goods. Is linked to 9 other theft cases. Sentence is justified.
Last Location: Kessel (escaped)
Status: Missing
=>TBA (Alive)
=>TBA (Dead)
File Status: The file has been lost during an attack. It is unknown if there are any other file copies located elsewhere.
Name: Tycho DraykonSpecies: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 30 Years Old
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 Pounds
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown/Black
Skin: Slight Tan
Faction: The New Republic
Rank: Lieutenant
Force Sensitive: No
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital: Married
Children: One (daughter)
Appearance:Tycho is above average built, but not too muscular due to poor nutrition growing up and rations during his term on Kessel being very poor. He has a three tattoos, one on his left wrist, and another on the left bicep. He has one the goes across his collarbone that says 'Strength' in Aurebesh. This man's clothing varies from day to day. He has dark eyes with an intense gaze that can either appear threatening or attractive depending on the person. Some may say his appearance is sexy. A scar goes along from the right side of his forehead down to the right side of his face to just above the jawline.

Strengths & Weaknesses:Due to his criminal background, Tycho has a tough guy personality where he will very rarely smile. He doesn't bend easily or give into demands just as things start to look bad.
Tycho is a very caring person. He cares about everyone who he sees as friends or family. Those that are closest to him are family. He also cares about the safety of his comrades, so he always plans battle or theft missions very carefully. Some may say he is OCD when it comes to planning for missions.
Once someone has gained his friendship or alliance, that person will always find him backing him or her up. Of course if someone was to break his trust, there is a good chance he will find a way to stab that person back. Only one time though to get the message across that the friendship is over. After that, he doesn't hold any grudges.
Though he does not like the upper most class of society. Not since it seemed the rich don't give a rip about how their corrupt policies affect those lower than them. This sometimes leads him to mess with them in someway, perhaps even being a little hostile. Though if an upper class civilian is being kind, Tycho will return the favor.
Because of his criminal background, that he is trying to get out of, Tycho is very cautious and suspicious of others. If given the reason he will even be suspicious of those that are closest to him. But seems to always stay one or two steps ahead of those who are his enemies. Some would say that he is very cunning and intelligent for someone who had hardly any education.
Other Gear/ Trophies:
Garderffii Stick (Gained after killing a Tusken Warlord is more so of a trophy than a weapon)
Tycho is a very caring person. He cares about everyone who he sees as friends or family. Those that are closest to him are family. He also cares about the safety of his comrades, so he always plans battle or theft missions very carefully. Some may say he is OCD when it comes to planning for missions.
Once someone has gained his friendship or alliance, that person will always find him backing him or her up. Of course if someone was to break his trust, there is a good chance he will find a way to stab that person back. Only one time though to get the message across that the friendship is over. After that, he doesn't hold any grudges.
Though he does not like the upper most class of society. Not since it seemed the rich don't give a rip about how their corrupt policies affect those lower than them. This sometimes leads him to mess with them in someway, perhaps even being a little hostile. Though if an upper class civilian is being kind, Tycho will return the favor.
Because of his criminal background, that he is trying to get out of, Tycho is very cautious and suspicious of others. If given the reason he will even be suspicious of those that are closest to him. But seems to always stay one or two steps ahead of those who are his enemies. Some would say that he is very cunning and intelligent for someone who had hardly any education.
Other Gear/ Trophies:
Garderffii Stick (Gained after killing a Tusken Warlord is more so of a trophy than a weapon)
1. Tycho can speak seven languages in total. Galactic Basic, Zabraki Jablogese, Rodian, Twi'leki,Huttsese, Mandalorian
2. Tycho is extremely good at planning attacks or moves to escape a bad situation or a battle that has gone south.
3. Calm: During battle Tycho has a tendency to remain calm even during a battle that has gone south.
4. Marksmanship: Tycho is one hell of a marksmen and very rarely misses his target. He can expertly take out anyone with any rifle that is handed to him.
1. Extreme Loss: After losing his wife and believing her to be dead. Tycho has been having an extreme amount of emotions ranging from guilt to extreme depression. Basically emotions a grieving person will express.
2. Overprotective: Losing his wife has triggered Tycho to bwcome extremely protective of his young daughter. So much so that he will become aggressive if someone who does not have permission approaches or says a word to his daughter.
3. Temperamental: From time to time Tycho could become temperamental. But mostly when it is in regards to protecting his daughter. He is usually very calm during battle and very rarely snaps.
4. Drinking: When Tycho is overloaded with stress or the emotions from losing his wife, Tycho does have the habit of drinking. But not to the point he becomes violent. Just enough to help him sleep or get something out. He never drinks while his daughter is awake.
Born and raised in the slums of Nar Shaddaa. His father died of some illness going around two weeks before Tycho was born. His mother had lived in the slums of Nar Shaddaa all her life working hard to earn just enough money to feed herself and her son. Though she never earned enough to say that they were guaranteed to be able to eat the next day. Growing up in the streets of Nar Shaddaa was a tough life for anyone, more so for a young child. Growing up on the streets does have it's perks. One he learned quicker than children from other classes of society, and learned survival skills as well as how to be strong. The other is that he has picked up on a handful of languages from across the galaxy as well as stories that one may not hear in a classroom setting.
As his mother worked, Tycho had to fend for himself and stay out of trouble. Unknown to his mother the boy started living the life of crime. At the age of six the boy started pickpocketing drunkards for their wallets, making off with a decent sum of money each day. His mother just thought that her son found a way to get money the honest way. Well that was partially true since an Imperial Officer paid the boy to take messages to outposts within the city. But the money he was paid was barely enough to buy a meal or two. So during his deliveries was when he committed his crimes. Of course there was one time he was reported, but the drunkard was passed off as simply forgetting he had spent all of his money on alcohol and women. So little Tycho got away with the crime.
While around the age of six while on a delivery run. Tycho stopped to listen to an old man who was rambling on about Jedi and the Force. Now the boy has heard of these same stories and rumors from others. But this was a far different encounter. While others passed him off, the boy sat down next to the old man to listen. He absorbed everything that the man was telling him. The convincing factor being that while the man was talking to him a passing guard tripped on the old man's cane. The result being the old man's cane being thrown. When the guard passed, the old man brought the object back to himself. While the boy sat there stunned, the old man winked at him before walking away.
At the age of eight the boy came down with an illness going around that was deadly to children, unlike the middle and upper classes the lower class had no access to medical care. So children were dying left and right due to this highly contagious illness. Tycho was lucky to have survived, but the illness severely scarred his lungs to the point he wheezes when pushed too far physically.
As soon as he was able to walk, Tycho started working for the officer once again delivering anything and everything he, the other officers and soldiers needed. He was not well enough to pick back up on his old habits. The pay was still not that great but it was all that he can do for now. It will be his one and only chance at an honest life.
When Tycho was thirteen years old his mother became ill. He went to the officer he usually reports to for work and begged him to help his mother. But the officer wouldn't help stating that slums are not worth using precious resources on. The boy severed his ties with the Imperials and took care of his mother until the inevitable happened. After his mother passed away his crimes increased ten fold. Instead of small crimes, Tycho started plotting to steal goods from the Empire. But in the way that Imperials stationed at Nar Shaddaa are accustomed to seeing. To start, the teenager started stalking officers and soldiers to learn where the easiest places are to steal. As well as when to steal. He even started pickpocketing the officers and soldiers for keys or gear.
The first big crime was rather easy. With the help of some carefully chosen teammates, the plan was to steal weapons bound for Corellia and Korriban. With the size of their group it was rather easy and with the officers and soldiers going on break. The weapons and other goods were stolen and the security cameras disabled so the Empire won't find out who stole the weapons and other goods the team took off with. Tycho sold his share of the goods to the Black Market. The Empire will lose track of the stolen goods and the young man got a large sum of money, but Tycho only kept a small portion of the money. The rest went to other slums in need.
The jobs continued without fail. But eventually the Empire responded by sending more guards with their goods. And the security at the landing pads were increased and the command changed. But the teenager only upped his end of the game. He never killed a man except for once when the officer he used to help caught him in the act. The officer was killed and all evidence destroyed. So he was never discovered to be responsible for the man's disappearance.
At the age of fifteen his luck appeared to be running out. He allowed one of his comrades to bring along someone who Tycho suspected was what criminals referred to as a squealer. But at the time the teenager was just glad to have more hands to help with the job. That was until the squealer was captured and ratted everyone out. The teenager was captured and jailed for forty eight hours since the job was a small profile crime. During the forty-eight hours Tycho was starved and beaten to encourage him to pursue a better path. Even though someone as low as him has little chance of finding a decent job. His crimes continued but better organized and executed. The team members may have changed for each job. But Tycho remained in charge.
At the age of sixteen the teenager met his first crush and lover. The fiery haired Amelia who had a mind that matched her good looks. The two hit it off straight away with flawless teamwork. At first it was every now and then that the two worked together but as time passed the two started working together all the time. It went on like this until at the age of nineteen Tycho got Amelia pregnant. One would think that during this time that he would find a way to earn a living honestly. But he was too far into the game to quit now. With Amelia out of action due to her pregnancy, Tycho continued the jobs either on his own or a select few of people. He was excited to become a father and after months of eagerly waiting the day came. They will have a baby girl the two named Kaytee. But the happy times will not last. Roughly a year later an illness swept through all the classes of society. But unlike the upper classes those in the lower will not have access to life saving medicine. First he will watch as his infant daughter succumbed to the illness despite his best efforts, then four days later he will lose his wife. He will catch the same illness but will survive.
Deep in grief, Tycho locked himself away for weeks to grieve. Not doing anything to take care of himself, refusing work. After weeks of grieving Tycho took his first job since losing Amelia and Kaytee. But his head was not in the game. While trying to take off with more than what he can carry, he was captured. His trial was quick and the sentence harsh. Kessel. Tycho knew that he will literally be walking into hell and that it is a death sentence if he doesn't learn how to survive or figure out how to escape.
If surviving the streets of Nar Shaddaa was a challenge and life difficult. His six years on Kessel was hell and will take a miracle to survive. Between the hard work, poor rations, and the abusive nature of the guards life was so difficult that it was beginning to have an affect on the young man's health. But he managed to make a few trustworthy connections that will at least allow him to get some rest when the guards are not looking and maybe a little extra time to eat when permitted. Just as he had good connections though, there were some who placed a target on Tycho's back. At one point while Tycho was hard at work to stay out of the guard's radar, one of these men purposely knocked over the young man's sack of ore he had been working to collect for the past hour.
Having enough of being bullied, beaten and his rations stolen by the Twi'lek, Tycho got into a nasty fight with the man. It had it's perks; one of them being that the others who bullied him will think twice. Who wants to be bested by a bloke who is not in the best of health? Not a good label to have among the prisoners. But the downside was that he was heavily, brutally punished by the guards.
After the beating he received for the fight Tycho kept his head low. But was looking for a way to escape, his behavior caught the attention of another man who was eager to escape as well. But while the bloke was nervous about such a move. Tycho was serious. He not only wanted to get off Kessel, but if he was going to survive he has to get out of there. The young man had no idea how much longer he will survive in these conditions. So he used his skills he learned on the streets and jobs he did to pin point escape points and guards he can pick pocket or lose their gear so easily. The nineteen year old managed to steal a few keys and even a blaster. He stashed them away where no one will find his loot. Now it was just finding a way to escape. The chance came unexpectedly when a small portion of the cavern and a few other men were working in, including his nervous partner, collapsed. Unfortunately his partner was caught in the pile along with a few others. Knowing his friend was dead and that the commotion will give him the chance he needed Tycho ran down the maze of tunnels he memorized during his time there. The teenager was not able to go back for his loot though since it was in the opposite direction. Coming to the hanger was when for the first time that he has ever hesitated about something. If he is caught he will be either killed on the spot or beaten to death.
The chance for freedom was well worth the risk. So Tycho took it, smuggling himself onto one of the cargo ships that was presently being loaded up with precious ore. The young man found a loosened panel within the hall of the ship, squeezing himself in. The young man never felt so anxious in his life as he waited for the ship to take off. Eventually he felt the familiar feeling of the ship taking off. Tycho was one step closer to freedom. He slept during the entire flight, though waking up to make sure he hadn't been found out. Naturally the young man was panicked as he felt the ship land. Having no idea if he was back on Kessel or a heavily guarded platform. The teenager found that the platform was not guarded and in fact close to a patch of forest.
Hiding behind a damaged crate full of ore he helped himself to a couple pieces since it will fetch him decent money. As the ship’s crew were busy unloading and no one paying attention he made a mad dash for the forest. Some did pursue but he was already long gone by the time they realized that Tycho was a stowaway.

Tycho found out that the ship had taken him to Dantooine. A planet that is usually agriculture work with small towns here and there. Upon arriving Tycho found himself in some trouble when he bumped into a drunk Nerf Rancher. The bloke immediately moved towards using violence as he swung at the nineteen year old. The teenager was so well coordinated and focused that he was able to take down the rancher. Though due to his poor health it was not easy to take him down. His actions brought on the attention of the man who owned a Saloon called The Lucky Lady. The man preferred to be referred to as ‘Uncle Al’. He offered Tycho a job and a room in the Saloon. An offer he would be incredibly stupid to refuse. The teenager accepted the job that was rather fun and paid well, making sure that no fights broke out in the bar floor itself. Those who wanted to take a swing at each other did so in a ring for that very purpose. When Tycho's health recovered he was often tossed into the ring here and there when someone had a bone to pick with him.
At one point a fight broke out when a young lady refused one man while she was notoriously flirting with another. So the rancher and the farm hand got into a scrape with the woman stuck in the middle trying to break them up. Tycho was just helping bring in a case full of alcohol. Seeing the fight the young man walked over and knocked out both men. That was the first time Tycho got on Uncle Al's bad side. Though the man was not angry with him for long. The teenager took up smuggling to bring his employer better alcohol at a better price than he was previously paying. But as the man became more impressed, his demands became far too risky. Risky to the point that Tycho quit working for the man. The teenager wondered from one ranch to the next looking for odd jobs to do or permanent work. But being someone with a sketchy background made work hard to come across.
Eventually he came across a man by the name of John Cassidy, a low life like himself desperate to make a living. The man dreamed of starting a ranch. But how he was aiming to start the life was not honest. He planned to steal livestock and gear from other ranchers. John hired Tycho to help him steal Nerf's and other livestock from ranchers. He knew it was wrong. But Tycho is desperate for the money as he has gone without a decent meal or shelter for some time. Though the one man that John assigned him to steal from was the wrong man to mess with.
After the encounter with the angry farmer. Tycho boarded a ship for Corellia and with it severed his ties to Cassidy for good. There Tycho plans to hook up with some rebels to do some real damage to The Empire.

After the incident on Dantooine Tycho seemed to vanish from public records. That was until he started doing missions for The New Republic that ranged in goals from rescuing civilians to infiltrating Imperial facilities. He put 100% or more into missions he participated in. He does have some notable moments that may have gotten him noticed.
The first being a incident that took place on a section of Tatooine where a Tusken Warlord was committing violent raids against a small, isolated town. Often resulting in brutal murders and people going missing after the raids along with much needed goods and supplies being destroyed or stolen. Tycho took his small group and put together a well planned strategy that not only defended the town but resulted in the Tuskens being defeated. During the battle Tycho battled and killed the Tusken Warlord, taking his staff as a trophy. When the Tusken Warlord was defeated the Tuskens in the area fleed all together.
His second notable moment was when Tycho led a small group into the Network Access on Nar Shaddaa and brought the whole thing down without losing one man and getting everyone out before the Empire could scramble enough troops to react to his bold strike.
Basically all of the missions that Tycho has led were bold moves that may not have been expected to happen.
It was sometime after his move on Nar Shadda that Tycho met a Jedi Knight. After months, years of time together the two got married. When Tycho was told by his wife that he was going to be a father again he was both excited and terrified of the idea of being a father again. Mostly because he was afraid of losing a wife and child again. But none of the fears stopped the excitement or him from being a dedicated husband and father in between missions. However his fesr came to existance during an incident with an attack carried out by Mandalorians. Despite trying everything he can to get his wife and child to safety the ship was shot down. When Tycho came around he found his wife missing and his daughter injured. To add to it. He and his child were locked in a cell and given no medical attention despite he pleads for the Mandalorians to tend to his child. But after some plotting the man managed to escape and get his child to safety. Despite getting back to the safety of the New Republic, the thought that his wife is dead has been eating away at him and that his daughter will be growing up without a mother.
Ship & Gear:Ship
Kills & Bounties:
Roleplays:Name/Link = Status
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