Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Classification: Missile/Carrier

Role: Assault Carrier

Height: 600meters

Width: 300meters

Length: 1500meters

Power Core Generator/Reactor: 4 SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor

Hyperdrive Rating: 1.0 Backup: 5.0

Minimum Crew: THERE IS NO CREW

Optimal Crew: ITS A DROID

Proton Torpedo Misile Tube(100)- 250 Missiles on board
Cuncussion Missile Tube(150)- 450 Missiles on board

50,000 Seraphim Droids
10,000 Spider Droids
100 Blades

Non-Combative Attachments: The Tycho class droid is equipped with a myriad of sensors and the standard attachments one would find on a starship. However certain things upon the ship are entirely missing, life support being the biggest. Also the ship is equipped with a massively powerful transceiver meant to send out Omni's AI signal to other ships, thereby allowing it to hack other starships computers and guide its weaponry and droids to where they needed to go.

Passenger Capacity: None

Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 7
History:The Tycho is perhaps Omni's most secretive project. This class of droid was designed, built and copied over and over again entirely in view of the rest of the galaxy. The Ship sized droid was built in massive chunks on hundreds of different worlds, then shipped by Omni to one single system where droids then assembled the parts together. The Tycho is a fearsome starship, its size matches that of an Imperial Star Destroyer MK II though its function is wholly different. The Tycho is not an assault ship, instead it enters a system and releases its massive swarm of Seraphim droids, using them as a means of attack and defense. Along with this the Tycho will sling missiles into the fray, using them to soften and blow apart enemy ships allowing the Seraphim to go into enemy vessels and wreak havoc on the crew.
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