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Approved NPC Tychus Qel-Droma

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Age: 51
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Old then most of the jedi under his command with darker greying hair and pockmarked skin from several battles. Thick mid section and muscle from being in space for long periods of time and not often going ground side to be in actual gravity. Darkly bronzed skin with darker eyes and a demeanor of seriousness that radiates off and is meant to command the presence in the room when he speaks.
  • Name: Tychus Qel-Droma
  • Loyalties: Silver Jedi/ Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
  • Wealth: Jedi Stipend
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills: Skilled in instinctive navigational skills, pilots, engineering and shipbuilding.
  • Languages: Basic, several trade languages
  • Personality: Serious in speech and nature compared to many of the other jedi, he is steadfastly loyal to the lightside and the jedi themselves. Aligning himself with the views needed that protect others. Though there is a softspot as he is from the Altisians and one of the children of the jedi protecting the bloodlines of force dynasties with a more ruthless nature when lives are threatened or confronted by beings willing to sacrifice and expend lives for their cause.
  • Astrogation: Often seen as one of the stronger navigators within the Kenobi fleet and aware of changes. Tychus can feel and calculate and feel how to fly the fleet though space.
  • Commanding Presence: Highly trained and respected among the Kenobi fleet to the point he is often invigorating when in command of the fleet and leading them into situation through revitalization.
  • Aged: Older and after spending years in the chair leading has started to take its toll. Failing eyesight, stiff muscles and joints as well as less stamina.
  • Thick in the middle: While he is physically imposing the older master is considered overweight by some scales... time in space and being in the chair have slowed his movement.
Born among the Altisian jedi that were once hidden. Corvus and Matsu found the golden path a series of clues spread across several worlds that were used to lead others to them. He was one fo the primary protectors trained to defend the jedi children meeting the two jedi masters when they arrived and joining them along with two others who went to the jedi at the time. Seeing different orders he was largely confused but when Corvus vanished letting his decision be clear as he joined the jedi master Matsu. Training with her aand learning while they worked to build more for the jedi to create safeworlds and sanctuary planets if needed in the event of Sith dominion orr attacks like the dangerous netherworld. The first indication was the Kenobi fleet which Tychus found himself liking and as he started to work as a pilot among the few jedi aces that there were he found a better affinity.

HE spent years working with the otherr pilots and those who were developing the ships moving among the various iterations of the Silver jedi's fleet until the jedi master was going into the unknown. On a quest for other orders but was also building more... many pilots followed as Matsu had developed a great many ships they would be abel to use and the small developed fleet was just a handful of ships and fighters able to move... then they made a base at the ancient world of Ahch-To and were able to move out and expand with shipyards the jedi master was making across the galaxy in remote locations. The Kenobi fleet was developing as newer technologies was developed and the jedi master created some of the first generation fighters and ships within the fleet.

Tychus distinguished himself getting command of a smaller vessel and slowly moving up as he was able to watch more. THey moved about in the Unknown regins fo the galaxy and when Matsu and Maple fought the Kanzer it was one fo the first time the fleet was presented against another fleet of ships. Getting attacked and doing well enough but his ship became damaged being evacuated as he looked at it and stewed seeing how the Kanzer went to try and tear the ships apart and get maximum amounts of casualities. The life pods the next to be targeted.... So he continued to sit there and watch it.... then decided to do something as they were rescued and his frustration boiled over. Taking command as he was one of the highest ranked after the commander was killed in an explosion.

The force flowed from him and the men under his command felt it standing taller even in the thick of the fight that was draining all of them. He revitalilzed them and the the men pulled together better as the stewing over what was being done paid off and he used their tactics of wanting to get close and cause damage against them. Turning the battle around as he was promoted and put in charge of what was being the first of several jedi main ships the Skywalker. As the jedi master who was building the ships advanced much of what they had they continued to fight through the unknown regions and tactically retreated from the eternal empire at Ahch-To but were moved back towards Kashyyyk as she took the position of grandmaster when the council seemed to have disappeared.

Tychus was promoted eventually to admiral of the Kenobi fleet and it was a reserve fleet that would aid the several fleets of the silver jedi. With the ghost fleet shadowing them less because they were new and more because the stealth fleet moved with the smaller fleet and could reinforce as needed. Tychus facing down House Io over dressel and seeing mostly their brute force tactics as just trying to destroy everything with hheavy lasers. He worked with Sala'dine and Gir quee to develop a number of new technologies and ships. The kenobi fleet serving to escort the silver rest and the high plane of heaven to the ancilla along with a number of the jedi masters were were brought back from missions for the grandmaster across the galaxy with the concords dissolution.
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