Tyden Sheppard
Heroes, there is no such thing

"Some people call me a Terrorist, I consider myself a Teacher"
Name: Tyden Von'kra Sheppard
Alias: Street Rat, Tyden, Tanner, IndoActrius
Titles: WarLord of Courscant, Gladiator Supreme of Geonosis, Crime Lord of Courscant, Terrorist IndoActrius
Rank: Crime Leader of the OCAG, CrimeLord, WarLord, Terrorist
HomeWorld: Courscant, Noble Birth and House
Current Location: Courscant, Underworld
Species: Human
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 6'6
Weight: 245Lbs
Body Type: Muscular and lean
Eyes: Gray with a inner turquoise blue
Hair: Onyx Black
Skin: Caucasian / Tan
Force Sensitive: No
Voice Sample: David Tennant
Strengths & Weaknesses:
(+)Close-Quarters Combat Mastery - Due to both being a gladiator and highly skilled in close-quarters combat, Tyden had become quite powerful in close-quarters combat
(+)Sword Mastery - Due to both being a gladiator and highly skilled in sword combat, Tyden has become quite a swordsmen and is able to defeat most people using swords
(-)Wanted Man - Due to being a terrorist and crimelord, Tyden is highly wanted in some systems, the most notable being Tattoine and Geonosis
(-)Physiological - Tyden is emotional and physiological unstable causing him to reacts strangely and just use pure anger and hate during situations
Personality: Tyden is a typical CrimeLord. A psychopath in all the senses, emotions, greed, pain, pride, selfishness and last but not least, the pleasure in torturing his victims. Although even with being a psychopath Tyden remains perfectly calm during situations others would call folly or just plain hopeless. Surprisingly, for being a psychopath he is remarkably intelligent but just as savage ad he is intelligent. Tyden finds joy within the pain and suffering of others but when his own family or friends are harmed he turns savage against you and will not rest until you are unable to hurt his loved ones whether that means he killed you, amputates a arm or just plainly deliver a fatal blow to your head or break all of your bones. At times, Tyden is able to see the larger scope of many things but not the smaller more significant scope at times which could possibly lead to his failure in terrorist plots. Now, he was also a Terrorist not caring about what he did to other but more of what he wanted to show them...his power and might to change the galaxy and the republic forever. Being a terrorist had all of the previously stated attributes but also showing no need to show mercy and to rather see the fallen before his feet suffer rather than give them any hope of dying quickly....either way......they would have died.
Wealth: Tyden is a powerful CrimeLord although the location of his base of operations is still unknown even through major investigation by police forces and security forces upon Tattoine and Geonosis. Although, the true wealth of Tyden is unknown, judging by the weapons and some of the men he commands it suggests that Tyden is extremely wealthy. A possibly close amount to his wealth it totaled at 45,000+.
Appearance: Tyden wears the appearance of a standard young man. He stands at a total of 6'6 weighing in at 245lbs with muscle included within. His hair remains a Onyx Black while it is spiked back and a black beard circles around his mouth starting from his nose and ending at his chin. His build is both muscular and lean. Tyden had a few scars circling around his face while some run down his spine, chest, ankles and forearms due to years of enslavement and being a gladiator upon Geonosis. His skin is a deep tan but still with signs of white in in mostly due to the scorching sun of Geonosis making his skin tan rather quickly. Although the stance of Tyden shows easily that of a man who desires pride and awards who would do anything to gain such things. Tyden's left eye is missing due to some time of being a gladiator and slave upon Geonosis. An Anarchy tattoo lies tattooed upon the palm of Tyden's right hand. A Chaos symbol tattoo lies upon the right shoulder of Tyden. A Alchemist tattoo runs down the length of Tyden's back reaching from his neck to the middle of his spine. Upon his right knuckles is the word Chaos in black letters and on his left knuckles is the word Crime in black letters.
Possessions: (WIP)
History: As a child, Tyden grew up within a high ranking senatorial family upon Courscant when it was still under rule of the Republic. For his early life, Tyden went to a rich school known as, New Plaza Academy. Within this academy, he learned about the most common educational subjects along with learning about politics and languages. Tyden went on leave from school once he went with is mother and his father to the planet Geonosis. Upon Geonosis, his mother and father were killed right in front of his eyes and he was taken in as a slave under Parcius'Al the Hutt. This Hutt was a powerful warlord upon Geonosis who somehow took control of Jabba the Hutts palace during it's abandonment for many, many years. For many years, Tyden was used for manual labor and was forced to do labor as a child which was more commonly outlawed by the Republic and Jedi Order. Once Tyden reached the age of sixteen he was forced to fight within the areas with nothing but a silver breastplate, loincloth and a rusted dagger. But within a couple months of constant fighting within the Colosseum, Tyden began to grow a small but soon to be powerful name for himself along with a collection of scars. During these particular months were when Tyden experienced the most horrendous thing which would latter lead him down to the life of a psychopath and terrorist much latter within his life. During these months, he also lost his left eye due to a stray steel pointed arrow which gauged his eye out. After many weeks of being in the infirmary, it was thought that Tyden would be put down but he somehow made a miraculous recovery and he lived. Tyden continued to fight within the incoming months until he reached the age of eighteen which was when he escaped back onto Courscant when a slave ship docked upon the star-ship harbor on Courscant. Once back upon his homeworld, Tyden became known as the StreetRat within the underworld of Courscant and he killed and stole for his sole survival. Tyden trained himself for a few years until a man known as Gaul'Asu came to his hobble of a home and taught him all he knew. Once Tyden reached age twenty-three he killed Gaul'Asu which would finally insure his success within the future. Tyden from then on, took on the role of a criminal and a year later became a crimelord and then a month after that, became a terrorist. His first acts of Terrorism were upon Geonosis and Tattoine due to his hate of slavers and Hutts alike plus these worlds had nothing to offer him as a crimelord in illegal goods. Tyden bombed many areas upon Geonosis and Tattoine with human bombs and kamikazes and eventually, he finally bombed and killed Parcius'Al the Hutt with a fatal bomb attack and a gas explosion which took out a small chunk of Jabba the Hutts palace.
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Beginner, Experienced, Highly Experienced, Master, Legendary
. Close-Quarters Combat - Legendary
. Sword Combat - Legendary
. Bomb Making - Master
. Persuasion - Experienced
. Ranged Combat - Experienced
. Plan Making - Experienced
. Survival Instincts - Highly Experienced
. Piloting - Experienced
. Smiting - Beginner
. Dual Wielding - Master
. Robbery - Legendary
. Hacking - Highly Experienced
. Knife Throwing - Highly Experienced
Confirmed Kills: N/A
Bounty: N/A
Collected Bounties: N/A